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Unit 8.


TEXT A: Taxes
TEXT B: Taxation in the UK
TEXT C: Taxes are good
GRAMMAR: Pronouns. Adjectives. Adverbs. Comparison

People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women.
Author unknown

1. What are the main goods and services that any government provides to its citizens? If these things
were owned by private companies, we would be charged a fee for using them. What could happen
if someone could not afford fire protection, or trash collection, or national defence?
2. Where do governments get the money to pay for all these goods and services?
3. Make a list of different types of taxes you can think of. If you do not know their actual names, try to
describe what they are paid for.
4. What do you think a “good tax” may mean?


A. Reading drills
Ex.1. Read the words with the following letter combinations.
are [ɛə] welfare, care, dare, spare, rare, compare
ire [ɑiə] retire, require, fire, acquire, tire, expire
air [ɛə] fair, stair, pair, hair, air, lair
aw [ɔ:] law, lawn, awe, awful, awkward, paw

Ex.2. Read the following words with the letter g in different positions.
[g] degree, regulation, government, slogan, great, regardless
[dʒ] energy, engineering, generate, average, suggest, percentage, marginal
[ŋ] among, nothing, seeing, paying

Ex.3. Read the words in the groups bellow. Pay attention to the word stress.
a) words with the stress on the first syllable:
certain, operate, elderly, benefit, common, public, vary, burden, taxable, influence, social, fiscal,
modify, pattern, purpose, legal, levy, advocate, generate, governance, equity, equitable, argue,
loophole, standard, manner, principle, measure, recognise, average, marginal, total;
b) words with the stress on the second syllable:
except, society, accept, include, utilities, activity, distribute, security, performance, transaction,
transfer (v), discourage, taxation, degree, complain, criteria, efficient, intelligible, allow, withhold,
afford, discomfort, impose, proportional, progressive, regressive, percentage;
c) polysyllabic words with the main and secondary stress:
economic, engineering, infrastructure, education, unemployment, regulation, externalities,
representation, accountability.

Ex.4. Read and translate the following words.

Except, accept, throughout, vary, redistribute, social, society, disabled, transaction, purpose,
consequential, representation, externalities, accountability, governance, government, criterion, criteria,
equitable, argue, simplicity, intelligible, efficiency, withhold, measure, assume, percentage, average.

B. Word formation
Ex.5. Form verbs adding prefix re- as in the model. Explain what new meaning the prefix adds to
the words.
Model: write → rewrite
Distribute, price, do, apply, appoint, organise, appraise, make, build, construct, count, examine.

Ex.6. Identify each of the following words as a noun-thing, a noun-person, an adjective, or an

adverb. Translate the words into Ukrainian.
Taxation, physical, governance, accountability, recognize, theoretic, dangerous, manageable,
protection, difference, homeless, really, idealist, excellence, possible, leadership, society, shorten,
generate, specify, taxpayer, hopeful.

Ex.7. Choose the variant, A, B, or C, that correctly completes each sentence.

1. The __________ of the news was clear for everybody.
A importance B important C importantly
2. The company was unable to __________ enough profit to stay in business.
A generator B generate C generation
3. As your medical problem is so serious, you should see a __________ .
A specialize B special C specialist
4. The manager was able to __________ his team to perform better.
A motivate B motivator C motivation
5. It is __________ that they live so close to the university.
A conveniently B convenience C convenient
6. He gave an __________ incorrect answer to the question.
A obvious B obviously C obviate
7. It was necessary for the speaker to __________ her message.
A clarify B clarity C clarification
8. He was not concerned about the __________ of his actions.
A careless B carelessness C carelessly
9. The children ran __________ to the entrance of the park.
A excitedly B excited C excitement
10. I think this book is one of the most __________ novels of recent years.
A impression B impressionist C impressive

Active Vocabulary

Key terms: tax, taxation, legal tender, welfare, unemployment benefits, tax rate, fiscal policy,
transaction, externalities, flat tax, tax loophole, marginal.
Other words and expressions: to accept, to recognize, to provide, to carry out, functions,
protection, enforcement, to fund, to vary, to distribute, to influence, to support, to advocate, to imply,
accountability, governance, to complain, to tend, certain, criterion/criteria, efficient, impartial, fair, to
argue, dispute, amount, to allow, intelligible, to gain, to withhold, to benefit, to measure, average.
Linking words and phrases: on behalf of, in addition (to), while, yet, in order for smth /smb to do
smth, so that, both ... and, (al)though, first(ly)/second(ly), according to, regardless of, as (= while).

Benjamin Franklin once wrote, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death
and taxes”. Yes, we as a society have come to accept the inevitability of taxes. Everyone dislikes them,
but we recognize their need.
Taxes are any payment on behalf of the individual to the government. Taxes are used to pay for
all government services. Without taxes, the government would have no money to operate.
Purposes of Taxation
Funds provided by taxation have been used by governments throughout history to carry out
many functions. Some of these include the enforcement of law and public order, protection of
property, economic infrastructure (roads, legal tender, enforcement of contracts, etc.), public works,
social engineering, and the operation of government itself. Governments also use taxes to fund welfare
and public services. These services can include education systems, health care systems, pensions for
the elderly, unemployment benefits, and public transportation. Energy, water and waste management
systems are also common public utilities.
Governments use different kinds of taxes and vary the tax rates. This is done to distribute the
tax burden among individuals or classes of the population involved in taxable activities, such as
business, or to redistribute resources between individuals or classes in the population. Modern social
security systems are intended to support the poor, the disabled, or the retired by taxes on those who are
still working. In addition, taxes are applied to influence the macroeconomic performance of the
economy (the government's strategy for doing this is called its fiscal policy), or to modify patterns of
consumption or employment within an economy by making some classes of transaction more or less
Four R’s
Taxation has four main purposes or effects: Revenue, Redistribution, Repricing, and
The main purpose is revenue: taxes raise money to spend on armies, roads, schools and
hospitals, and on more indirect government functions like market regulation or legal systems. This is
the most widely known function.
The second purpose is redistribution. Normally, this means transferring wealth from the richer
sections of society to poorer sections.
The third purpose of taxation is repricing. Taxes are levied to address externalities: tobacco is
taxed, for example, to discourage smoking, and many people advocate such policies as implementing a
carbon tax.

