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1. How to confirm the diagnose premature ruptured membrane?

A. Nitrazine blue test
B. speculum
Answer is: B

2. 34 weeks GA + contraction every mins the cervix dilated 3 cm and the membranes intact,
the fetus lying transverse and has normal FHR, she had vaginal bleeding on us the
placenta attached to the posterior fundus but with retroplacental isoleucine what you will
Answer is: CS

3. vaccine contraindication in pregnancy

Answer is: Varicella (zoster)

4. Post-menopausal women with vaginal dryness > atrophic vaginitis?

Answer is: give Estrogen cream

5. case of cervical incompetence, when you will do cerclage?

Answer is: 13-16 weeks.

6. PCOS patient, what you will order for her?

Answer is: Glucose and lipid profile.

7. about the mechanism of ectopic pregnancy?

Answer is: problem in implantation

8. Women with history of excessive post-partum bleeding what is the not able to
breastfeeding dx?
Answer is: Sheehan syndrome.

9. CTG pic 2 Q asking about the mode of delivery one of the cases has placenta previa the
other is placenta abruptio?
Answer is: Previa: C/S, Placenta abruption: more than 34 weeks and stable (vaginal)
unstable (C/S).

10. Which week search for GDM?

A. 24 weeks
Answer is: 24 to 28 weeks.

11. Cervical polyp pic found accidentally?

A. Excision now
B. Admit and work up
C. Reassure
Answer is: A

12. pregnant female known case of asthma, on albuterol, complained of symptoms and
2/week night symptoms. The most appropriate management?
A. short acting bronchodilator and ICS
B. short acting and oral steroid
C. inhaled corticosteroid and long acting bronchodilator
D. long acting beta 2 agonist and inhaled corticosteroid
Answer is: D

13. Case about Threatened Abortion Vaginal bleeding OS is closed?

Answer is: resume normal activity.

14. case of 1ry dysmenorrhea initial treatment?

Answer is: NSAID

15. young, sexually active women who present with lower abdominal pain and adnexal
motion tenderness, asked about highest diagnostic test value?
C. Laparoscopic
D. Exploratory
Answer is: C

16. pt with mass 2cm away from anal verge on proctoscopy it appears cauliflower?
A. anal cancer
B. condyloma acuminate
Answer is: B, if it was fragile and bleed on touch > rectal cancer.

17. 70 YO male weight loss fatigue proctoscopy shows mass 2 cm from anal verge cauliflower
like friable mass? SURG1
A. anal cancer
B. condyloma acuminata
C. rectal ca
D. colon cancer
Answer is: C

18. pregnant has iron deficiency anaemia and she’s taking medication for it now complaining
of fatigue they attached her labs all were normal except MCV was low what’s the
B. pregnancy induce hypothyroidism
C. thalassemia
Answer is: C

19. pregnant 10 weeks complaining of biliary colic in the past 5 weeks Mx?
A. laparoscopic cholecystectomy now
B. laparoscopic cholecystectomy after delivery
C. laparoscopic cholecystectomy in second trimester
D. laparoscopic cholecystectomy in third trimester
Answer is: A

20. patient after spontaneous vaginal delivery and episiotomy with 1 hour, found to have
blue swelling in the vagina 5X3cm, painful, what is the best management?
A. packing
B. aspiration
C. observe
D. surgical evacuation
Answer is: D

21. Pregnant with ROM ask about what will be associated with?
Answer is: Cord prolapse

22. Case ask about tumour marker in megs syndrome (sex cord tumour) ascites, pleural
effusion, bilateral ovarian tumour?
Answer is: CA 125 marker

23. pregnant lady, just delivered and she's known to have bronchial asthma. Which of the
following uterotonic medications you would avoid giving?
A. misoprostol
B. carboprost F2 alpha
C. Oxytocin
D. Methylergonovine
Answer is: B

24. when should married women start to have pap smear for screening?
Answer is: 21

25. seven weeks pregnant lady C/O vaginal bleeding with tissue. Her cervix was open and you
can see some product of conception. Her fundal height is equal to 7-8 weeks.
A. threatened abortion
B. incomplete abortion
C. missed abortion
D. molar pregnancy
Answer is: B

26. female with endometrial thickening 15mm what to do?

Answer is: US guided biopsy (endometrial sampling)

27. pregnant 12 weeks with severe vomiting. BHCG is very high. US showed fetus with IUGR.
A. choriocarcinoma
B. trophoblast tumor in placenta
C. hydatidiform mole
Answer is: C

28. 28 week complaining of headache hypertensive no proteinuria?

A. Gestational htn
B. Chronic htn
C. Preeclampsia
Answer is: A

29. GDM type F with nephritis + and controlled HTN, She is pregnant now what’s most
complications will occur? NEW20
A. pre-eclampsia
B. stillbirth
C. Shoulder dystocia
D. Large baby
Answer is: A

30. What feature suggest sever preeclampsia?

A. abdominal pain
B. low plat
Answer is: B

31. 22 years female known case of severe depression ،suicidal attempts, she is controlled on
paroxetine. Now, she is pregnant. What to do?
A. Stop paroxetine because of fetal malformation
B. Continue paroxetine and control her depression
C. Decrease dose
Answer is: B

32. 37 yr female bleed came with AUB (Hx of persistent AUB for 8 months) and there is no Hx
of endometrial cancer in the family, what investigation will be more accurate?
A. pelvic MRI
B. CT abdomen, chest, pelvic
C. Endometrial biopsy
D. Hysteroscopy
Answer is: C

33. A case of pregnant women who developed vaginal bleeding as a result of placenta
abruption i think and it was clearly mentioned: high PTT , high PT , low fibrinogen , low
Answer is: A

34. Case of menopause women in her 40s I think, came with odourless watery vaginal
discharge, and itching, its tender on examination?
B. Trac
C. C-candida
D. atrophic vaginitis
Answer is: D

35. Valvula mass 0.5cm X 0.5 cm in labour majora (i think biopsy shows something in situ)
what’s the appropriate next step?
A. vulvectomy
B. superficial local excisions
Answer is: B

