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Achieving goals can often be more difficult than people realize . We may have
burning desire to see changes in our lives - less stress , a healthier lifestyle , more
money in the bank account - but actually implementing those changes involves
much more than merely motivation ( though that's necessary as well )! If you
already have the motivation , this information on achieving goals can help you
bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Visualize what you want

Books like the secret and concepts like The Law of Attraction have caught on in a
major way lately because they give voice to what most of us intuitively
understand : visualizing what you want in life is an assential step toward achieving
it .

Many people start with the concept like , I want to have more money ', ' I want to
live a healthier lifestyle', or ' I want to be happier ' . What they don't realize is that
these goals are vague and sweeping enough that it's very difficult to know what
steps to take , when you have done enough , or when you're close but need to make
a few changes in direction

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