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Nowadays, teenagers are crushed with tones of homework and usually spend all evenings on

studying for the exams. Some of them are so ambitious, that they may forgot to have a break from
learning which is necessary for their health. As a student I have a lot work to do every day after
school, but sometimes I also try to slow down and have some free time.

My favorite way to spend my leisure time is reading books, listening to music or watching videos or
TV series. Usually after long session of studying I like to do something relaxing and at which I don’t
need to think much. Sometimes I like to go for a long walk with my dog to have some fresh air.

I have very busy friends like me, so we don’t meet often. If there is an occasion that one of them is
free I try to do something with them. Once a week I meet with my boyfriend, Ignacy and sometimes I
manage to spend some time with my best friends Ala and Vera. I met them when we were kids and
since then we are inseparable.

During summer holidays or other long periods of free time I like to travel and visit new places. I enjoy
learning about other cultures and trying new things. I think this is my favorite way of relaxing.

To sum up, I enjoy spending time with myself as much as with my closest ones. I prefer to relax and
regenerate doing basic stuff but I also like to see some new places if I have an occasion to do it.

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