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Your best holiday.

Holidays is something that every one is expectant about. But it’s very important to do things
that make you be over the moon, and not that make you be like watching paint dry. For that
reason, I'm going to introduce you my best holidays ever.

This holidays were in a cruise, doing a rute in the Mediterranean ocean. We traveled by the
Italian coast, with one of the biggest ship that exists up to the moment. I traveled with my
parents, my sister and my boyfriend, also with my great aunt, and her daughter (including
her Childs) To sum up we were around fourteen people.

This trip is the best of my life because I was surrounded of a lot of people, and I was living
the dream. It was extremely funny because we were like the half of the cruise, and we
couldn't stop giving the note because of the noisy we were.

The trip lasted one week, and we visited Rome, Venice, Livorno and two more cities from
Italy. We leverage the afternoons to enjoy the ship water park and the mornings to visit the
different touristic places.

In conclusion choose your holidays in base of your dreams, or you can be like turkey voting
for christmas.

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