36. Young couple with 6 months history of infertility everything in the history was normal
regular period every 23 days with 4 days best investigation?
A. prolactin
C. urine FSH, LH
D. 21 progesterone
Answer is: D

37. 34 years old female complaining of green yellow discharge that started after her
mensuration, Upon examination: red lesions “like bruises” Whats the diagnosis?
A. atrophic vaginitis
B. Bacterial vaginosis
C. candidiasis
D. trichomoniasis
Answer is: D

38. Multiparous women presented to the ER with urge and stress incontinence since 3 years
the urine leaks 3-4 times daily and she needs to go to the bathroom 8-9 times daily Upon
pelvic Physical exam you found she has very weak pelvic muscles. What is your initial
A. start anticholinergic medication for 8 weeks
B. urine culture and start antibiotics if needed
C. Start her on daily pelvic Kegel exercise and bladder training for 8 weeks
Answer is: C

39. 17 yrs female, no menstruation, high testosterone, Normal breast development coarse
pubic hair?
A. Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome
B. complete androgen insensitivity
C. congenital hypothyroidism
Answer is: A

40. Fishy smell secretion with clue cells?

A. bacterial vaginosis
Answer is: A

41. Pt with mild vaginal bleeding, 8 week, unremarkable P/E except for minimal brownish
discharge (or sth) , os closed. US CRL 7 week. What’s most app?
A. Complete bed rest
B. Resume (safely) daily activity
Answer is: B

42. Most common Vulvar cancer?

Answer is: B

43. case of hyperthyroidism in pregnant what’s your management?

A. Antithyroid drugs
B. iodine
C. hemithyroidectomy
D. Near total
Answer is: A

44. pt married complain of right lower abdominal pain dyspareunia and back pain. Image
shows heterogenous calcification mass 9*9 what’s your management?
A. D&C
B. Remove by laparoscopic
C. Give methotrexate
D. angiodysplasia management?
Answer is: B

45. Female with post-partum bleeding, the placenta attached deeply into uterus, she bleeds
about 800ml, what is the type of PPH?
A. primary
B. secondary
C. tertiary
Answer is: A

46. Pregnant with DIC and placenta abruption with sever bleeding and pain what is the most
appropriate thing to do?
A. give her Blood transfusions
B. call multidisciplinary team
Answer is: B

47. Pregnant women at 38 w c/o headache, CBC normal, liver function normal, elevated
albumin/creatinine ratio Bp:150/90 What is the type?
A. preeclampsia
B. HEELP syndrome
C. Gestational
D. chronic HTN
Answer is: A

48. A case of severe preeclampsia BP 180/110, headache, blurry vision what is the
management? NO CS in the choices?
A. Hydralazine
B. Methyldopa
C. 2 answers not related to the Q at all
Answer is: A, first magnesium sulphate then > A.

49. Pregnant 38 wk with polyhydramnios, presents with rupture of membrane and severe
abdominal pain, CTG show fetal bradycardia, what’s the diagnosis?
A. vasa previa
B. cord prolapses
C. placental abruption
Answer is: B

50. Female 45 years presents for routine pap smear and in US they found a fibroid about 4x5
cm, what you will do?
A. Lap myomectomy
B. hysteroscope myomectomy
C. Follow up with US
D. Follow up with and CBC every 2 months
Answer is: C

51. Patient with 2 hx of Stillbirth, asking how to prevent this problem. Her LMP before 2
months and BHCG is present in her blood test what vaccine you will give her?
A. Rubella
B. varicella
C. Measles
D. Influenza
Answer is: D

52. case of placenta previa with painless mild bleeding at 34 w, next step?
A. admission
C. Betamethasone
Answer is: A

53. 12 y old female, acne, menorrhea, and 29 BMI, Agitated, not cooperative in examination
You have considered?
A. Mood
B. Behaviour
C. Substance use
D. Anxiety
Answer is: B

54. Primigravida with abd. pain & vaginal bleeding, u can feel fetus, cervix slightly dilated, Dx?
A. Inevitable abortion
B. Threatened abortion
Answer is: A

55. Married women when to screen for cervical cancer?

A. 20-24
B. 25-30
C. 30-35
D. 40-45
Answer is: A

56. Pregnant in her 28w came with painless vaginal bleeding, and she said that she is living
far from the hospital also she mention she did not feel her baby movement for 4h. What
is the initial you will do?
B. admit to the ward
Answer is: B

57. Pregnant in 20w with HTN 160/90 what is the appropriate antihypertensive drug for her?
A. Labetalol
B. Hydralazine
C. Methyldopa
Answer is: A

58. Pregnant with HTN her BP 140/90 what is first line of management?
A. Methyldopa
B. Labetalol
C. Diuretics
D. Hydralazine
Answer is: A, if they mean HTN before pregnancy > A, HTN after 20 week GA > B.

59. An adnexal mass was felt in healthy female with normal pelvic examination, no
pregnancy, had her menstruation 2 weeks?
A. follicular cysts
B. luteal cysts
Answer is: A

60. Fetus with breach presentation flexing hip and knees and elbows and spine is parallel to
mother’s spine. What’s the lie?
A. Frank breech.
B. Complete breech
C. Incomplete breech
D. longitudinal
Answer is: B

61. Which is true about endometrioma in case of association with cancer?

A. Not associated
B. Associated with epithelial ovarian cancer
C. Increase risk of thyroid cancer
D. Protects against cancer
Answer is: B

62. Postmenopausal with history of fibroid presents with abnormal bleeding?

A. Endometrial cancer
B. Leiomyosarcoma
C. Leiomyoma
Answer is: A

63. 20 y/o female married, presents with RLQ pain with nausea and vomiting, on exam there
is rebound tenderness. Vitaly stable?
A. Ureterocoele
B. Ovarian torsion
D. Honeymoon cystitis
Answer is: B

64. Female with symptoms of PCOS. What is the diagnosis?

Answer is: Stein–Leventhal syndrome.