The fourth, consequential effect of taxation in its historical setting has been representation.
The American revolutionary slogan “no taxation without representation” implied this: rulers tax
citizens, and citizens demand accountability from their rulers as the other part of this bargain. Several
studies have shown that direct taxation (such as the income tax) generates the greatest degree of
accountability and better governance, while indirect taxation tends to have smaller effects.
What Makes a “Good Tax”
Just about every taxpayer complains about the high rate of taxes, yet if one were asked whether
they would trade the tax for the removal of service, they would rather pay the tax. In order for taxes to
be acceptable, however, they must meet certain criteria. In order for a tax to be successful, it must be
equitable, simple, and efficient.
For most people, it is believed that taxes should be impartial and fair. However, there is
dispute over the level of equity of a tax. Some believe that a tax is fair only if everyone pays the same
amount − a flat tax. Others argue that a tax is only fair if wealthier people pay more than those with
lower incomes – a progressive tax. Many also argue over the equity of tax loopholes seeing that they
allow some people to get out of paying certain taxes.
A second standard for taxes is simplicity. Tax laws should be written in an intelligible manner
so that both the taxpayer and the tax collector can understand them. Though it is not an easy task,
people are more willing to pay their taxes if they understand them.
Efficiency is the final principle of taxation. A tax should be easy to administer and to gain
money from. The income tax fits into this category. An employer withholds a portion of each
employee's pay and then sends a single check to the government on a regular basis. At the end of the
year the employer notifies each employee of the amount of tax withheld.
Principles of Taxation
The benefit principle of taxation is based on two ideas. The first and foremost is that those
who benefit from services should be the ones who pay for them. Secondly, people should pay taxes in
proportion to the amount of services or benefits they receive. But there are two limitations of this type
of taxation. First, many government services provide the greatest benefit to those who can least afford
to pay for them (i.e. welfare). The second limitation is that the benefits often are hard to measure.
The second principle of taxation is the ability-to-pay principle, which is based on the idea that
people should be taxed according to their ability to pay, regardless of the benefits they receive. This
type of tax recognizes that societies are not always able to measure the benefits derived from
government spending. It also assumes that people with higher incomes suffer less discomfort paying
taxes than people just getting by on their income would.
The Three Types of Taxes
The three types of taxes are the proportional tax, the progressive tax, and the regressive tax.
A proportional tax imposes the same percentage of taxation on everyone, regardless of
income. If the percentage tax rate is constant, the average tax rate is constant, regardless of income.
This means that if a person's income goes up, the percentage of total income paid in taxes does not
The second tax, the progressive tax, imposes a higher percentage rate of taxation on people
with higher incomes. Progressive taxes use a marginal tax rate that increases as the amount of taxable
income increases. Therefore, the percentage of income paid in taxes increases as income goes up.
The final tax is the regressive tax, which imposes a higher percentage rate of taxation on low
incomes than on high incomes. For example, if the state sales tax were 5%, the person with the lower
income would pay a greater percentage of their total income in sales tax.
Language notes:
We... have come to accept... – ми … (поступово) порозумілися…;
enforcement of law and public order – забезпечення дотримання закону і громадського порядку;
social engineering – соціальна інженерія: наука, що вивчає методи перебудови суспільства;
social welfare – (амер.) соціальне забезпечення, соціальна допомога;
water and waste management system – система управління водними ресурсами і використання
carbon tax – податок на викиди вуглекислого газу;
direct tax – прямий податок, тобто податок, що стягується державою безпосередньо з доходів чи
майна платника податку (прибутковий податок – income tax, податок на прибуток підприємств –
corporation income tax, податок зі спадку і дарунку – inheritance/gift tax, податок на майно
фізичних осіб – personal wealth/property tax, податок на видобування корисних копалин –
severance tax);
indirect tax – непрямий податок, тобто податок на товари та послуги, встановлений у вигляді
надбавки до ціни або тарифом (акциз – excise tax, податок на додану вартість – value-added tax,
мито – customs duty, екологічні податки – environmentally related taxes/charges/fees/duties);
tax loophole – “шпарина” в податковому законодавстві;
if one were asked whether they would trade the tax for the removal of service, they would rather ... –
якщо б кого-небудь запитали, що б він вибрав: платити податок або обійтися без якоїсь
послуги, він скоріше б...
if the state sales tax were 5%, the person with the lower income would pay… – якби податок на
купівлю (продаж) був 5%, людина з більш низьким доходом платила би...


Ex.1. Find the English equivalents in the text.

Податок; оподаткування; неминучість податків; від імені особи; виконувати багато функцій;
охорона власності; забезпечення дотримання контрактів; фінансувати соціальне забезпечення;
система охорони здоров'я; допомога з безробіття; комунальні послуги; ставка податкового
обкладання; податковий тягар; розподіляти між; діяльність, що підлягає оподаткуванню;
фіскальна політика; модель споживання або зайнятості; передача багатства від більш заможних
верств населення до більш бідних; бути спрямованим на зовнішній ефект економічної
діяльності; підтримувати політику; вимагати звітність; висока податкова ставка; щоб податки
були прийнятними; відповідати певним критеріям; справедливість податків; уникнути сплати
визначених податків; утримувати частину зарплати; на регулярній основі; до відома кожного
працівника; першочерговий принцип; мати можливість (дозволити собі платити за послуги;
незалежно від отриманих пільг; відчувати менше незручностей; жити (виживати) тільки на

Ex.2. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and phrases.
Payment on behalf of the individual to the government; to carry out many functions; to use different
kinds of taxes; to vary tax rates; to fund welfare and public services; to distribute the tax burden; to
redistribute resources; to support the poor, the disabled and the retired; to influence the
microeconomic performance; patterns of consumption or employment; to raise money; a consequential
effect of taxes; “no taxation without representation”; to generate a high degree of accountability and
governance; to dispute over the level of equity; tax loopholes; the amount of the withheld tax; to
impose the same percentage of taxation on everyone.

Ex.3. Give three forms of the following verbs. Find the sentences with these verbs in the text.
Write, say, pay, operate, provide, carry out, vary, do, spend, show, meet, see, understand, withhold,
impose, mean, go up.

Ex.4. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
1 externality a money that you have to pay to the government so that it
can pay for public services
2 fiscal policy b a rate of tax that is paid on your next unit of income; the
highest rate of tax that smb pays
3 transaction c the percentage of an amount of money or of the value of
smth that has to be paid as tax
4 tax d responsibility for your decisions and actions and readiness
to explain them when you are asked
5 legal tender e practical or financial help that is provided, often by the
government, for people that need it
6 tax loophole f the activity of controlling a company, an organization, or a
country; the way in which this is done
7 tax rate g a standard that you use when you make a decision or form
an opinion about smb/smth
8 welfare h the way in which a government charges taxes or spends
money in order to manage the economy
9 taxation i = fixed tax; a system in which tax is paid at the same rate,
however much you earn or spend
10 benefit(s) j third party (or spill-over) effects arising from the
production and/or consumption of goods and services for
which no appropriate compensation is paid
11 marginal tax rate k money that can legally be used to pay for things in a
particular country
12 accountability l money that is paid to people who are unemployed, ill, etc.
by the government or through a system of insurance
13 governance m a piece of business that is done between people, especially
an act of buying and selling
14 criterion n a small mistake in the way a law has been written that
allows people to legally avoid smth the law intended them
to do
15 flat tax o the system or the act of collecting money by taxes

Ex. 5. Make up verb + noun collocations (there may be several variants).

to levy funds
to carry out harmful activities
to use taxes
to raise the poor
to distribute functions
to support criteria
to influence benefits
to discourage tax burden
to meet money
to provide economic performance
to pay
to collect
to impose
to receive

Ex.6. Fill in the gaps in the following verb collocations with appropriate prepositions or adverbs.
Payment ___ behalf ___ the individual ___ the government; to pay taxes ___ government services; to
carry ___ many functions; to distribute the tax burden ___ individuals or classes; population involved
___ taxable activities; to spend money ___ public services; to transfer wealth ___ richer sections of
society ___ poorer sections; to complain ___ the high rate ___ taxes; to demand accountability ___ the
authorities; to argue ___ the level of equity; to get ___ ___ paying certain taxes; to gain money ___
taxation; to notify workers ___ the withheld taxes; to be based ___ two ideas; to provide benefits ___
those who need them; to get ___ ___ one’s income; to impose the same percentage of taxation ___
everyone regardless ___ income.

Ex.7. Choose the appropriate word or phrase to complete the following sentences.
Energy, water and waste management systems; impartial and fair; proportional tax; raise money;
distribute the tax burden; certain criteria; welfare and public services; redistribution; on behalf of the
individual; the poor, the disabled, or the retired; in an intelligible manner.

