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User Verification: Implement a user verification process before allowing users to upload
or download documents. This can include requiring users to provide their real name, address,
phone number, and other contact information. It can also involve verifying user identity through
a government-issued ID, such as a passport or driver's license.

Payment Verification: Require users to enter valid payment information before they can
upload or download documents. This can include requiring a valid credit card, PayPal account,
or other payment method. Payment verification can help prevent fraudulent transactions and
deter scammers.

Content Moderation: Monitor uploaded content to ensure that it does not contain
scams or fraudulent information. This can involve using AI-powered content moderation tools
that can flag potentially fraudulent documents or block users from uploading such content.

Flagging System: Implement a flagging system that allows users to report any suspicious
activity or fraudulent documents. This can be combined with a review process that checks
flagged content for scams or other fraudulent activity.

User Feedback: Encourage users to leave feedback and ratings on uploaded documents.
This can help other users determine the quality and legitimacy of the documents and can also
help flag fraudulent content.

Terms of Service: Have clear terms of service that outline what behavior is acceptable
on the platform and what is not. This can include policies on scams, fraudulent activity, and
other forms of abuse. Make sure users agree to the terms of service before using the platform.

User Education: Educate users on the risks of online scams and how to spot and avoid
them. Provide resources and educational materials to help users identify scams and stay safe

Fraud Detection Technology: Implement fraud detection technology such as machine

learning algorithms that can detect fraudulent activities and alert the platform administrators.
This can include monitoring for suspicious patterns, unusual account activity, or other signs of
fraudulent behavior.
I hope these topics provide you with some insights into how to prevent users from
scamming online share tools such as Scribd.

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