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Usually show s/s when
K > 7 mmol/L in CKD pts
 Muscle weakness or paralysis Uric acid > 430 mmol/L (males)
 ECG abnormalities > 360 mmol/L (females)
 Cardiac conduction abnormalities TREATMENT
 Cardiac arrhythmia
 Decrease dietary acid load
(less protein, more fruits/veggies)
 Sodium bicarbonate
If pt is symptomatic or if xanthine oxidase inhibitors o Used to maintain serum
bicarbonate within normal range
K > 6.5 mmol/L  ER  DO NOT USE NSAIDs, (24-30 mmol/L)
even just PRN  Allopurinol 100-400 mg od  Calcium citrate, acetate,
 IV calcium to antagonize  Colchicine 0.3-0.6 mg o Adjust dose based on eGFR carbonate also help increase
membrane action BID-TID PRN (<30 mL/min) due to
accumulation of oxypurinol
o Protect cardiac tissue o Adjust dose based o Not as efficient as sodium bicarb
 IV infusion insulin/glucose to o Causes mobilization of uric
on eGFR
acid from tissue deposit   Dialysis corrects metabolic
drive extracellular potassium  Prednisone 25-50 mg increase risk of gout attacks acidosis through HD dialysate
into cell po daily x 5-7 days when initiating solution, or PD solution
 Remove excess K+ o No taper needed  Use colchicine/ containing sodium bicarbonate
o K+ binders, diuretics (loop, prednisone for 5-7 d
thiazide), dialysis  Febuxostat 40-80 mg po od
o Sodium and calcium o For pts intolerant to
polystyrene 15-30 mg po alopurinol
3x/wk to daily
 Stop meds increasing K+
o RAAS inhibitors, NSAIDs
PROTEINURIA: ACEI/ARBs – used regardless of pt’s BP, if pt can tolerate it (BP, SCr or K+)
 No eGFR cutoff to which patient won’t benefit from ACEI/ARB therapy but be more cautious w/ CKD 4-5
 Check SCr and K+ within 1-2 weeks of starting or uptitrating ACEI/ARB
o May need to stop or decrease ACEI/ARB if SCr increases by > 30% or K+ > 6
Miriam Ahmed  SICK DAY MANAGEMENT: hold ACEI/ARB during period of volume depletion

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