1. Taxes are any payment ____________ to the government.

2. Governments also use taxes to fund ___________.
3. ____________ are common public utilities.
4. Governments use different kinds of taxes and vary the tax rates in order to ____________ among
individuals or classes of the population.
5. Modern social security systems are intended to support ____________ by taxes on those who are
still working.
6. Taxes ____________ to spend on armies, roads, schools and hospitals, and on more indirect
government functions like market regulation or legal systems.
7. ____________ means transferring wealth from the richer sections of society to poorer sections.
8. In order for taxes to be acceptable, they must meet ___________.
9. To be equitable means to be ___________.
10. Tax laws should be written ____________ so that both the taxpayer and the tax collector can
understand them.
11. A ____________ imposes the same percentage of taxation on everyone, regardless of income.

Ex.8. Look through the text again and replace the words in bold with the linking words and
phrases given below.
On behalf of, in addition, while, yet, in order for smth/smb to do smth, so that, both ... and, (al)though,
according to, regardless of, as

1. Taxpayers complain about high tax rates. However, they would prefer to pay taxes for using
certain services rather than do without them.
2. Taxes are paid on the part of the individual to the government.
3. If taxes are to be acceptable, they must meet certain criteria.
4. People should be taxed on the basis on their ability to pay.
5. A proportional tax means the same percentage of taxation on all taxpayers no matter what their
income is.
6. In the progressive tax, the percentage of income paid in taxes increases when income goes up.
7. Taxes are used to pay for public goods and services. Besides, they are applied to influence the
macroeconomic performance of the economy.
8. Direct taxation provides greater accountability and better governance, whereas indirect taxation
may have smaller effects.
9. Tax laws should be written in an intelligible manner for the taxpayer as well as the tax collector
to understand them. Even if it is not an easy task, understanding tax laws makes people more
willing to pay taxes.

Ex.9. Translate into English.

1. Ніхто не любить податки, але всі визнають їх необхідність.
2. Податки – це будь-які виплати від індивідуальної особи уряду, які використовуються для
оплати функцій, що здійснюються урядом.
3. Ці функції включають забезпечення дотримання закону та суспільного порядку, охорону
власності, підтримку економічної інфраструктури та інші сфери діяльності уряду.
4. Податки також використовуються для фінансування соціального забезпечення, систем
суспільної освіти, охорони здоров`я та пенсійного забезпечення, допомоги по безробіттю,
суспільного транспорту та інших суспільних послуг.
5. Уряд використовує різні види податків, щоб розподілити податковий тягар серед різних
верств населення.
6. Податки застосовуються для впливу на макроекономічну діяльність країни, що називається
фіскальною політикою уряду.
7. Податкова політика має наступні цілі: приносити дохід, забезпечувати перерозподіл
багатства, коригувати ціноутворення та забезпечувати звітність держави за використані
8. Система оподаткування має бути справедливою, простою та ефективною в організації
9. Простота оподаткування означає, що податкові закони мають бути зрозумілими як
платникам податків, так і податковим організаціям.
10. Система оподаткування заснована на двох принципах: пільговому принципі та принципі
11. Пільговий принцип передбачає, що ті, хто отримує пільги, сплачують на них податок.
12. Принцип платоспроможності означає, що люди сплачують податки відповідно до своїх
можливостей, незалежно від отриманого доходу.
13. Існує три види податків: пропорційний, прогресивний та регресивний.

Ex. 10. Ask questions to which the following statements may be answers.
1. They are used to pay for all government services.
2. These include the enforcement of law and public order, protection of property, economic
infrastructure, public works and operation of the government itself.
3. They are water, energy and waste management systems.
4. This is done to distribute the tax burden among individuals and classes of the population.
5. They are intended to support the poor, the disabled, the unemployed and the retired.
6. It is called fiscal policy.
7. In other words, this function is aimed at raising money to be spent on direct and indirect government
8. It means transferring money from richer sections of society to poorer ones.
9. This criterion means that taxes must be impartial and fair.
10. Unfortunately, they allow some people to get out of paying certain taxes.
11. This principle implies that those who get benefits must pay for them.
12. Yes, it is based on everybody’s ability to pay taxes.
13. No, quite the contrary. It imposes a higher percentage rate on people with lower income rather than
on those with higher income.
14. It means that everyone pays the same percentage regardless of income.

Ex.11. Answer the following questions.

1. What are taxes?
2. What functions of the government are paid from taxes?
3. What public services does the government provide?
4. What is fiscal policy?
5. What are four R’s of taxation?
6. What does the slogan “no taxation without representation” mean?
7. Name criteria of a “good tax”.
8. Why do people argue over the level of the equity of taxes?
9. What is a flat tax?
10. How does the income tax meet the criterion of efficiency?
11. What principles is taxation based on?
12. What is the difference between progressive, regressive and proportional taxes?

Ex.12. Make a presentation of the topic “Taxes”.

Ex.13. Write a plan for a summary of Text A. Start with
1. The importance of taxation in the economy.
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________

Ex.14. Write a brief summary (25-30 sentences) of Text A.

Ex.15. Working in pairs, prepare a report giving arguments both for and against taxation and
government spending (100-150 words).


Ex.16. Read the following statements concerning taxation and government spending. Which do
you agree with?
1. The redistributive purpose of taxation is, quite simply, theft.
2. Taxes take away people’s hard-earned private property, and so should be kept as low as possible.
3. Society creates the conditions under which financial success is possible, and therefore, it has a
rightful claim to a share of that success in the form of taxes.
4. Progressive taxes may discourage people from working extra hours.

Ex.17. Read and discuss the following facts about taxes.

 The Gettysburg address* is 269 words, the Declaration of Independence is 1,337 words, and the
Holy Bible is only 773,000 words. However, the tax law has grown from 11,400 words in 1913 to
over 7 million words today.
 There are at least 480 different tax forms, each with many pages of instructions.
 The IRS** sends out 8 billion pages of forms and instructions each year. Laid end to end, they
would stretch 28 times around the earth.
 American taxpayers spend $200 billion and 5.4 billion hours of their time to comply with the
federal tax laws each year. That’s more than it takes to produce every car, truck, and van in the
United States.
 The IRS employs 114,000 people; that’s twice as many as the CIA and five times more than the
 60% of taxpayers must hire a professional to get through their own return.
 Taxes eat up 38.2% of the average family's income; that's more than for food, clothing and shelter

*The Gettysburg Address is a speech by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and is one of the most well-
known speeches in United States history. It was delivered by Lincoln during the American Civil War,
on the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 1863, at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery
in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
**The IRS - The Internal Revenue Service – Податкове Управління США


A Describing companies
Ex.1. Fill in the tables below with the different word forms.
Verb (describing an activity) Noun (for the company that Noun (for the activity or sector
is involved in this activity) that a company is involved in)
to manufacture Manufacturer manufacture/manufacturing
to export export
to distribute
to provide provision
to retail retail/retailing
to manage
insurer insurance
to market marketing company,
marketer (less frequent)
to sell by wholesale/by the wholesale/wholesaling
gross/in bulk

Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct noun or verb from the above table.
1. (manufacture) The company is a car ____________ in the USA.
2. (retail) Chopard is in the jewellery ____________ business.
3. (import) Europacific Ltd ____________ European shoes into Asian countries.
4. (export) This company is an ____________ of men’s sportswear.
5. (design) Our company is a leading website ____________ .
6. (publish) He works for the company that ____________ reference books.
7. (distribute) European __________ is handled from our centre in the Netherlands.
8. (manage) ____________ consulting is aimed at helping organizations improve their performance.
9. (market) She works in sales and ____________ .
10. ( insure) Allianz is the world’s number two ____________ .

