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 Good evening everyone, my name is Elvis. According to the topic Mr Lim bring out
just now, I think parent has the greatest influence on a person’s behaviour especially
their child. As we already know, parents are the closest person to their child. Parents
has a stronger relationship with them rather than friends and teachers since they
spend a lot of time with parents. A stronger relationship means more influence. The
child will be more likely to seek the parent guidance and value their opinion and
support. Parents are the role models for their child. A parent action can affect a child
behaviour. For example, if the parents do a positive action such as helping people in
front of their child, the child will grow up become a person who help others too. On
the other side, if the parents give a negative example for their child such as drinking
alcohol or taking drugs, the child will also do that.
 Parents are always ready to catch their child when they fall. They always prepared to
help their child go through all their hardships with all their might. Not only did our
parents give us life and bring us into this wonderful world, but they loved us and
cared for us for all the years of our life. They give us their best and constantly
reminds us of the love that they have for us, whether it be a simple good morning text
or a phone call to ask how our day is going. How can a child not realise this is the
greatest gift, life and love.
 Parents experience a life longer than their child. They always know the best advice
and right thing to say. When we are down in the dumps, their words of wisdom can
help us get out of that difficult situation. They know how to make us feel better and
guide us in the right direction.
 Parents are the ones we can joke with and tell anything to. They are always there for
us in times of need and in times of prosperity, for celebration and despair. Parents
will think of their children before they think of themselves. They think of their children
life of how their children will grow into an amazing individual, but they don’t think of
how amazing they are. No matter how many things we have tried throughout our life,
parents are the biggest supporters and will encourage us to follow our dream no
matter how many times we change our major or path of life.
 I looked up to my mother and father. Whether it be for guidance, support, advice,
they have always been there for me throughout my life until now. They face the
struggles of being a parent and the sacrifices necessary to have a family. That’s why
I believe parents are the most important and influential people to a person.

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