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2022 JC1 H2 Chemistry (9729)

Tutorial 9: Galvanic Cells
(Suggested Answers)

Level 1 – Self–Check Questions

*1 (a) Standard electrode potential, E, of a half–cell is the relative potential of

this half–cell under standard conditions as compared with the
standard hydrogen electrode whose electrode potential is assigned as
The standard hydrogen electrode consists of H2(g) at 1 bar bubbling over Pt
electrode coated with finely divided Pt which is dipped into 1 mol dm–3
H+(aq) at 298 K.

Standard cell potential, Ecell, is the electromotive force of a galvanic cell

which consists of two half–cells connected under standard conditions.
The value of E cell is the difference between the two standard electrode

(b) (i) Ni2+ + 2e  Ni 0.25 V (more –ve  [O])

2H + 2e  H2
+ 
0.00 V (more +ve  [R])

anode e e cathode
(negative) (positive)

H2(g), 1 bar,
salt bridge 298 K

1 mol dm3 1 mol dm3 H+(aq),

Ni (aq), 298 K 298 K
Ni(s) platinised Pt(s)

Note the E value on the voltmeter at first instance of cell being


(ii) Sn4+ + 2e  Sn2+ +0.15 V (more +ve  [R])

2H+ + 2e  H2 0.00 V (more –ve  [O])

cathode e e anode
(positive) (negative)

1 mol dm3 H2(g), 1 bar,

salt bridge 298 K
1 mol dm3
Sn2+(aq), 1 mol dm3 H+(aq),
298 K 298 K
Pt(s) platinised Pt(s)
Note the E value on the voltmeter at first instance of cell being

2022 JPJC JC1 H2 Chemistry (9729) 1 Topic 9: Galvanic Cells

(iii) O2 + 2H+ + 2e  H2O2 +0.68 V (more +ve  [R])
2H + 2e  H2
+ 
0.00 V (more –ve  [O])

cathode e e anode
(positive) (negative)
O2(g), 1 bar, 298 K H2(g), 1 bar,
salt bridge 298 K
1 mol dm3
1 mol dm3 H+(aq), 1 mol dm3
298 K H+(aq), 298 K
platinised Pt(s)
Note the E value on the voltmeter at first instance of cell being

2 (a) Strongest reducing agent (i.e. itself oxidised  RHS and most ve E)
The strongest reducing agent is Cr.
Strongest oxidising agent (i.e. itself reduced  LHS and most +ve E)
The strongest oxidising agent is MnO4.

(b) (i) For Ecell to be the largest, Ered must be most positive and Eox must
be most negative since Ecell = Ered  Eox.

Cr2+/Cr and MnO4/Mn2+ electrodes would give the largest Ecell.

Ecell = (+1.52)  (0.91) = +2.43 V > 0 energetically feasible

(ii) Cr2+ + 2e  Cr E = 0.91 V

MnO4 + 8H+ + 5e  Mn2+ + 4H2O E = +1.52 V
e e
anode cathode
(negative) (positive)
salt bridge 1 mol dm3
1 mol dm3 MnO4(aq),
Cr2+(aq), 1 mol dm3 Mn2+(aq),
298 K 1 mol dm3 H+(aq),
298 K
Cr(s) Pt(s)

Electrons flow from Cr(s) electrode of Cr2+/Cr half–cell to Pt electrode

of MnO4–/Mn2+ half–cell (or indicate electron flow in the above
Reject “1 mol dm3 H2O(l)” as water is in excess and [H2O] remains
relatively constant at 55 mol dm3 as the cell discharges.

(iii) 2MnO4– + 16H+ + 5Cr  2Mn2+ + 5Cr2+ + 8H2O

2022 JPJC JC1 H2 Chemistry (9729) 2 Topic 9: Galvanic Cells

3 (a) Species present: Cu, Cu2+, Zn, Zn2+
Cu2+ + 2e  Cu E = +0.34 V ---[R] more +ve
Zn2+ + 2e  Zn E = 0.76 V ---[O] more –ve
E cell of each pair = (+0.34) – (0.76) = +1.10 V

Since the setup is made up of 5 pairs of Cu and Zn discs, the reading on

the voltmeter would be 5  1.10 V = 5.50 V.

(b) Discharge: Cu2+ + Zn  Cu + Zn2+

During discharge, Cu2+ will be reduced to Cu and Zn will be oxidised to Zn2+.
The mass of Cu discs increase and mass of Zn discs decrease.

As the reaction proceeds, [Cu2+] decreases and this causes the position of
equilibrium of Cu2+ + 2e  Cu to shift left, making E(Cu2+/Cu) to be
less positive (or more negative) than +0.34 V.

Also, the [Zn2+] increases and this causes the position of equilibrium of
Zn2+ + 2e  Zn to shift right, making E(Zn2+/Zn) to be less negative (or
more positive) than 0.76 V.
 The voltage decreases. 
  