65. 40 -year-old P5 +3 presented to the clinic complaining of abnormal uterine bleeding her
Menstrual period is regular every 30-day associated with blood clots and pain that is not
relieved by simple analgesic she had previous myomectomy she is a known case of what?
pcoz and BMI is 40?
A. adenomyosis
B. endometriosis
C. uterine fibroid
D. endometrial hyperplasia
Answer is: A, there was in Q bulky uterus.

66. 20 pregnant Woman presented with lost of fetal movement followed by out with
decrease urinary and difficulty breathing Ptt prolonged, fibrinogen was below normal,
platelets low?
A. acute glomerulonephritis
C. autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura
D. acute amniotic embolism
Answer is: D

67. Pregnant previous DVT what to give her?

A. Nothing
B. Enoxaparin
C. Heparin
Answer is: B

68. Persistent Bradycardia, abdominal bleeding, tens abdomen + rupture of membrane +

A. Abruption placenta
B. Cord prolapses
Answer is: A

69. Old lady in her 50s, US shows large Rt ovarian mass measure 9X2. CA level 900 or 9000
"NOT SURE BUT IT WAS HIGH what u will do?
A. refer to ob oncologist
B. Cyst excision
C. Cyst aspiration
Answer is: A

70. HTN controlled pregnant mother, previous pregnancy was normal, what the risk in this
B. Uterine rupture
Answer is: A

71. time of cervical cerclage?

Answer is: 13-16 weeks

72. Pregnant with 1st trimester bleeding, Us showing snowstorm appearance, Bhcg =
A. complete hederiform mole
B. incomplete hederiform mole
Answer is: A

73. Pregnant with bicornuate uterus and fetal heart can be detected at the level of maternal
umbilicus, if this position does not change what would be the management?
B. Vaginal delivery
C. Forceps
Answer is: A

74. PCOS (poly cystic ovary) not want to get pregnant what you give?
Answer is: OCP (Estrogen and progesterone)

75. Pregnant with seizure, what relive her seizure?

A. Magnesium sulphate
B. Phenytoin
C. Diazepam
Answer is: A

76. 30 case of painless vaginal bleeding & US show the placenta is completely over cervix
what should be the Mx?
A. Hospitalization
Answer is: A, Dx Placenta Previa

77. most imp thing should be taken in preconception period?

Answer is: Folic acid

78. A 35-year-old woman had amenorrhea for 8 months what to do? NEW20
A. Pregnancy test
B. take detailed history
C. clinical examination
Answer is: B

79. Endometrial biopsy, prerequisite?

A. admission
B. anaesthesia clearance
C. verbal consent
D. operation room preparation
Answer is: C

80. Ectopic pregnancy, stable patient, planning to give methotrexate, what you need to
A. Hospital Accessibility
Answer is: A

81. Pregnant, with Rheumatic fever, and Asthma, and previews C-Section, they decided to
deliver with forceps, what's the indication for that?
B. Prev CS
C. I forgot the rest
D. Mitral stenosis
Answer is: D

82. Pt has irregular periods and she complained of galactorrhoea on examination she had
tanner 2 what hormones to order?
A. Prolactin
B. Estrogen
C. Progesterone
Answer is: A

83. pregnant at 37 weeks with rupture of membrane in active labor complaining of

abdominal pain ... CTG showed FHR was 170 pt had tachycardia and high temperature.
what is most appropriate management?
A. Betamethasone
C. Abx
Answer is: C

84. During examination of female in labor, she was 6 cm dilated, ROM, you can see the cord
prolapse in the cervix, CTG is normal fluid index 14, what the Mx?
A. Monitor the CTG
C. Forceps
D. Oxytocin
Answer is: B

85. Patient had IUFD diagnosis confirmed by US. What is your next step in management?
A. Tell patient
B. Tell relatives
C. Advance preparation
D. Do more investigations
Answer is: C, sitting in Breaking bad news.

86. Patient complaining of missed period for 2 month and Rt leg edema What important
A. History of using OCP
Answer is: A

87. When is it the best time for ovulation?
A. 36 hrs before LH surge.
B. 36 hrs after LH surge.
C. At the time of the surge
D. 24hrs before ovulation
Answer is: B

88. When does ovulation happen?

A. peak of LH.
B. Peak of FSH.
C. Peak of progesterone
D. 21 days after peak of deoxyprogeterone
Answer: A

89. when to screen dm in pregnant woman?

A. 24 weeks
B. 12 weeks
C. 16 weeks
D. 36 weeks
Answer: A

90. women pregnant in winter what to give her before pregnancy?

A. Influenza vaccine
B. Rubella
Answer is: B

91. Which one of the following don’t give to pregnant lady?

A. zoster
Answer is: A

92. pregnant lady has Nuchal translucency +ve > what complication the fetus will have?
A. cardiac anomaly
Answer is: A, if there was chromosomal anomaly is more accurate.

93. Quad test for Down syndrome in pregnancy:

Answer is: High Bhcg, low oestradiol, low alfa fetoprotein, high inhibin A

94. How to scan for Down syndrome?

A. Nuchal translucency in 2 Trimester
Answer is: A

95. Diabetic mother came at 10 weeks what test will tell u the risk of chromosomal anomaly?
A. Glycated Hb
B. Nuchal Rigidity
Answer is: B, if Q about congenital anomaly > A

96. MOTHER 27-year-old had down syndrome baby what increase her risk for having another
baby with down syndrome?
A. Age.
B. Father chromosome.
C. mother chromosomes
Answer is: A

97. Pregnant women on salbutamol for her asthma presented with severe asthma symptoms
what to give her?
C. corticosteroid tablets
Answer is: B

98. Pregnant, complains of vomiting multiple times, dry mouth decreased skin turgor,
urinalysis ordered, what finding in UA will confirm the diagnosis?
A. Ketones
Answer is: A

99. HIV mother on HIV medication what you will tell her regarding her disease?
A. Baby HIV
B. She can't breast feed her baby
C. She's undergoes CS
Answer is: B

100. Severely hypotensive lady with abruption what to do to save her life?
A. Blood transfusion her.
Answer is: B

101. Severely hypotensive lady with abruption what to do to save her life?
A. 2 peripheral IV cannula and blood transfusion
B. Rapid respond team
Answer is: B

102. Patient in 24 wk pregnancy with 140/90, no protein in urine, start which medication?
A. methyldopa
Answer is: Labetalol, if not there > Nifedipine.

