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Name: A.

Alejandra Romero Paredes Rodríguez Student ID: 2856636

Course: Basic Business English. Teacher: Rubén Ríos Tapia.
Delivery Date: 19/09/2022 Homework: 2- My Vocabulary Grows
1. First, classify each verb by using the regular and irregular table. Use the past tense.
2. Then, read about people’s day and complete each paragraph with the simple past.

Irregular verbs.
1. Bring
2. Choose
3. Drink
4. Drive
5. Fly
6. Hit
7. Know
8. Make
9. Speak
10. Retire
11. Ride
12. Run

Regular verbs.
1. Arrive
2. Ask
3. Carry
4. Copy
5. Cry
6. Enjoy
7. Finish
8. Marry
9. Need
10. Open
11. Play
12. Receive
13. Start
14. Stop
15. Talk
16. Try
17. Kick
18. Want
19. Watch
20. Write

1. saw/ enjoyed/ cried/ ate/ talked

2. had/ went/ got/ spent

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