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Answer 1: the title number 3.

Significant risk toward unsafe sex

and unwanted pregnancy among adolescents of Infanta
Answer 2: The country's adolescent fertility rate is 44 births per
1,000 female age 15 to 19
Answer 3: the adolescent community population health will be
safer. And the encouragement to them to apply safer sexual
behaviors to themselves.
Answer 4: Adolescents in Infanta, Pangasinan may only have
limited access to contraceptives since they are not readily
available or are too expensive. Due to the lack of access, there
may be a higher chance of having unprotected intercourse and
getting pregnant unintentionally.
Lack of thorough sex education: It's possible that adolescents in
Infanta, Pangasinan, lack access to thorough sex education.
They might not be aware of the dangers of unclean sex or how
to safeguard themselves against STIs and unintended
pregnancy. Because of this ignorance and lack of education,
people may engage in unsafe sexual activities.

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