103. First trimester abortion with history of 2 abortions in 2 trimesters, on exam: cervix open
no bleeding, what is the cause this time?
A. Asherman’s syndrome
B. Chromosomal
C. Cervical Incompetence
Answer is: B

104. What indicate cervical bleeding?
A. Vaginal bleeding
B. Post-coital bleeding
Answer is: B

105. G3p0A2 5 weeks presented with spotting on examination open os and no active
bleeding history showed 2 abortions at 2nd trimester last one with D&C diagnosed as
incompetent cervix. ur diagnosis now?
A. Asherman syndrome
B. Incompetent Cervix
C. Chromosomal Abnormalities
Answer is: C

106. unscheduled pregnant 34 Y/O Comes to ER with vaginal bleeding on physical exam you
see her tummy is 34 inches but the rest of her is asymptomatic and she is doing well
What is the most appropriate thin you will do?
A. Lab test
B. Ultrasound
C. Admit to ward
D. Pelvic exam
Answer is: B

107. A primigravida (at 28 weeks) and a heavy smoker presented with severe vaginal
bleeding and abdominal pain. Most likely cause is?
A. Rupture of fetal artery
B. Uterine rupture
C. Vasa previa
D. Placenta previa
E. Placental abruption
Answer is: E

108. patient has postpartum haemorrhage, 800 ml with retained placenta. What is type of
A. primary
Answer is: if was in first 24 hours > A, if was more than 24 hours > secondary.

109. threatened abortion case, treatment?

A. Advice for bed rest
B. Admit and observe
C. Reassurance and discharge
D. Resume daily activity
Answer is: D

110. Ectopic pregnancy 1- 3 cm and Bhcg 2600?

A. medical treatment (methotrexate)
Answer is: A

111. Ectopic pregnancy with peritonitis what is the next step?
A. Laparotomy
B. Medical treatment
Answer is: A

112. Early deceleration on CTG what is the cause?

A. Cord.
B. Placenta.
C. Head
Answer is: C

113. CTG reduced variability. What is the cause?

A. cord prolapses
Answer is: A

114. Pregnant patient in labor. O/E: the cervix is fully dilated for 2 hr, head in a station - 2,
but the patient is got exhausted from pushing. What is your next step?
A. CS delivery
B. Wait for another 2 hours
C. Ventose delivery
Answer is: A

115. Absolute contraindication of external cephalic version?

A. Previous cs
Answer is: A

116. primigravida presented with active phase for 4 hours Dilated 5 cm, effaced 80%,
station+1 after 5h there is no change in cervix, and contraction occurs every 3 minutes t
and stay for 60 sec. What to do?
A. instrumental use
B. C/s
C. Iv oxytocin
D. Wait for 2h
Answer is: D

117. pregnant with ROM ask about what will be associated with it?
A. cord prolapses
Answer is: A

118. pregnant 37w presents with ROM and labor, they take her to delivery room she had
abdominal pain, her CTG shows baseline fetal hart rate 170 Lab inv :- Tep>> 38 oral
HR:111 Bp:100 What is appropriate management?
A. urgent CS
B. IV antibiotic
Answer is: B

119. Pregnant women with brown spot?
A. chloasma
Answer is: A

120. When to start abx administration in CS?

A. after cord clamp
B. postoperative
C. preoperative
D. after closing the wound
Answer is: C

121. A pregnant woman at 24 weeks gestation is group B streptococcus positive. When is the
best time to give her a prophylactic antibiotic?
A. No need to give any prophylactic antibiotic
B. During Labor
C. Give Immediately After delivery
Answer: B

122. what is the most common morbidity in multiple gestation?

A. Prematurity
Answer: A

123. Patient with picture of anembryonic pregnancy, what will you do?
A. Follow up to 4 weeks
Answer is: A

124. U/S shows = Snowstorm Appearance. The patient complains of Short period
Amenorrhea think 6 cm & weeks and vomiting. Very large Uterus more than Date BHCG
80.000 What is the diagnosis?
A. Partial hydatiform mole
B. Complete hydatiform mole
C. Choriocarcinoma
Answer is: B

125. patient with vomiting and high Bhcg, U/S shows snow storm appearance What is the
A. Complete molar
Answer is: A

126. Female with severe depression, recently improved on paroxetine for 2 months and now
she is pregnant, what is the appropriate action?
A. Stop paroxetine to avoid prematurity
B. Continue paroxetine
C. Stop paroxetine due to fetal damage
Answer is: B

127. Postpartum Mother delivered her baby 1 week ago and she that snakes in her child's
bed and she checks her baby every time?
A. delirium
B. Delusion
C. Postpartum psychosis
Answer is: C

128. When to give anti-RohGAM?

A. Mother +Rh & Baby -Rh
B. Mother -Rh & Baby +Rh
C. Father -Rh & Baby +Rh
D. Father -Rh & Baby +Rh
Answer is: B

129. ectopic pregnancy, B-hcg was 5000 management?

A. methotrexate
Answer is: A

130. Case of ectopic pregnancy, plateau B-hcg for 3 weeks what to do?
A. Consider methotrexate
B. Reassure and follow up
Answer is: A, she is post-surgical treatment if Bhcg failed to drop or plateau > A.

131. ectopic pregnancy 3 cm, how will you manage?

