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MTB-MLE Evaluation

Direction: Encircle the preposition that well complete each sentence.

1. He has not shown up ( since, for ) age.

2. I am looking ( for, at ) my friend. Has she left the place?
3. My husband and I dream ( at, of ) visiting New Zealand.
4. This poem was composed ( by, to ) Marianne.
5. My classmate had a problem ( with, in ) following direction.
6. According ( to, by ) the school authorities, always wear your Id’s.
7. Do you agree ( to, with ) me in pursuing settlement of the case?
8. Hold ( on, in ) to dear life, especially in times of trouble.
9. Please have your vacation here ( on, in ) December.
10. Based ( on, from ) the interrogations, you seem guiltless.


Direction: Complete the sentences by choosing from and, but, or or so

1. Harry has a fever, ___ he takes medicine every six hours.

2. Misha attempted to translate a manuscript in Latin, ___ it was too hard for her.
3. To get to Macau from Hong Kong, we can fly, ___ we can ride the ferry.
4. I borrowed some DVD copies of our favorite films, ___ we watched them
5. The food was not delicious, ___ the place was good.
6. I waited for hours in the coffee shop, ___ the person did not show up.
7. Roper needed money for his tuition fee, ___ he took an online job.
8. In my shopping list, I wrote office materials, beauty products, ___ toiletries.
9. Alden was the top of his class, ___ his arrogant.
10. Juan is my best friend, he ___ I like to play basketball together.

Direction: Choose the conjunctive adverb that best complete the sentences. Wrte your
answer on the blank provided for you.

Accordingly Indeed Consequently

Otherwise Nevertheless In addition

However Nonetheless Therefore

Instead Likewise Subsequently

In fact Meanwhile Furthermore

Therefore Similarly Moreover

1. You must strive harder; __________, you might get a failing mark.
2. We planned to fly to Puerto Princesa; __________, we flew to Coron, Palawan.
3. He is a shy and silent man; __________, many women like him.
4. The team wanted to reach the summit; __________, the trail was blocked.
5. Your research paper is incomplete; __________, you try to finish it tonight.
6. Jeremy kept talking in class; __________, he got in trouble.
7. She went into the store; __________, she didn’t find anything she wanted to buy.
8. I like you a lot; __________, I think we should be best friends.
9. Your dog got into my yard; __________, he dug up my petunias.
10. You’re my friend; __________, I feel like you’re taking advantage of me.

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