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Biology Worksheet
Application- based questions

Name: ________________________ Grade: XII Sec: ____

1. Sporozoite and gametocytes
2. Haemozoin. Parasites after entering the fresh RBC’s take 48 to 72 hours to complete the
erythrocytic cycle, rupturing the erythrocytes. Then they burst to release toxic
substance called haemozoin and the symptoms like chill and high fever occur
3. Refer the notes .innate immunity can be accomplished through – surface barriers and
cellular barriers.
4. The person is suffering from AIDS. Casual organism is Human Immunodefeciency virus
[HIV]. HIV infects helper T – cells where it replicates and produces progeny viruses. The
liberated progenies then attack the new helper T cells. Repeated attacks results in
progressive decrease in the number of T – cells and thus reducing immunity.
5. This is because cancer occurs on activation of oncogenes. The activation is induced by
carcinogen which can be physical, chemical or biological.
6. Smoking increases the carbon monoxide content in the blood which has greater affinity
to haemoglobin than oxygen. CO forms a stable bond with haemoglobin and does not
allow binding of oxygen. Smoking also damages alveolar wall which reduces respiratory
surface [ emphysema].
7. Cocaine has a potent stimulating action on the central nervous system, producing a
sense of euphoria and increased energy.
8. Plant source is Papaver somniferum or poppy. Smack is a depressant and slows down
body functions.
9. Contact inhibition is the property of normal cells in which contact with other cells inhibit
their uncontrolled growth. Metastasis is the property in which tumor cells reach distant
sites in the body, through blood.
10. Biopsy / radiograph/ CT/MRI

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