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Define family

As what I have learned during class, family is the basic unit of the society. Family fulfill our needs and
also wants. They are the ones who support us in all aspects (emotionally, financially, physically and
more). Family support one another, if one member is during his or her darkest time, there is always that
one member who will uplift and enlighten you. Family is the single most important influence in a
person’s life.

Identify and describe each family type

According to my research, there are six types of family and they are Nuclear Family, Single Parent
Family, Extended Family, Childless Family, Grandparent Family and Stepfamily. A Nuclear Family consist
of husband and wife along with children. A Single Parent Family consist of a one parent raising one or
more children. An Extended Family consist of two or more people, either related by blood or marriage. A
Childless Family consist of couple who do not have children. A Grandparent Family consist of
grandparents raising children while the parents are busy. Lastly, Stepfamily, consist of new husband or
wife and children from their previous relationships.

Describe the role of each member of the family.

It is the primary duty of the parents to work in order to support the family for their basic needs. The
Father is the head of the family, he provides for the family. The Mother manages the household chores
and looks after the welfare of each family member. The Children helps the parents in doing various
household chores or any duties they are capable of doing and loving. The Brother helps the father in
fixings things while the Sister helps the mother in doing household chores. The Grandparents are the
ones who have made our parents the way they are. It is because of their upbringing that our parents
love us immensely and care for us the same way our grandparents did when they were children.
Moreover, grandparents are our support system.

How does each member of your family face challenges and solve problems in the family? Site one (1)

Each member of my family have their own battles but we overcame it by supporting and uplifting one
another. For instance, my brother has been bullied in his school because of his appearance. His
classmate said he is just teasing him but it came to the point that my brother cannot handle it anymore
and he fought back. Both of them were called to the principal's office together with our parents. My
brother have become depressed after that incident. As a sister, I help him by sharing some encouraging
and motivational quotes that could enlighten his mood. Supporting him mentally and emotionally.
Telling him to be stronger and smarter emotionally if that incident will happen again. I also heard from
my parents that if my brother overcome that problem, he will have that certain thing that he wants if he
comply with what my parents said. Knowing my brother, he will do it if there is a prize waiting for him.
It’s his driving force or motivation to continue.

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