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I usually don’t follow a routine and do something that is not on my to-do list.

I don’t like to wake up early

in the morning to do all the chores around the house and my lessons. I tend to wake up a minute before
class and I feel more rested.

When I wake up, I have a minute to wipe my eyes, wash my face, drink water, and I manage all this in one
minute. When the first couple is over, I have 15 minutes to go to the bathroom, take a shower, wash my
hair if it’s Friday or Tuesday, and put makeup on my face. I always do it with music, I love jazz, so I always
dance and sing while I work. Maybe my neighbors are tired of it, but I can’t live without music, it’s too

I can have breakfast or just something to eat during classes, for example if it’s a lecture, because in practice
I can’t eat. I usually have breakfast, something very filling, so that by the end of the day I’m not hungry and
I’m not distracted by food. It can be potatoes, fried or boiled, meat or salad. Can be spaghetti with sauce.
During a break or window, my mother and I drink coffee and enjoy a conversation.

After studying, I clean the room so that you can study cleanly. I can always leave things out of place, so
daily cleaning has become a routine and a salvation for me, for example, when I lost my T-shirt in a pile of
things, or a pen on the table on which there are notebooks and other things.

After steaming and cleaning, I have to go to work, I work at a nail salon, and I make people happy. I think
this is my vocation, I like my work and I get pleasure from it. And after work, it is possible to meet with
friends and have a good time in a cafe or in the park. I never plan meetings, I tend to spontaneous things
and meetings.

I am such a person who does not tend to do everything on the list. I do what my heart wants and what my
hands reach for.

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