A. Surgery
B. Medical with methotrexate
C. Observation
Answer is: B

132. Female 3 months post SVD, after one month she complains about having stool inc. and
passing flatus from the vagina?
A. recto vaginal fistula
Answer is: A

133. Fourth-degree vaginal tears?

A. rectal mucosa
Answer is: A

134. uterine atony, thru did message and oxytocin did not stop what to do (Primary post-
partum haemorrhage)?
A. B lynch
Answer is: A

135. Female patient did tubal ligation, she missed her period 2 weeks ago, presented to you
with sudden lower Abdominal pain. What is the first to do?
A. Do pregnancy test
Answer is: A

136. the upper abdomen, what the source of bleeding?
A. liver haemangioma.
B. mesenteric aneurysm
C. aortic aneurysm
D. perforated peptic ulcer
Answer is: A

137. week pregnant with recurrent attack of Biliary colic, when to do surgery?
A. Lap choly in second trimester
Answer is: Do it now.

138. Girl with lower abdominal pain, suprapubic tenderness diagnosis?

A. Salpingitis
Answer is: A

139. Pregnant in 9 weeks with cholecystitis when should cholecystectomy preform?

A. delay to second trimester
Answer is: Do it now, best time is 2ed trimester.

140. old pt with watery vaginal discharge and sign of atrophic vagina, ask what is the cause of
this symptom?
A. atrophy
Answer is: A

141. A pregnant lady presented with flank pain. On examination there is flank tenderness.
Lab results show leucocytosis and positive nitrate. Which of the following is the next best
step in management?
A. Drink plenty of fluids Oral antibiotics
B. IV antibiotics and treat as an outpatient
C. Admission to the hospital and treatment of pyelonephritis
Answer is: C

142. 30 years old women has presented with foul smelling vaginal discharge and genital
itching. Examination reveals greenish vaginal discharge. Examination under microscope
shows motile flagellates organisms. What is the most common causative agent?
A. Candidiasis
B. Bacterial vaginosis
C. Trichomonas Vaginalis
D. Gonorrhoea
Answer is: C

143. Female with Thin gray vaginal discharge whiff test positive, treatment?
A. Metronidazole
Answer is: A

144. budding yeast cells and pseudohyphae in vaginal discharge?
A. Vaginal Candida
Answer is: A

145. Patient with nervousness irritability and severe premenstrual symptoms what to give?
A. intradermal progestogen patch
C. Progesterone only pills
D. Other contraceptive methods other than the OCP
Answer: B

146. Patient with subserous fibroid completed her family, treatment?

A. hysteroscopic hysterectomy
B. laparoscopic hysterectomy
C. hysteroscopic myomectomy
D. laparoscopic myomectomy
Answer is: B, if was not complete her family > D.

147. 38 years old women have history of dysmenorrhea and excess bleeding per examine
abdomen tender, bulky?
A. Adenomyosis
Answer is: A

148. Female patient with irregular menses LMP since 3 weeks?

A. Pregnancy test
Answer is: A

149. Young girl with symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea treatment?

Answer is: A

150. After D&C, patient developed amenorrhea what layer affect?

A. Basalis
Answer is: A

151. Case of Pregnancy, did D&C, after 1 years got amenorrhea, what the diagnosis?
A. Asherman syndrome
Answer is: A

152. simple test for turner pt with amenorrhea?

Answer is: A

153. couple tried to conceive for six months with unprotected sex, semen analysis was
normal, wife with regular 28 day of period, next test?
B. LH.
C. Estrogen.
D. Progesterone on 21
Answer is: D

154. 32 years old she tried to conceive for 3 years and she have pelvic pain and found out she
have tubal blockage what is the organism caused it?
A. Chlamydia
B. Gonohorrea
C. streptococcus
D. Perfingis
Answer is A

155. 44 years old postmenopausal with irritating vaginal and bleed by exam there’s pea sized
lesion in labia majora with excoriation what is the diagnosis?
A. Atrophic vaginitis.
B. Bartholin cyst
C. cervical cancer.
D. squamous cancer in situ
Answer is: B, if easy to bleed > SCC.

156. A woman presented with mastitis after recently giving birth to a boy, what’s your next
step in management?
A. Clean nipple with alcohol.
B. Stop breastfeeding.
C. Surgical drainage
D. using the other breast and starting antibiotics
Answer is: D

157. A 24-year-old lady presents with a hard, mobile, well-circumscribed painless left breast
mass that has been increasing in size from the past few months, and was NOT related to
her menstrual cycle. The most like Dx is? SURG1
A. fat cyst
B. Fibroadenoma
C. Phyllode
Answer: C

158. 20 years old female with breast mass 3x4 freely mobile not attached to the skin? SURG1
A. Fibroadenoma
Answer is: A

159. Patient with malignant phyllode tumour what is next?
A. CT of chest
Answer is: hormone receptor status, if not there > A.

160. 35y old pt worried his mother had. Breast Ca and his sister had ovarian Ca. How to
screen her?
A. Mamo
Answer is: C

161. Female with No family Hx of breast ca, mammogram is normal When to do next
A. 2 years
Answer is: A, if more than 50 year age > A.

162. painless, firm, mobile, slowly growing lumps in the breast?

A. Fibroadenoma
Answer is: A

163. young woman has painful breast lump with redness and tenderness. Vitals are given and
show T 38.9. What will u do?
A. incision and drainage
B. excision
D. antibiotic
Answer is: A, US guided drainage is more accurate.

164. mammogram in patient at 55 years of age?

