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Los lugares en la escuela - The places in the school

1. El aula / La clase - classroom

2. La cantina - canteen
3. La biblioteca - library
4. El laboratorio - Laboratory
5. El campo deportivo - Sports ground
6. La oficina del director - Principal’s office
7. La sala de profesores - Teachers (staff) room
8. El auditorio - Auditorium
9. La piscina - swimming pool
10. El jardín - garden
11. El gimnasio - gymnasium
12. La recepción - Reception.

Homework Project :

Make a chart with the title “Los lugares en la escuela”. Draw / paste the pictures
of the places in the school mentioned in the above list and name each one of them.

You need to submit this project next week by Monday, 4th November

Important Verbs

1. Yo estudio - I study

2. Yo leo - I read

3. Yo escribo - I write

4. Yo aprendo - I learn

5. Yo hablo - I speak

6. Yo escucho - I listen

7. Yo entiendo - I understand

8. Yo veo - I see

9. Yo ayudo - I help

10. Yo pregunto - I ask

11. Yo contesto – I answer

Translate the following :

1. I study Spanish

2. I read many books

3. I write in my notebook.

4. I learn Spanish.

5. I speak English, Hindi and Spanish

6. I listen to the teacher.

7. I understand Spanish and French.

8. I see the board

9. I see / watch videos in Spanish.

10. I help my classmates.


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