Ex.3. Match these well-known company names with their activities. Use these words in sentences
to describe what different companies do.
design of computer software IBM
publishing Microsoft
manufacture of consumer electronics Sony
motor car manufacture Toyota
computer hardware manufacture The Economist
retailing of foods and consumer products Group
advertising Walmart
oil production Aegis Group
broadcasting and Internet BP Corporation

Ex.4. Read descriptions of different companies. Choose one of the nouns below to describe each

Law firm, retailer, wholesaler, importer, finance company, website designer, manufacturer, travel
company, bank, exporter, transport company

a) Multimedia Solutions Incorporated has been designing and managing state-of-the-art commercial
websites since 1993. The company provides e-commerce solutions for large and small companies in a
number of sectors. At present, the company employs 200 full-time Internet consultants and web
designers on their permanent staff. They provide consultancy and other services in the following
sectors: financial services, insurance brokering and underwriting, travel services, computer retailing,
vehicle leasing. The company’s head office is in Guilford, near London. They also have offices in
Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh, as well as agencies in Dublin, Paris, Rome and Madrid.
b) Established in 1967, Airbus is a leading aircraft manufacturer with the most modern and
comprehensive family of airliners on the market, ranging in capacity from 100 to more than 500 seats.
Airbus has delivered over 5,000 aircraft to 180 customers world-wide. Airbus is a global company
with its central office in Toulouse and design and manufacturing facilities in France, Germany, the UK
and Spain as well as subsidiaries in the US, China and Japan.
c) Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) regards both Austria, where it is a leading corporate and
investment bank, and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as its home market. In CEE, RBI operates an
extensive network of subsidiary banks, leasing companies and a range of other specialized financial
service providers in 17 markets. As of end-2010, around 55,000 employees served more than 14
million customers via roughly 3,000 branch offices, the great majority of which are located in CEE.
The headquarters of the central institution of the Raiffeisen Banking Group, established in 1927, is in
Vienna, Austria.
d) Allen & Overy is a global law firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom.
A member of the UK's Magic Circle of leading law firms, Allen & Overy is widely considered to be
one of the world's elite law firms, advising national and multinational corporations, financial
institutions, and governments. Since its founding in 1930, Allen & Overy has grown to become one of
the largest law firms in the world, both by number of lawyers and revenue. With approximately 5,000
staff and 38 offices worldwide, the firm provides legal advice in Europe, the Americas, Asia,
Australia, and the Middle East.
e) Marks and Spencer plc (also known as M&S or Your M&S; colloquially known as Marks and
Sparks) is a British retailer headquartered in the City of Westminster, London. It has over 700 stores in
the United Kingdom and over 300 stores spread across more than 40 countries with 76,250 employees.
It specializes in the selling of clothing and luxury food products. M&S was founded in 1884 by
Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in Leeds. In 1998, it became the first British retailer to make a
pre-tax profit of over £1 billion.

Ex.5. Read the above information about the companies again and make up a company profile
chart as shown below.

Company name Multimedia Solutions

Main area of business
Location: Head office in
Head office Guilford, near London;
Subsidiaries offices in Birmingham,
Manchester and
Edinburgh, as well as
agencies in Dublin,
Paris, Rome and
When did it start up?
Number of employees 200 full-time Internet
consultants and web
Other information

Ex.6. Ask and answer questions about the following companies.

IBM Corporation – Computer hardware, software, IT services and consulting. Founded in June 1911.
Headquartes – Armonk, New York, U.S. Area served – worldwide. Employees – 426,751 (2010).

SONY Corporation – Founded 7 May 1946. Headquarters – Minato, Tokyo. Area served – worldwide.
Products – consumer electronics, telecommunications, communication & information equipment,
films, television, music. Services – financial services, insurance, banking, credit finance and
advertising agency. Employees – 168,200 (2011).

Nestlé – Food processing. Founded in 1866. Headquarters – Vevey, Switzerland. Operation – 86

countries around the world. Products – Baby food, coffee, dairy products, breakfast cereals,
confectionery, bottled water, ice cream, pet foods. Employees – 281,000 (2010).

Draftfcb – Advertising agency. Founded in 1873 (as Lord & Thomas). Headquarters – New York,
Chicago. Number of locations – 96 countries. Services – Marketing communications. Employees –

Ex.7. The following nouns are useful to describe large companies and their parts.
Agency, parent company, enterprise, headquarters, plant, subsidiary, group of companies, branch,
department, factory, main office, production facility, warehouse, chain, business, distribution centre,
firm, office, multinational, conglomerate, franchise, company, division, head office, sister company,
Group together the words with similar meaning from the above list.
Model: a company - a business, a firm, an enterprise
a factory -
a warehouse -
a subsidiary -
the head office -
a department -
a multinational -

Ex.8. Complete the description of Nokia Corporation, with one word for each space.
founded partnership employees corporation services headquartered manufacturing
Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications (1) __________, which is (2)
__________ in Keilaniemi, Espoo, a city neighbouring Finland's capital Helsinki. Nokia is engaged in
the (3) __________ of mobile devices and in converging Internet and communications industries. With
over 123,000 __________ in 120 countries, sales in more than 150 countries and global annual
revenue of over €42 billion as of 2010, it is the world's largest manufacturer of mobile phones. Nokia
offers Internet (4) __________ such as applications, games, music, maps, media and messaging
through its Ovi platform.
The Nokia Research Center, (5) __________ in 1986, is Nokia's industrial research unit consisting of
about 500 researchers, engineers and scientists. It has sites in seven countries: Finland, China, India,
Kenya, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Nokia operates a total of 15 (6)
__________ located in Finland, Brazil, Romania, China, Hungary, India, Mexico and South Korea.
On 11 February 2011, Nokia announced a (7) __________ with Microsoft where all future Nokia
smartphones will be powered by the Windows Phone (WP7) operating system.

Ex.9. Search for information about a few companies. Prepare to give a short presentation on any
of them. The following phrases will help you to order the information.

Introducing yourself Hello. My name is …, and I’d like to welcome

you to my presentation. I’m going to tell you
Informing the audience about the structure of My presentation consists of … parts.
the presentation I’ll begin with…
Then, I’ll tell you about …
I’ll also look at …
Finally, I’ll inform you of…
Moving from one point to another To start with, I’d like to mention …
Now, I’ll move on to …
As I said before, …
In conclusion, I’d like to say …
Concluding Thank you for your attention. If you have any
questions, I’ll be glad to answer them.

B Describing jobs
people work for or at a company
they work in an industry, department or team
they are responsible for other staff and for (doing) their work
they are in charge of (managing) other staff
they are responsible to or accountable to their boss/manager

Ex.10. Read and memorize the following sentences.

I’m a sales manager.
(I’m the Chief Executive Officer)
I work for ATT.
I’m in marketing/banking/insurance.
I’m responsible for handling all projects.
I’m in public relations. I’m in charge of handling the external face of our company to the media and
I’m accountable to the General Manager.

Ex.11. Complete the following dialogues.

1) A: So, who do you work _____?
B: WordStar.
A: They’re _____ computers, aren’t they?
B: That’s right. I’m _____ product manager. What about you?
A: I work _____ Bechtel.
B: So you’re _____ the construction business?
A: Yes, I’m _____ engineer.

2) А: So, you're here on business?