A. every 2 years
Answer is: A

165. Patient came with pain and multiple cyst?

A. Fibrocystic
Answer is: A

166. Mother just delivered she has +ve HBV, child was given HBV vaccination and
immunoglobulin What is true regarding breastfeeding?
A. Breastfeeding after 12 hours
B. Encourage breastfeeding
Answer is: B

167. Old lady multipara with urine incontinence during laugh and cough and sneeze first line
A. surgery
B. Kegel exercise
Answer in: B

168. Female 3 years with symptoms of urge incontence percent her from work, wear diapers,
urinate 7-9 times per day, what is next?
A. Kegel exercise and bladder retraining.
B. Midstream urine culture and abs if indicated
Answer in: A

169. female multipara in her Fifth birth they use Vacuum or forceps since that she has urine
leak during cough, laugh, sneezing what is dx?
A. Stress incontinence
B. urthro vaginal fistula
Answer is: A

170. Old age female patient with epithelial ovarian cancer, management: which stage?
A. Surgery
B. Surgery then chemo
C. Surgery then radio
Answer is: B

171. Old patient with AUB ask about next step?

A. Pelvic US
B. endometrial biopsy
Answer is: A, she is old age: first US, then if more than 4 cm > biopsy.

172. old pt with AUB and they did US show endometrial thickening 13mm (it was pic), what
to do next?
A. endometrial biopsy
Answer is: A

173. solid mass of ovary ca125 high?

A. Gynaecologist oncology referral
Answer is: A

174. 60y post menopause come with lump on the vulva and complain of itching and after the
itching bleeding on PE the mass was pea like, what is the diagnosis?
Answer is: A

175. woman with multiple D/C, what do you suspect?

A. endometriosis
Answer is: Asherman syndrome

176. 50 y old female came with abnormal uterine bleeding and pain she did myomectomy 5 y
ago and 3 time of D/C. On examination of uterus it was normal what is the diagnosis?
B. Adenomyosis
C. Endometriosis
Answer is: B

177. A case of PCOS, with labs showing increase testosterone, increased LH/FSH ratio,
Estrogen increased, slightly high prolactin. What to order next?
B. TSH and progesterone
C. Glucose and lipid profile
Answer is: C

178. patient with dm type 2, obese, hirsutism, acne, hamenhorea what is the diagnosis?
A. Stein–Leventhal syndrome
B. Myar stien syndrome
Answer is: A

179. Irregular periods hirsutism with increased LH and normal FSH increase testosterone
what to do Next?
A. Glucose tolerance test and lipid profile
Answer is: A

180. 31-year-old female was following up for the last 5 year with women health, last year
negative and this year, negative Pap smear and negative HPV Test, next time to do Pap
A. 6 months.
B. 1 year
C. 2 years
D. 3 years
Answer is: D

181. Patient with an abnormal pap smear that showed SCC, what should the next step be?
A. Colposcopy & bx.
B. Other options were surgical
Answer is: A

182. female 30-year-old her pap smear result squamous cell ca, what to do next?
A. biopsy with colposcopy
B. Repeat pap smear
C. Hysterectomy
D. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Answer is: A

183. Pt do pap smear show ASCUS what to do?
A. Repeat pap.
C. Colposcopy
Answer is: B

184. 28 years old female with normal pap smear 3 years old what to do?
A. Nothing
B. Pap smear with cytology
Answer is: B

185. female patient married since 3 years, asking about pap smear when to do it?
A. This visit
Answer is: A

186. 22 years old, female married never done Pap smear before when to do it?
A. Immediately
Answer is: A

187. 17 yrs female, no menstruation, high testosterone, Normal breast development coarse
pubic hair what is the diagnosis?
A. Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome
B. complete androgen insensitivity
Answer is: A

188. most significant examination in gyne for a general check-up in newly married women?
A. general inspection
B. pelvic exam
C. vaginal
D. abdominal
Answer is: A

189. A 29 yr old female 39 weeks of gestation presented to the hospital in active labor,
membranes rupture. She has a history of recurrent herpes simplex virus. On examination,
she has no visible lesions were found. What is the proper management of this case?
A. Caesarean section
B. Oral acyclovir
C. IV acyclovir
D. Do specular exam before
Answer is: D

190. 10 weeks pregnant comes to the first antenatal ،what is the goal of the first antenatal
A. Calculate the stratification risk
B. determine the gestational age
C. Estimate Hb
D. Identifying risk factors
Answer is: D

191. Pregnant taking iron deficiency anemia drugs and her labs show low MCV. What is the
B. Thalassemia trait
Answer is: B

192. A Pregnant woman at 9 weeks of gestation. Cervical incompetence was diagnosed.

What will you do next?
A. Progesterone pills
B. Cerclage now
C. Cerclage at 13 weeks of gestation
D. Prompt delivery
Answer is: C, according to thickness, if less than 25mm > C, more > A.

193. Which of the following is not a contraindication of breastfeeding?

A. Crackled nipple
B. Liver Cirrhosis
C. Active TB
D. Galactosmia infant
Answer: B

194. 33 pregnant, with Asymptomatic UTI?

A. Nitrofurantoin
B. Observation
C. Cephalexin
Answer is: C, according to trimester.

195. preeclampsia what drug to give to prevent convulsions?

A. Mg sulfate
Answer is: A

196. A 24 yr old female with 35 weeks' gestation, comes to your clinic for a routine check-up.
On examination you find her BP to be 150/100mm of Hg which is persistent on repeat
check after 10 min. She has mild pedal edema and urine dipstick test is negative. How will
you manage this patient?
A. Mg sulfate
B. Admit and observe
C. Induce labor
D. ACE inhibitors
Answer is: B

197. DM with UTI symptom and investigation shows (high) creatinine, which drug
A. Nitrofurantoin
Answer is: A

198. Ectopic pregnancy, B-hcg was 5000, what is the management?

A. Surgery
B. Medical
Answer: B

199. highest rate successful drug used in PPH?

