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Scientific Notation: Conventional to Scientific Notation

Main Concepts/Ideas:
To facilitate the recording and the handling of very large and very small quantities, scientists
often use scientific notation. Scientific notation expresses a number as a product of a number and a
multiple of 10. The multiples of 10 are often expressed using exponents.

Standard scientific notation is expressed as a x 10 n where the exponent n indicates the number
of times the decimal point is moved so that 9 ≥ a ≥1 . An important rule in writing scientific notation is:
“for each decimal place the decimal point is moved to the left, 1 is added to the exponent of 10. For
each movement to the right, 1 is subtracted from the exponent.”

As shown in the table of Worksheet 2 (Prefixes), numbers raised to negative exponents are less
than one, while those raised to positive exponents are greater than 1. Thus:

−1 1 1
a =a
a = 1 2
a a =a × a
−2 1 n
a =a × a ×a × … a
a = 2
1 1
a−n= n =
a a × a× a × … a

−1 1 1 101=10
10 = 1 = =0.1 2
10 =10 × 10
10 10 3
−2 1 1 1 10 =10 × 10× 10
10 = 2 = = =0.01
10 10 ×10 100
−3 1 1
10 = 3 = =0.001
10 10 ×10 ×10

Detailed Examples:
 123,000,000 (the decimal point is located after the last zero)

123 x 106 = 123 x 100,000 = 123,000,000 (moving the decimal point 6 places to the left
places it after “3” and adds “6” to the
exponent of 10)

1.23 x 108 = 1.23 x 100,000,000 = 123,000,00 (To express the number in standard scientific
notation form, the decimal point is moved an
additional 2 places to the left. This adds “2” in
the exponent of 10)

 0.0005 = 5 x 10-4 = 5 x 0.0001 (The decimal point is moved 4 times to the right
to express the number in standard scientific
notation form. Since the movement is to the
right, the sign of the exponent is negative.


Express each number in its standard scientific notation form.
Standard Scientific Notation Form


0.000,000,000,000 36

54 x 1013

0.786 x 1012

630 x 10-5

0.00032 x 10-6

Reflection/Summary of Learning:

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