В: Yeah. I work _____ a consulting company, Santa Partners.
А: And what do you do?
В: I'm _____ leading consultant. I’m responsible _____ providing advice and training on the
development, administration, and technical aspects. And what company do you work ____?
А: Index Chemicals. I'm _____ analyst. My job is to coordinate quality related data from
production, service, or process improvement activities.

Ex.12. Read the text and complete the organizational chart of the company.
I think we have a fairly typical organization for a manufacturing firm. We're divided into Finance,
Production, Marketing and Human Resources departments.
The Human Resources department is the simplest. It consists of two sections. One is responsible for
recruitment and personnel matters, the other is in charge of training.
The Marketing department is made up of three sections: Sales, Sales Promotion, and Advertising,
whose heads are all accountable to the marketing manager.
The Production department consists of five sections. The first of these is Production Control, which is
in charge of both Scheduling and Materials Control. Then there's Purchasing, Manufacturing, Quality
Control, and Engineering Support. Manufacturing contains three sections: Tooling, Assembly, and
Finance is composed of two sections: Financial Management, which is responsible for capital
requirements, fund control, and credit, and Accounting.

Ex.13. Read the following job descriptions, then choose the best job title from the list matching
each job description.
1. My job is to look after the employees of the company. I am responsible for recruitment and staff
training, and also deal with problems related to pay, pensions, promotion, and so on.
2. I’m responsible for sales. I’m in charge of a number of salespeople. I also help to devise the
company’s advertising policy, together with the marketing department.
3. I organize the managing director’s appointments, make the arrangements for his meetings and
business trips, answer the telephone and greet his visitors. I do some typing – letters, reports, and
things like that.
4. I’m on the front desk, greeting visitors, receiving deliveries, and also I answer the telephone.
5. I keep the company’s books. This means records of sales income, expenditure, taxes and so on. I’m
also in charge of payroll.
6. I do PR for my company, which involves dealing with the press as well as members of the public. I
prepare press releases about things that we are doing, new products, special deals and so on.
7. I take overall responsibility for the company’s accounts, and control money coming in and going
out of the company.
8. I am in charge of buying the required items for my company. My aim is to get the best possible
deal, so I constantly look for new suppliers and technologies.
9. I help to develop the IT skills of employees. My job is to teach basic PC skills and show people
how to use different software packages.
10. I work with computers. I am responsible for installing and repairing hardware and maintaining
databases for our company’s applications.

Receptionist; IT Specialist; Sales Manager; PA to the MD; IT Trainer; External Relations Director;
Finance Director; Accountant; Personnel Manager; Purchasing Manager.

Ex.14. Look at these words which are often found in job titles.

Senior Sales Director
Assistant Managing Manager
Vice Personnel Assistant
Deputy Marketing Accountant
Executive Human Resources Officer
Personal Financial Controller
Chief Customer Services Executive
Head of Accounts Secretary
Director of IT Technician
Assistant to Public relations Advisor

These words can be combined in different ways to describe different jobs:

Personal Assistant to the Managing Director

Senior Sales Executive
Sales Assistant
Customer Services Manager
Personnel Officer
Head of Human Resources Development

Ex.15. Think about a job you would like to have in the future. Practise explaining your “job” to
a visitor or a new colleague. Use the following notes:
I work for __________.
I’m the/a __________.
I’m responsible for __________.
I’m in charge of __________.


Ex.1. Read the following text and substitute some nouns with correspondent personal pronouns
to make the text sound more natural.
Dear Lucy,
I'm sorry I haven't written to you recently. I'm really busy with my studies at the moment. My course is
going well and I'm enjoying my course a lot. The problem is that my course takes up a lot of time.
You asked me whether your friend Nick can visit us. Of course, we will be happy to receive your
friend Nick whenever your friend wishes to come.
I'd like Nick to meet my family and my friends. My sister Ann promised to take Nick sightseeing. My
sister takes interest in history, knows a lot about our city and can present our city in the best possible
Do you think Nick could let us know if he intends to come by train or by plane? Coming by train or
by plane would be no trouble whatsoever to drive Nick home.
I hope to hear from you or Nick soon.
Yours sincerely,
P.S. Forgot to tell you that I attach some pretty pictures. I took these pictures last weekend when we
took a boat trip along the coast. The trip along the coast was lovely!

Ex.2. Use the correct personal pronoun for each gap.

1. Please take these papers and give ________ to Mr. Jacobson.
2. What’s your cat’s name? – King. ________ is so cute and understands everything we say!
3. Who’s that on the phone? – ________is your brother.
4. Do you know where Ann is? – No, I haven’t seen ________ today. Maybe, ________ is in the
5. My computer’s been giving troubles and I want to change ________.
6. There’s no need to shout. I can hear ________.
7. We had little time left, so we asked our colleagues to help ________ with the project.
8. I studied German when ________ was in high school. But ________ haven’t had any practice since
then and have forgotten most of ________.
9. I saw a new film about James Bond yesterday. ________ was fantastic!
10. The first person I saw when________ got off the train was my brother. My father and ________
had come to the railway station to meet ________.

Ex.3. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Was there a voicemail message? – Yes, (it/he) was Jim.
2. Peter is two years older than (I/me) but he is doing the same first year university course as (I/me) am
3. Can you see Jill here? I need to talk to (she/her). – Yes, that’s (she/her) in black over there.
4. Pooh is a small cute bear. (It/He) enjoys eating, singing and visiting his friends.
5. Betty lives in the same street as (I/me).
6. Who is that tall blond woman over there? – (She/It) is our new sales manager, Julia Benton.
7. It’s (I/me). Can you open the door? I haven’t got my key.
8. I’m feeling thirsty. – (I/Me) too.
9. Who left all this mess? – It was (he/him), not (I/me).
10. I saw their new puppy. (It/He) is so funny.

Ex.4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the “empty” subject it.
1. It’s very cold today. It’s been snowing all night.
2. It’s a policeman at the door. It seems that our neighbours complained about the noise we made
yesterday when we were having a party.
3. It’s a real pleasure to meet you at last.
4. It was he who helped me when I got into trouble.
5. It’s a pity that he’s leaving so soon.
6. Let’s take a taxi. It’s much too far to walk in such nasty weather.
7. It’s important to practice every day if you want to speak good English.
8. Nothing important happened here while I was ill, did it?
9. It was yesterday that you were supposed to be here.
10. What did you say? – Oh, it doesn’t matter.
11. It’s hard to say what caused the accident.

Ex.5. Change these sentences to emphasize each part in turn as in the model.
1. Last month, our company concluded an important contract with AWI Inc.→
It is our company that concluded an important contract with AWI Inc. last month.
It is an important contract that our company concluded with AWI Inc. last month.
It is AWI Inc. that our company concluded an important contract with last month.
It was last month that our company concluded and important contract with AWI Inc.
2. John left his keys in the office yesterday.
3. I bought a red woolen sweater for my brother’s birthday.
4. The secretary sent Peter the documents two hours ago.
5. Mark met Cathy in France in 2008.
6. She played a piece by Mozart brilliantly at yesterday’s concert.
7. Flooding causes most of the damage in spring.

Ex.6. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the empty subject there.
1. According to the forecast, there will be snow tomorrow.
2. There are some very good films on this week.
3. There may be life on other planets too.
4. There was an article in Travel magazine about Tunisia.
5. I think there’s something wrong because there are a lot of people in the street.
6. Shh! Keep your voice down. I think there’s someone behind the door.
7. Is there any point in talking about it again?
8. There’s a train to Leeds at twelve-thirty, isn’t there? Let’s catch it.
9. We agreed to meet in two hours, so there’s no need to hurry.
10. There have been more problems with this project than we expected.

