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Running Head: FAMILY OF ORIGIN 1

Family of Origin

Student's Name

Institutional Affiliation

Family of Origin

I am from African culture. In this culture, we speak different languages, such as Zulu and

Swahili. I grew up in five, which included my father, mother, and two brothers. Our religion and

language were the sources of pride that connected us to our ethnicity. Growing up, we faced

discrimination and oppression from families from the upper class. Our culture and ethnicity

contrasted with our master narrative since we faced a lot of struggles solving conflicts. I had the

best experience with other cultures since I learned new languages and also their religion.

The family I grew up with was very united since we could support each other in all our

endeavors. In our family, our parents had the power because we could not do anything without

consulting them. We lived in Johannesburg town's outskirts because we could not afford to live

in the main town. I had a female dog called Jerry, who was my companion. My parent's and

siblings' relationship was the best since we learn lots of positive things from each other. My

mother impacted my life since she taught me the behavior that society needed. My father also

made a huge impact on my life since I learned leadership skills from him. What I knew about my

grandparents is that they practiced hunting and migrated from different towns. My parents used

to talk about their parents too, and I found out that they had the best relationship.

As a child, I was one person that my parent could rely on since I used to adhere to all the

rules and regulations that they provided. I resemble my mother a lot, but I took my father's

personality of being a straight forward person. Gender roles and sexual orientation were

addressed in the best way since our parents taught us what society expected. This helped me a lot

since I learned many ways of relating to people of the opposite gender. It also changed the

perception I had towards them.


In times of stress, my members used to calm and handle it well by consulting close

family friends. I used to cope with stress by becoming angry, but my parents taught me to calm

and handle it well. This was similar to other family members because we taught how to handle

stress by calming down. During conflicts, my family communicates with a sense of humility and

willingness to solve the problem. This affected me since I learned that there are other ways of

solving conflict than violence.

In our childhood, we practiced Christianity since we followed our parents. I had the best

experience practicing Christianity in my childhood since I learned things like the ten

commandments that helped boost my moral value. Christianity also impacted my adulthood

since I learned how to live peacefully with other people by having the right behavior and respect.

I did not have any experience with other religions since we only followed what our parents did.

From my family's history, I see the nuclear pattern since there were no other relatives

involved apart from my parents and siblings. Another pattern that I see from my family history is

the best relationship was maintained. This pattern played a vital role since it ensured that we

were united. I choose to continue with the improved relationship patter because I want to stay

united with all my relatives. The nuclear patter is what I will abolish since I want to feel the

connection with other family members other than my siblings and parents. The family

assessment has played a vital role in helping others in human services, such as preventing

problems. People learned different ways of curbing issues that can cause conflicts. The family

assessment has also helped others in human services since it has helped them identify their

strengths and values.

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