A. Oxytocin
Answer is: A

200. A primigravida patient presented in labor. O/E: the cervix is 5cm dilated and the fetus is
in a station O with cephalic presenting part and this state for 4 hours even the oxytocin
had been taken. CTG shows one variable deceleration. what is the management for this
A. stop oxytocin
B. immediate CS
C. follow up
D. instrumental delivery
Answer is: B

201. Variable deceleration on CTG what is the cause?

A. Cord
B. Placenta
C. Head
Answer is: A

202. Sign of fetal distress on CTG is?

Answer is: Variable Deceleration

203. Early deceleration on CTG what is the cause?
A. Cord
B. Placenta
C. Head
Answer is: C

204. Late deceleration on CTG what is the cause?

A. Cord
B. Placenta
C. Head
Answer is: B

205. 30-week GA pregnant lady came to the clinic with a history of 2 hr bleeding,
examination revealed close Os, the fundus is palpable above the umbilicus. What is the
A. Rupture cyst
B. Inferiorly located placenta
C. Ectopic pregnancy
D. Fetal demise
Answer is: B

206. 36 w pregnant in labor, Cx dilated 6 cm I think & effaced 80% on oxytocin but now
delayed and no progress in labor. The patient is stable by examination the uterus is hard
and mild tenderness. what to do?
A. Stop oxytocin
B. Ventouse delivery
C. Return to CTG to decide
Answer is: A

207. Pt pregnant on delivery presented part with brow face and mouth what is your mx?
A. Emergency CS
Answer is: A

208. Pregnant G3P2 37 weeks with a history of CS because of no reassuring CTG. She is in
labor with a 4 cm dilation. The presentation is breech. What is the absolute
contraindication for ECV?
A. History of CS
B. Active labor
C. Variable decelerations
Answer is: C

209. Pregnant with rupture of membrane at 34weeks presented to ER what to do first?

A. start antibiotics
B. start steroid
Answer is: A

210. Q about ROM in obstetric ward how to confirm its amniotic fluid?
B. Chemical
C. Gentle speculum examination
Answer is: C, if in they done examination or Nitrazine test like in other recall in
2019 Q bank answer will be > B (Ferning test).

211. A 28-year-old pregnant woman comes for a medical consultation. She has a history of
premature rupture of membranes because of bacterial vaginosis. She is asymptomatic
right now. When would be the best screening period for bacterial vaginosis in this
woman? NEW20
A. It is not recommended screening for bacterial vaginosis
B. Screening should be in the first trimester
C. Screening should be in the second trimester
D. Screening should be in the third trimester
Answer is: A

212. Pregnant at 22 weeks gestational age oral glucose challenge test after one hr high after
2 hrs high after three hrs high. What is next?
A. Repeat same test
B. HgA1c
Answer is: Gestational diabetes, treatment start with Diet modification.

213. Pt c/o of bleeding and she at 8wk gestational age on ex os closed and there is brownish
color appear during pv, the abdomen is soft, not tender or guarding and she denies
passage of few tissues by U/S you found gestational age 7wks what is diagnosis
A. Molar pregnancy
B. Threatened abortion
C. Ectopic pregnancy
Answer is: B

214. Picture of empty sac and minimal bleeding and pt deny passage of anything & cervical
os is closed, she’s pregnant at 8 weeks. what is the diagnosis?
A. Complete
B. Threatened
C. Missed
D. Anembryonic sac
Answer is: D

215. Which one of the following don’t give to pregnant lady?

A. zoster vaccine
Answer is: A

216. Female her previous pregnancy is stillbirth and now she wants to pregnant and ask the
doctor about all the vaccines that she is needed before consumption and reduce the
A. Rubella
B. Varicella
C. Influenza
Answer is: A

217. Contraindicated vaccine in pregnancy?

A. Hepatitis B
B. Meningococcus
C. Varicella
D. Human papilloma
Answer is: C

218. Pregnant third tri she is chrons pt on azathioprine and biological agent ask about her
child vaccines?
A. give 'll.
B. delay till 3 months
C. Delay till 6 months
Answer is: C

219. Pregnant Mother taking biological & azathioprine. What is true regarding vaccinations?
A. Give all vaccines
B. Live vaccines contraindicated
C. All vaccines after 6 months
D. Live vaccines after 12 months
Answer is: C

220. A pregnant mother with SLE started on biological medication on 3rd trimester. What is
best for her child vaccination?
A. Stop all live attenuated vaccine
B. Postpone all live annulated to 12 months
C. Postpone all vaccine to 6 months
D. give all vaccine
Answer is: C

221. A woman presents with mastitis. History reveals recent spontaneous vaginal delivery.
Which of the following is the best initial treatment for this patient?
A. Cephalexin
B. Ceftriaxone
C. Clarithromycin
D. Fluconazole
Answer is: A

222. A 26 yr old female with 40 weeks of gestation just delivered a baby. She had an
uneventful pregnancy and an uncomplicated labor, but she notices a sudden onset of
bleeding from her vagina after 2 hours. She was kept under observation and the blood
loss was noted to be 350 ml in 24 hours. The neonate is healthy and is doing well. What is
your diagnosis? NEW20
A. Normal events of labour
C. Post-partum haemorrhage
D. Traumatic event of labour
Answer is: A

223. Pregnant 10 weeks of gestation recurrent biliary colic, treatment?

A. Lap chole in 1st trimester
B. Lap chole in 2nd trimester
C. Lap chole in 3rd trimester
Answer is: A, but best time is B.

224. How to differentiate between benign and malignant ovarian cyst?

A. Hypo echoic
B. Bilateral
Answer is: A

225. Vaginal discharge under microscope flagellate what is the diagnosis?

A. Trichomonas vaginalis
Answer is: A

226. Yellow green vaginal discharge what is your diagnosis?

A. Trichomoniasis
Answer is: A

227. patient infected with HBV husband concerned about sexual what to advise them?
A. Wear condom
Answer is: A

228. pregnant lady complains of foul-smelling vaginal discharge what u wll give?
A. Metronidazole
Answer is: A

229. Female used herbal cream in vagina then started to have Redness and itching?
A. Contact dermatitis
Answer is: A

230. Menopausal patient complaining of itching in valva and watery discharge, on

examination scratches and scaly your diagnosis?
A. Atrophic vaginitis
Answer is: A

231. Case of ectopic pregnancy with fluid in Cul de sac, treatment?
A. Salpingectomy
B. Salpingectomy
Answer is: A, could be normal fluid so read the full scenario in exam.