Ex.7. It or there? Fill in the gaps with the appropriate variant.

1. ________ is a letter for you on the desk. ________ is from your bank.
2. ________ is a new one-way traffic system in the centre of the city. As for me, ________ is very
3. I’m sure ________ will be someone to help you with your luggage.
4. In pies and cakes ________ is a lot of sugar and fat.
5. Don’t you like vegetables? – No, I like most of them. ________is onions that I hate.
6. ________ was Kate’s birthday yesterday, and we had a huge party.
7. ________ is said that the more languages you speak, the easier it is to learn a new one.
8. Will ________ matter if I miss this meeting? – Actually yes, because ________ will be a lot of
serious problems to discuss.
9. ________ was in this park that we first met.
10. What’s the new café like? Is ________ good? Are ________ many visitors there?
11. ________ a shame that he hasn’t dropped you a line since he left.
12. Look at the sky. ________ seems to be a storm.

Ex.8. Fill each space in these sentences with it or there and the appropriate form of the verb in
1. ________ me half an hour to get home from the university. (take)
2. ________ to be some mistake. I've never met you before in my life. (seem)
3. ________very expensive to buy a new flat these days, and more and more young people live in
rented accommodation. (be)
4. ________ impossible to reach her by phone so I sent a fax. (be)
5. I put my coat on because ________ cold. (get)
6. ________ Jim who caught the ball and saved our team. (be)
7. ________ several fights between football fans outside the stadium but no one was hurt. (be)
8. ________ nothing you can do about the situation, so ________ no use worrying about it. (be)
9. ________ used to be an old cinema here, but ________ knocked down. (be)
10. The situation is still the same. ________ to have been no change. (seem)
11. ________ like rain. We’d better take our umbrellas. (look)

Ex.9. Translate the following sentences with impersonal pronouns.

1. They mine graphite in Brazil, don’t they? – Yes, Brazil is one of the leading graphite producers in
the world.
2. How can one get from London to Oxford?
3. Don’t burn your bridges behind you.
4. Why are they always digging up the roads during the daytime when traffic is so heavy?
5. We should take more care of our historic buildings.
6. If one fails, then one must try harder next time.
7. I hate it when one is looking at you and smiling but doesn't tell you what they're thinking.
8. They say Mr. Jones has been fired because one of the customers complained about his rudeness.
9. Life is what you make it.
10. I’m afraid they’ll put taxes up next year.

Ex.10. Complete the sentences using reflective pronouns myself, yourself, etc.
1. The iron is very hot. Be careful and don’t burn _______!
2. Shall I help you? - No, thanks. I’d rather do it _______.
3. Look! That kitten is washing _______.
4. Monica always cuts her hair _______, and it always looks very stylish.
5. His letters are all about ________. He never writes about anybody else.
6. We shouldn’t blame ________ for what has happened.
7. The village ________ is lovely, but the surrounding countryside is boring.
8. If you don’t use the computer, will it turn ________ off?
9. The hostess asked her guests to help ________ to food and drink.
10. Did you see the general manager ________? Only he can help you in this matter.

Ex.11. Fill in the pronouns and identify them: reflexive or emphatic.

Model: My little sister decorated the cake for Mum _______. → My little sister decorated the cake for
Mum herself. (emphatic)
1. I had a swim, dried _______, and put on my clothes.
2. He managed to repair his car by _______.
3. The children enjoyed ________when they visited Disneyland.
4. My little brother is very noisy, and Mum always tells him to behave ________ when we go out.
5. Doctors advise us that we have to exercise regularly in order to keep ________ healthy.
6. The weather is affecting me greatly at the moment – I don't feel ________ today.
7. As usual, the singer was brilliant, although the song ________ was not very good.
8. It’s a pity you didn’t bring a camera with ________. There are a lot of beautiful places here.
9. “How many times have you been to London?” – “Two. Oh no, three,” she corrected ________.

Ex.12. Choose the correct variant of pronouns in the following sentences.

1. The children are old enough to look after (them/themselves).
2. The road is closed: (it/there) has been an accident.
3. He’s faster than (I/me) but I’m stronger than (he/him) is.
4. (One is/They are) building a new sport centre not far from my house.
5. (It/There) appears that he has been promoted: he has just moved into a bigger office.
6. (They/you) say it’s going to be a warmer winter than the one we had last year.
7. Where is Tom? – That’s (he/him) over there. Look, he’s waving at us.
8. Hasn’t Mary come yet? It’s not like (she/her) to be late.
9. I hate horror films. – (I/Me) too. I can’t understand what people find in them.
10. Stop shouting at (me/myself)! Just do something (you/yourself)!

Ex.13. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Do you know who heads the marketing department? – This is Peter Blake.
2. The police arrested the robber and put in prison.
3. If you are not busy, it’s something I want to tell you.
4. Michael looked behind himself when he heard footsteps.
5. The president he has a team of bodyguards to protect him.
6. Tom dressed himself quickly and went down to breakfast.
7. There has been some time since I wrote to you as I’ve been busy lately.
8. Who spilt coffee all over my papers? – Sorry, it was I.
9. Which house is yours? – There is the one at the end of the street.
10. Peter and Kate enjoyed themself at the party.

Ex.14. Translate into English.

1. Якщо ви хочете досягти чого-небудь, ви повинні вірити в себе.
2. Хто підготував презентацію? – Я.
3. Саме Стела розповіла мені все.
4. Ти зробиш все сам? – Ні, вже пізно. Вже не залишилося часу. Ти можеш мені допомогти?
5. На цьому каналі завжди показують старі фільми.
6. Говорять, клімат стає все теплішим із-за діяльності самої людини.
7. Хто на цьому фото? Це твоя сестра, так?
8. Якраз тут я побачив її вперше.
9. Пригощайтесь! Тут ще багато їжі.
10. Я хочу пізнати вас трохи краще. Розкажіть мені про себе.
11. Будьте обережні, ви можете впасти.
12. Дивно, що ти про це знаєш. Я сам дізнався про це випадково.


Ex.1. Make positive adjectives from the following words with the help of suffixes –ic, -ful, -al, -
ive, -able/-ible, -y, -ish, -ous, -ent/-ant, -esque, -ate.
Model: base – basic
Beauty, accident, produce, comfort, fun, horror, picture, fun, luck, danger, care, anger, romance,
passion, fool, critic, society, progress, drama, fame.

Ex.2. Make adjectives from the following nouns using suffixes a) –less and –ful; and from verbs
using suffix b) –able/-ible. Translate them into Ukrainian.
a) hope, care, duty, home, sense, sorrow, joy, pity, mercy;
b) eat, love, manage, bear, break, understand, foresee, agree.

Ex.3. Form adjectives with corresponding suffixes and prefixes.

