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VMS Recruitment Software - What is it and why do you need


VMS (Vendor Management System) recruitment software is a powerful tool that companies
use to manage their contingent workforce, which includes temporary staff, independent
contractors, and freelancers. This software helps businesses streamline the hiring process
for their contingent workers, track their hours and expenses, and manage compliance and
reporting requirements.

Here are some of the key features and benefits of VMS recruitment software:

Centralized Management: VMS recruitment software offers a centralized platform to manage

the hiring process for contingent workers, including job requisitions, candidate submissions,
and onboarding. This helps companies maintain consistency and control over the hiring
process while reducing administrative overhead.

Supplier Management: VMS recruitment software enables companies to manage their

staffing suppliers, including vendor performance and compliance. VMS Recruitment Software
helps companies ensure they are working with high-quality staffing suppliers who can deliver
the right candidates at the right time.

Candidate Management: VMS recruitment software helps companies manage their

contingent worker candidates, including resume screening, interview scheduling, and
candidate feedback. This enables companies to quickly identify the best candidates for each
position and fill roles more efficiently.

Time and Expense Management: VMS recruitment software provides tools to manage time
and expenses for contingent workers, including time tracking, expense reporting, and
invoicing. This helps companies track their costs and ensure that they are paying their
contingent workers accurately and on time.

Compliance Management: VMS recruitment software helps companies manage compliance

and regulatory requirements, including tax and labor laws, worker classification, and
employee benefits. This helps companies reduce their risk of legal and financial penalties.

Reporting and Analytics: VMS recruitment software provides reporting and analytics features
that help companies track their hiring metrics and make data-driven decisions. This includes
metrics such as time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, and candidate quality.

Overall, VMS recruitment software is critical for companies that rely on a contingent
workforce to run their business. The software helps companies manage their hiring process,
track time and expenses, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. By
investing in VMS recruitment software, companies can improve their efficiency, reduce costs,
and better manage their contingent workforce.

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