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 AC=Anterior chamber of
eyeball. Anterior part of human eye,
with anterior chamber at right.
The anterior chamber (AC) is the aqueous
humor-filled space inside the eye between the
iris and the cornea
 Acc=Accommodation= Focusing power of the
light=The accommodation reflex (or
accommodation-convergence reflex) is a reflex
action of the eye, in response to focusing on a
near object, then looking at a distant object
(and vice versa), comprising coordinated
changes convergence, lens shape and
pupil size (accommodation).
 BV=Binocular Vision=In biology, binocular
vision is a type of vision in which an animal
having two eyes is able to perceive a single
three-dimensional image of its surroundings.

 BSV=Binocular Single Vision=Binocular

Single Vision may be defined as the state of
simultaneous vision, which is achieved by the
coordinated use of both eyes, so that separate
and slightly dissimilar images arising in each
eye are appreciated as a single image by the
process of fusion
 BVP=Back Vertex Power=In ophthalmic lens work,
the vertex power of a lens is defined as the reciprocal
of the back focal length.

BVD=Back Vertex Distance=Vertex distance is
the distance between the back surface of a corrective
lens, i.e. glasses (spectacles) or contact lenses, and the
front of the cornea.
 CT=Cover Test=he single cover test is a test is used to
determine if there is a hetrotropia or tropia, which is a
manifest strabismus or misalignment that is always
present. The first eye is covered for approximately 1-
2seconds. As this eye is covered, the uncovered eye is
observed for any shift in fixation
 DV=Distance Vision=distance vision. the ability to
see objects clearly from a distance, usually from 20
feet (6 m) or more.
 FF=Foveal fixatioin= The fovea is typically located at
the center of the retina and is the point of clearest

IOL=Intraocular Lens=Intraocular lens (IOL) is
a lens implanted in the eye as part of a treatment for
cataracts or myopia. The most common type of IOL is
the pseudophakic IOL. These are implanted during
cataract surgery, after the cloudy eye's
natural lens (cataract) has been removed.
 IOP=Intraocular Pressure=Intraocular
pressure (IOP) is the fluid pressureinside
the eye. Tonometry is the method eye care
professionals use to determine this. IOP is an
important aspect in the evaluation of patients
at risk of glaucoma. Most tonometers are
calibrated to measure pressure in millimeters
of mercury (mmHg).
 K=Ketratometry=A keratometer, also known
as an ophthalmometer, is a diagnostic
instrument for measuring the curvature of the
anterior surface of the cornea, particularly for
assessing the extent and axis of astigmatism.
 PD or IPD=pupillary distance or intra
pupillary distance=Pupillary
distance (PD) or
interpupillary distance(IPD) is
the distance measured in millimeters
between the centers of the pupils of the
eyes.OR Distance b/w both pupil of eye

VF=Visual Field=The visual field refers
to the total area in which objects can be
seen in the side (peripheral) vision as
you focus your eyes on a central
 EP=Exophoria= Nonobservable or invisible
squint at temporal side
 ET=Exotropia=Observable or visible Squint at
temporal side.
 XP=Esophoria= Nonobservable or invisible
squint at nasal side
 XT=Esotropia=obsevrable or visible squint at
nasal side
 AMD/ARMD=Age Related Macular Degeneration=
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of
severe, irreversible vision loss in people over age 60.
It occurs when the small central portion of the retina,
known as the macula, deteriorates. The retina is the
light-sensing nerve tissue at the back of the eye.
 ACG/CAG=Angle Closure Glucoma= Acute angle-
closure glaucoma is caused by a rapid or sudden
increase in intraocular pressure (IOP), the pressure
within the eye. Fluid is continually produced inside,
and drains out of, the normal eye. This fluid, called
aqueous humor, is unrelated to the tears, which are
only on the outside of the eye.
 BDR=Background Diabetic Retonopathy=
Background diabetic retinopathy, also known
as non-proliferative diabetic
retinopathy (NPDR), is the early stage
of diabetic retinopathy. This occurs
when diabetes damages the small blood vessels
and nerves in the retina. ... If not treated, it may
lead to proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).
 DR=Diabetic Retinopathy= Diabetic
retinopathy (die-uh-BET-ik ret-ih-NOP-uh-thee)
is a diabetes complication that affects eyes. It's
caused by damage to the blood vessels of the light-
sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina). At
first, diabetic retinopathy may cause no
symptoms or only mild vision problems.
 BP=Blood Pressure=The pressure of the blood in the
circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since
it is closely related to the force and rate of the
heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the
arterial walls.
"heart failure is common in patients with high blood
 Cat=Cataract(Motia)=Cataract is the opacification of
the crystalline lens of an eye.
 RD=Retinal Detachment=Retinal detachment is a
disorder of the eye in which the retina separates from
the layer underneath. Symptoms include an increase
in the number of floaters, flashes of light, and
worsening of the outer part of the visual field. ...
Without treatment permanent loss of vision may occur.
 RK=Radial keratotomy=Radial
keratotomy (RK) is a refractive surgical
procedure to correct
 RP=retinitis pigmintosa=Retinitis
pigmentosa (RP) is a group of rare, genetic
disorders that involve a breakdown and loss of
cells in the retina—which is the light sensitive
tissue that lines the back of the eye. Common
symptoms include difficulty seeing at night and a
loss of side (peripheral) vision.

DFP=Digital Fundus Photography=A digital fundus
camera is used to take an image of the fundus — the back
portion of the eye that includes the retina, macula, fovea,
optic disc and posterior pole. A digital fundus camera
normally consists of a camera with a specialized microscope

DFE=dilated fundus examination=Dilated fundus
examination or dilated-pupil fundus
examination (DFE) is a diagnostic procedure that
employs the use of mydriatic eye drops (such as
tropicamide) to dilate or enlarge the pupil in order to
obtain a better view of the fundus of the eye.

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