1. I am attracted by this plan. I find it very attractive.
2. She is always full of energy. She is tremendously _________.
3. His sense of humour is well-known. We often laugh at his __________ stories.
4. I was persuaded by the logic of his argument. It seemed to be the most __________ thing to do in
that situation.
5. You behave as a child. Stop doing such __________ things.
6. She is determined to put her new ideas into practice. She wants to check their __________
7. The building is in danger of collapsing. It’s __________ to stay here.
8. I felt like among friends there: everybody was so __________ towards me.
9. His last book made a great impression on me. Actually, it was one of the most __________ novels
of that time.
10. Moving house put a severe strain on our finances; we were facing certain __________ difficulties.
1. I don’t think he is honest in this matter. I suspect he’s quite dishonest.
2. Do you think it is possible in this situation? I would say it is next to ________.
3. The government’s policy is oriented towards integrating with Europe. It is a __________ policy.
4. What they are doing in business is not quite legal. Some people would regard it as _________.
5. The rally was directed against the war in the Middle East. It was an __________ rally.
6. He has no morals, that man! His behaviour is absolutely __________.
7. The company is too confident that they will win the case. With such a strong competitor, they
shouldn’t be so _________.
8. Your plan isn’t very practical. Some aspects seem extremely _________.
9. This event dates from before the Second World War. It happened in the __________ years.
10. He doesn’t seem very certain in what he is doing. His replies to most questions concerning his
intentions are very _________.

Ex.4. Rewrite the following sentences using compound adjectives.

1. The tunnel is one kilometre. It’s a one-kilometre tunnel.
2. The business trip lasted three days. It was a __________ trip.
3. The bag weighs ten kilos. It’s a __________ bag.
4. The document contains six pages. It’s a __________ document.
5. The scientist was seventy years old. The speaker was a __________ scientist.
6. The company’s new office costs three thousand dollars. The company has a new, __________
7. I gave him a note for fifty pounds. I paid him with a __________ note.
8. I took a holiday for two weeks. I went on a __________ holiday.
9. The road was twenty-five kilometres long. We were driving along a __________ road.
10.The conference was planned for three days. We were invited to attend a __________ conference.

Ex.5. Decide which adjectives are classifying and which are expressing opinion. Put the
adjectives in the correct order.
1. talented / jazz / black / musician
2. old / comfortable / stone-built / small / cottage
3. cotton / summer / stylish / white / new / dress
4. delicious / cheese / fresh / sandwich
5. wooden / rectangular / large / yellow / picture frame
6. rocking / beautiful / antique / chair
7. economic / recent / American / policy
8. elegant / grey / woolen / trendy / coat
9. enormous / glass / German / brown / mug
10. old-fashioned / marble / French / lovely / fireplace
11. shiny / large / expensive / brown / leather / case
12. old / several / English / beautiful / castles

Ex.6. Fill in the gaps with the following adjectives, which are used without nouns. Translate the
sentences into Ukrainian.
British, deaf, latter, good/bad, unpredictable, unemployed, underprivileged, blind, rich, injured.

1. The government is cutting back on benefits for the __________.

2. Sign language is usually taught to __________ to enable them to communicate.
3. After the accident, __________ were taken to the hospital.
4. __________ are famous for their love for traditions.
5. Everybody greeted Mr. James and Mrs. Brown; __________ was a world-famous designer.
6. The survey showed that __________ control 90% of the country’s wealth.
7. In sports, __________ often happens.
8. The purpose of the Lifeline Express is to bring healthcare to __________ who do not have access to
medical care.
9. They are training guide dogs for __________.
10. __________ in him overweighs _________.

Ex.7. Form adverbs from the following adjectives.

1. wonderful – wonderfully
2. comfortable –
3. full –
4. regular –
5. near –
6. close –
7. wrong –
8. happy –
9. scarce –
10. rare –

Ex.8. Say how often you do some of the following things. Use the adverbs of frequency (always,
sometimes, often, never, etc.) in the right places.
Drink coffee, go to the concert, cook, do crossword puzzles, chat on the phone with your friends, visit
the university library, go swimming, go shopping, play computer games, read books in English, go

Ex.9. Put the adverbs in the right places. In some sentences more than one variant is possible.
1. Public transport isn’t reliable. (always)
2. My parents don’t worry when I am late. (normally)
3. I can’t afford that. It’s expensive. (very)
4. I heard some noise in the yard. (suddenly)
5. If I see Jack tonight, I’ll tell him this happy news. (definitely)
6. You don’t need to introduce Mr. Smith; I have met him. (already)
7. I like this place and will stay here for a few more weeks. (certainly)
8. The teacher read my essay and changed everything I had written. (nearly; carefully)
9. Ann is not responsible for what she does. We can’t rely upon her. (sometimes; unfortunately)
10. I have been busy and bring work home from the office. (often; recently; very)
11. I began to feel better but it was early to go out by myself. (slowly; too; again)
12. We are having a meeting with our partners in Glasgow. We’ll be lucky to sign a more profitable
contract with them. (maybe; tomorrow; enough)
13. She’s been here a week, and she knows all the neighbours. (very well; already; only)

Ex.10. Put the adverbs into their correct place in the text.
When Michael opened his café, he did not have any experience in business and found out it was
much more difficult than he had expected (three years ago, absolutely, soon). Although the café was
situated in a good place, he had overlooked an important thing: advertising (conveniently, totally,
very). As by that time he had run out of money, he sent a letter to his uncle asking for a loan (nearly,
urgently, as soon as possible). The money arrived, and Michael put an advertisement in the local paper
(the next day, immediately, on the front page). His café became popular (within weeks, tremendously).

Ex.11. Supply the right adverb. Some adverbs end in –ly and some not.
1. Be careful. Act carefully.
2. She is a hard worker. She works _________.
3. The train is early. It has arrived _________.
4. It was a serious injury. The man was injured _________.
5. There was a heavy rain in the morning. It was raining _________.
6. It is a perfect report. You have prepared it _________.
7. I get a monthly bill. I pay for the electricity _________.
8. My name is last. On this list, I come _________.
9. His bus was late. I had to wait because he came _________.
10. Everything was very quiet. We were trying to move __________.
11. You’ve used a bad paint. The door is painted __________.
12. It was a brief meeting. The chief manager spoke to the employees only ____.
13. My brother’s got a fast car. He usually drives very __________.

Ex.12. Choose the right adverb to fill in the gaps.

1. Farm workers have to work very ________ during the harvest. (hard/hardly)
2. Farm workers ________ earn enough money to pay their bills. (hard/hardly)
3. We've been receiving a lot of junk mail _______. (late/lately)
4. The postman brings my mail so ________ I rarely see it before I go to work. (late/lately)
5. I'm sure the boss thinks very ________ of you. (high/highly)
6. If you want to succeed, you should aim _______. (high/highly)
7. I don't think you were treated very _______. (just/justly)
8. I've ________ been offered a job in Mexico! (just/justly)
9. Please don't go too ________ the edge of the platform. (near/nearly)
10. I ________ fell off the edge of the platform! (near/nearly)
11. When my Mother goes to London, she is ______ at the theatre. (most/mostly)
12. She has the ________ fun of all of us. (most/mostly)
13. The children are ________ to each other in age (close/closely).
14. I was sitting and watching everyone very ________ (close/closely).

Ex.13. Choose the right word.

1. Do you think that’s a (real/really) diamond in her ring?
2. Ann seemed (gentle/gently), but there was something cruel underneath.
3. She looked at me (kind/kindly), but didn’t say anything.
4. You can eat (free/freely) at my restaurant whenever you like.
5. When I’m in the mountains I am always (good/well).
6. All buses are (late/lately) today. I wonder why.
7. She didn’t say a word and walked away (quick/quickly).
8. You seem very (angry/angrily). What’s up?
9. Joe and Ann have been (happy/happily) married for twenty years.
10. Get away from the road. That bus came very (close/closely).
11. He threw the ball (high/highly) into the crowd.
12. The topic was sensitive, that’s why she was speaking (careful/carefully).
13. I’ve (hard/hardly) seen you this month. Where have you been?
14. This sauce tastes (strange/strangely). What have you put into it?
15. The project was (near/nearly) complete when the customer suggested some changes.