Ecell  E Cu2+ /Cu  E Zn2+ /Zn
 
 
less positive more positive

4 Answer: B
Reducing agent reduces other species while itself is oxidised (i.e. species on RHS
of electrode potential equation  consider Br and Fe2+)
Reject Options A and C.
The stronger reducing agent will be the one with more negative (or less positive)
E .

5 Answer: D
Since there is no metal in the equation given, use Pt as electrode.
(reject A and B)
Since the equation involves Fe2+ and Fe3+, Y must have Fe2+ and Fe3+.

6 Answer: B
Species present: I and H2O2
I2(aq) + 2e  2I(aq) +0.54 --[O] more –ve than +0.68 V
2H+(aq) + O2(g) + 2e  H2O2(aq) +0.68
H2O2(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e  2H2O(l) +1.77 --[R]

Ecell = (+1.77) – (+0.54) = +1.23 V > 0 (energetically feasible)

Equation: 2I + H2O2 + 2H+  I2(aq) + 2H2O (aqueous I2 is brown)

2022 JPJC JC1 H2 Chemistry (9729) 3 Topic 9: Galvanic Cells

7 Answer: B
Species present: Sn2+, Sn4+, Cr2O72, Cr3+
E(Sn4+/Sn2+) = +0.15 V (more –ve  [O]  X is anode.
E(Cr2O72/Cr3+) = +1.33 V (more +ve  [R]  Y is cathode.
 Electrons flow from X to Y (reject A & C)
Ecell = Ered - Eox = (+1.33)  (0.15) = +1.18 V

8 Answer: C
From question, the reaction of SCN with Cl2 and with Br2 gives Ecell > 0 V but
with I2, Ecell < 0 V.
For Cl2 : Ecell = (+1.36) – x > 0  x < +1.36
For Br2 : Ecell = (+1.07) – x > 0  x < +1.07
For I2 : Ecell = (+0.54) – x < 0  x > +0.54
 +0.54 < x < +1.07

9 Answer: D
The question implies that there is no redox reaction (i.e. chemically stable) with O2
in the air (i.e. left to stand in atmosphere).
 Either the reagent can only be reduced (i.e. also on LHS of eqn) or Ecell < 0.

O2 + 2H2O + 4e  4OH E = +0.40 V

Fe(CN)6]3 + e  [Fe(CN)6]4 E = +0.36 V
Cr3+ + e  Cr2+ E = 0.41 V
Fe(OH)3 + e  Fe(OH)2 E = 0.56 V

1 Both O2 and [Fe(CN)6]3 cannot be reduced in the absence of a reducing

agent. Hence, [Fe(CN)6]3 is chemically stable when left to stand in the
 Since (1) is correct, reject Option C.
2 Ecell = (+0.40) – (-0.41) = +0.81 V > 0 (energetically feasible)
Hence, Cr2+ can be oxidized by O2 and is not chemically stable when left to
stand in the atmosphere.
 Since (2) is incorrect, reject Option A, B and C (i.e. Answer is D).
3 In the presence of NaOH(aq), Fe(OH)2 precipitate is formed.
Ecell = (+0.40) – (-0.56) = +0.96 V > 0 (energetically feasible)
Hence, Fe(OH)2 can be oxidized by O2 and is not chemically stable when left
to stand in the atmosphere.

10 Answer: A
1 Note: The equation for electrode 1 is written as an oxidation equation
Rewrite equation with forward as [R] reaction:
CH3CO2H + 4H+ + 4e  CH3CH2OH + H2O –-(1)
When [CH3CH2OH] , the position of equilibrium (1) shifts left, making
E(CH3CO2H/CH3CH2OH) becomes more negative.
 Since (1) is correct, reject Option B.
2 The oxidation state of H remains as +1 in both H+ and H2O. Hence, hydrogen
is not reduced at electrode 2.
 Since (2) is incorrect, reject Options B, C and D (i.e. Answer is A).
3 Oxygen is reduced at electrode 2 only. At electrode 1, it is the carbon atom
that was oxidised.

2022 JPJC JC1 H2 Chemistry (9729) 4 Topic 9: Galvanic Cells

11 Answer: C
Zn2+ + 2e  Zn E = -0.76 V ---[O] more -ve
2H + 2e  H2
+ 
E = 0.00 V ---[R] more +ve

E cell = (0.00) – (-0.76) = +0.76 V

X: If [Zn2+] > 1.00 mol dm3, the position of equilibrium of [O] will shift right,
making E(Zn2+/Zn) less negative (or more positive) than -0.76 V. Hence, Ecell
will decrease (or becomes less positive).
Y: If [H+] > 1.00 mol dm3, the position of equilibrium of [R] will shift right, making
E(H+/H2) more positive than 0.00 V. Hence, Ecell will increase (or becomes
more positive).

2022 JPJC JC1 H2 Chemistry (9729) 5 Topic 9: Galvanic Cells

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