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For most of my life, one of my goals has been to visit Japan I think I’ll enjoy
Japan because there are beautiful places there are beautiful places in Japan.
I’m traveling to japan in October 21th. That day, I leave Peru at 5:00 AM and
then the plane arrives in Japan at 11:00PM. I know, the time to travel to
Japan is too long but it will be worth it. After the arrival of the plane in
I will find a room to stay during my visit to Japan. Also I will rent a car when I
get to japan for visit several tourist places more quickly. About Japanese the
food, the base of Japanese food is rice, which is combined with other types
of dishes that use fresh products every day.
One of its characteristics is to use ways of cooking that increase the natural
flavors of different foods. This is how we find steamed, grilled or fried food
in Japan. I´ll be eating specials dishes in Japan. That´s amazing.
Also I hope that I will go to an anime store in Japan. Do you know what is it?
Well, Anime is a word with which Japanese animation is generally identified.
We are talking about a very large company that fuses entertainment with
the culture of the country.
One of his great virtues is having known how to hook audiences of any taste
and age. Since I was a child I wanted to buy a lot anime figures there. By the
end of my travel, I’ll have returned to my dear Peru.

I have visited Machupicchu in 2011. I can't have lost this

experience in my life. Why? Because in July 2011, it was 100 years
since the discovery of the ruins. Well, as UNESCO says, "the citadel
was perfectly hidden in the eastern mountains of the Andean
tropical forest that was only discovered in 1911 by the American
archaeologist Hiram Bingham" and Machupicchu is the most
famous wonder in Peru and it has a lot of theories about how it
has been built.
One of them is the Machupicchu may have built by Aliens, because
the natives in Peru can’t have carried that stones. I think it must be
a logical theory.
Well if you want to visit Machupicchu, you should travel in October
because before that month, you might not be able to see
Machupicchu for the fog in the mountain.
i think, in the past the fog had to have hidden the Machupicchu
from the Spaniards.
Well, I might travel to Cuzco for visit Machupicchu again the next

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