Ex.14. Put in so, such or such a.

1. It is difficult to compete with him because he is ________ experienced.
2. The trip was a success. We had ________ good time.
3. It was ________ boring lecture that most of the students stopped following it.
4. I didn’t know you lived ________ far from the university.
5. The prices are growing ________ fast these days, aren’t they?
6. It was ________ beautiful day, and we decided to go to the beach.
7. How can you say ________ thing! It’s unfair!
8. I was ________ tired that I fell asleep in front of the TV.
9. I couldn’t believe what she was saying. It was ________ shock.
10. We have to go. We didn’t realize it was ________ late.

Ex.15. Complete the following sentences using enough or too in the correct place.
1. Are you going to get married soon? – No, I’m not. I’m ________ (young).
2. Do you watch films in English? – No. I’m afraid my English is not ________ (good) to watch films
in the original language.
3. Did you hear what he was saying? – Yes, he was speaking ________ (loud).
4. Shall we invite more people to the conference? – I’m afraid we won’t have ________ (room) for
more people.
5. I can’t suggest anything new for the project. I haven’t got ________ creative (ideas).
6. The situation was ________ (complicated) to explain to everybody.
7. She was ________ (shy) to become an actress.
8. We’d love to move to a bigger house but we don’t have ________ (money) at the moment.
9. Let’s stay at home. It’s ________ (late) to go anywhere.
10. Don’t ask me to do it. I’ve got ________ (problems) of my own.

Ex.16. Write the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives and adverbs.
Cheap, full, good, fast, easily, lazy, uncomfortable, nervous, useful, far, safe, happy, fluently, much,
narrow, little, intelligent, bad.

Ex.17. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of suitable adjectives/adverbs.
1. The restaurant was surprisingly cheap. We expected it to be _______.
2. You’re standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit _______?
3. The teacher was speaking too fast. The students asked him to speak _______.
4. My present job is boring, so I hope to find something _______.
5. If you want to successfully pass your exam, you should study _______.
6. It’s a short walk from here to the park. I expected the park to be _______.
7. We all hoped that he would recover fast but it took him much _______.
8. You were quite upset yesterday. I’m glad you look much ________ today.
9. It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived _______.
10. The instructions are very complicated. They could have been ________.
11. Nine o’clock is late. Could you come any _______?
12. You don’t understand. You could understand me, if you were _______.
13. Usually he is so absent-minded at lectures but because of the topic he is listening to the speaker
________ today.
14. The centre of the city is usually so noisy. I’d like to stay at a hotel in a ________ place.

Ex.18. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of suitable adjectives/adverbs.
1. It is a very valuable painting. Actually, it is ________ in the gallery.
2. We had a great holiday. It was one of ________ holidays we’ve ever had.
3. In order to save money we stayed at ________ hotel in the city.
4. Steve usually makes ________ mistakes in his group, or no at all.
5. February is ________ month of the year.
6. In the theatre, ________ seats are at the back.
7. The Taj Mahal is ________ building in the world.
8. Our new car is very economical. Actually, it uses ________ petrol of all the cars we looked at.
9. I’m so tired after the trip! ________ thing for me would be to get home as soon as I can.
10. Jane has done so much for the project. She has worked on it ______ of all of us.

Ex.19. Use the following intensifying words to complete the sentences:

very, too, far, much, a lot, rather, a bit, a little, any, by far, quite, nearly, almost
1. Go slower. You’re driving ________ fast for me.
2. I didn’t enjoy the meal _______ much.
3. I’m afraid the problem is ________ more complicated than it seems.
4. I thought she was younger than me, but in fact she is ________ older.
5. She is ________ intelligent to believe it!
6. It was ________ the most stressful day in my life.
7. I’m sorry I’m a bit late but I couldn’t get here ________ sooner.
8. She fell and hurt her arm ________ badly.
9. The last of these reasons is ________ the most important.
10. How do you feel today? Are you ________ better?

Ex.20. Complete the sentences using the comparative constructions as ... as or not so ... as/not as
... as. For comparison use the following adjectives:
much (x2), expensive, heavy, easy, interesting, fast, cold (x2), soon
1. Why don't you buy a motorbike? Motorbikes are ________ cars.
2. Her hands were ________ ice.
3. There's enough food for everybody. You can take ________ you want.
4. His last book didn't sell successfully because it was ________the previous one.
5. I'm sorry I'm late. I got here ________ I could.
6. It isn't warm today, but it is ________ yesterday.
7. The task was ________ I had expected but finally I managed to understand the problem.
8. Can you give me the reply ________ possible, please?
9. It's the holiday season, so the traffic is ________ usual.
10. You can't expect the same profit because you have invested ________ me.

Ex.21. Translate into English.

Вдвічі більше, втричі менше, вп'ятеро важче, вдвічі старше, вчетверо довше, вполовину

Ex.22. Complete the sentences using the comparative constructions -er and -er/more and more...
and the + comparative …...................... , the + comparative … .
1. As I was waiting for my interview, I was getting ________ (nervous).
2. Do you want a big house? - Yes, ________ (big), ________ (good).
3. It's ________ (hard) to find time for everything you'd like to do.
4. ________ (far) he was telling the story, ________ (much) we laughed.
5. ________ (dangerous) it is, ________ (much) I like it.
6. The grammatical topics are ________ (hard). I'm afraid I'll fail in the test.
7. ________ (much) I get to know you, ________ (little) I understand you.
8. We were getting tired and were walking ________ (slowly).
9. ________ (old) he gets, ________ (forgetful) he becomes.
10. My list of things to do gets________ (long).

Ex.23. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Chinese food is the nicer than Indian I think.
2. It's a school for the deaf people.
3. Everyone seemed very nervously.
4. You aren't enough tall to play basketball.
5. Our house is so big as yours.
6. She spoke to us friendly.
7. I like your leather new nice jacket.
8. The trip was far much longer than we had expected.
9. I felt happyer in my previous job.
10. I tried hardly but I didn't succeed.
11. The afraid child was crying for his mother.
12. Let me know if you need any farther help.
13. It’s the more delicious dish I’ve ever tasted.
14. A new car is twice expensive as a second-hand one.
15. It was enough late to start a new project.

Ex.24. Translate into English.

1. Чим більше він читає англійською, тим менше користується словником.
2. Джейн виглядає вдвічі молодшою своєї сестри, хоча вона такого ж віку.
3. Ти говориш занадто швидко. Вони тебе не розуміють.
4. Хоча у нас були дуже погані місця, нам дуже сподобалась вистава.
5. Він сердито подивився на мене. «Чому ти такий сердитий сьогодні?»- запитав я.
6. Він недостатньо досвідчений, щоб очолити відділ.
7. Ти часто ходиш до бібліотеки? - Зазвичай я працюю в бібліотеці один раз на тиждень, але
зараз ходжу туди частіше, тому що скоро у нас дуже важкий семінар.
8. Дводенна конференція була найцікавішою за останні три роки.
9. Ставало все темніше, і ми вирішили йти додому.
10. Молодим більше подобаються фільми-бойовики і фентезі.
11. Мені подобаються наші нові сусіди. Вони такі приємні люди і такі доброзичливі до всіх.
12. Я бачив Джона тільки раз. Я мало знаю його.
13. Наш готель менш дорогий, ніж минулого разу, а розташований набагато ближче до центру
14. На екзамені я легко відповів на два питання, але останнє завдання було набагато важчим.


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