232. Pt accidentally discovered her husband infected HBV and on medication now and she is
concerned about sexual?
A. Avoid
B. Use OCP
C. Use condom
D. No need
Answer is: C

233. old pt with watery vaginal discharge and sign of atrophic vagina, ask what is the cause of
this symptom?
A. atrophy
Answer is: atrophic vaginitis

234. A lady with postcoital bleeding takes a speculum exam which shows a fungating mass on
the cervix. What next?
A. cone biopsy
Answer is: Colposcopy

235. young girl dysmenorrhea treatment?

Answer is: A

236. What indicate cervical bleeding?

A. Vaginal bleeding
B. Post-coital bleeding
C. Menopausal
Answer is: B

237. Female with mood changes before menstruation and you want to diagnose her with
premenstrual syndrome. how to diagnose?
A. clinical symptoms
B. serum progesterone
C. ultrasound
Answer is: A

238. A couple c/o infertility despite regular unprotected sex for 2 years. hysterosalpingogram
showed no spillage of the dye. Mx?
B. Induction of ovulation
Answer is: A

239. Couple try to conceive for 2 yrs & male not get father before, female has child in her
previous marriage what is the next step?
A. Give them more chance to try
B. Semen analysis
C. Progesterone at day 21
D. Hysterosalpingography
Answer is: B

240. Patient with PCOS wants to get pregnant. How to manage?

B. Metformin, weight loss, and Danazol
C. Metformin, weight loss, and Clomiphene
Answer is: C

241. A 39 yo woman presented with amenorrhea and her hormonal profile is clearly due to
menopause what is the patient education you will give?
A. She has a significant incidence of breast cancer
B. She has a significant incidence of endometrial cancer
C. She has a significant incidence of osteoporosis
Answer is: C, in 2019 Q bank similar Q but Dx was PCOS so answer will be > B.

242. A 46 yr old lady presented with waking up at nights for urination. She also experienced
loss of control and urinating on herself before reaching the toilet. Which type of
incontinence does she have? NEW20
A. Functional Incontinence
B. Urge Incontinence
C. Stress Incontinence
D. Mixed Incontinence
Answer is: B

243. 48 years old female came with abnormal uterine bleeding. TVU shows subserous fibroid
and endometrial thickness is 14 mm. What is the diagnosis?
A. Fibrosarcoma
B. Myosarcoma
C. Fibromyoma
Answer is: B

244. Pap test came with high dysplasia, next step is?
A. colposcopy
Answer is: A

245. The most risk factor of breast ca?
A. Age
Answer is: A

246. Management of vulvar intraepithelial carcinoma in situ?

A. Superficial local excision
Answer is: A

247. 60 y Post-menopausal with highly suspicious cervical smear result. What to do?
A. Colposcopy
B. Swab
C. Uterine biopsy
Answer is: A

248. Q about a lesion in labia majora in post-menopausal female showed dysplasia

(carcinoma in situ I think) what to do?
A. Steroid cream
B. Local excision
C. Vulvectomy
D. Repeat test after 6 months
Answer is: B

249. Most common vulvar cancer?

A. Basal cell
B. Squamous
C. Melanoma
Answer is: B

250. Pic of female Vulva with lesions was flat topped shiny. What is it?
A. Condyloma Acuminata
B. Lichen planus
Answer is: Condyloma lata

251. 47-year-old with breast mass that was small and enlarging whit time, thin skin because
of enlargement but no inflammation, what is the Dx?
A. Phyllode
Answer is: A

252. Female was on OCPs in the last 12 years there was small hepatic adenoma What is the
appropriate next step?
A. Surgical resection
B. Stop OCPs
C. CT scan
Answer is: B

253. Most common complication of uterine evacuation?
A. Pneumonia
B. Amniotic embolus
C. Uterine perforation
Answer is: C

254. 40 years old women with BMI 32 with amenorrhea. She has two children and her
partner had a vasectomy 5 years ago. An US scan is performed, which shows with
endometrial thickness 6 mm ovaries have a polycystic appearance. What would be the
recommended management? NEW20
A. endometrial biopsy
B. induction of 3 monthly withdrawal bleeds with
C. metformin twice daily
D. ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate
Answer is: if B was OCP or progesterone is more accurate, otherwise by exclusion
> A.

255. 42 yrs old female have 3 son and she complete her Family. Had past history of
endometrium in Rt ovary oophorectomy was done. Now she develop the same in Lt ovary
U/S Shows I think 15X15 mass in Lt ovary What is the most appropriate management?
A. Total Hysterectomy with Salpingo-oophorectomy
B. Lt. oophorectomy
Answer is: A

256. Patient with subserous fibroid haven't completed her family, ttt?
A. Hysteroscopic hysterectomy
B. laparoscopic hysterectomy
C. hysteroscopic myomectomy
D. Laparoscopic myomectomy
Answer is: D

257. 55 years old female done mammogram now, when to do it again?

A. after 2 years
Answer is: A

258. Pregnant with glucose test which it is high after 2 hour and ask what to do next?
A. Strict diet
C. Repeated the fasting
D. Random glucose
Answer is: B, need two result to Dx.

259. Post-menopausal female, her pap smear result was (ASC-US), after 1-month course of
topical Estrogen you repeated the pap smear and the result was still the same (ASCUS)?
A. repeat pap smear 6-12 months later (can’t remember time period)
B. HPV testing
C. Colposcopy
D. Endometrial sampling
Answer is: C

260. Pregnant 13 Weeks on examination there’s suspicious cervical lesion and a healthy
foetus, next step?
A. Cervical curettage
B. Pap smear
C. Cone biopsy
D. Colposcopy
Answer is: D

261. 60 y.o with Abnormal uterine bleeding, hx of myomectomy 12 years ago, 2 D&C, History
of PCOS. no adnexal mass, US shows: 18 mm thickness. Dx?
A. Endometriosis
B. Adenomyosis
C. Endometrial CA
D. Fibroid
Answer is: C

262. vulvar CIS what is treatment?

A. superficial local excision
B. vulvectomy
Answer is: A

263. Pregnant smoke cessation what to give same case psychiatric pt?
A. Nicotine replacement
B. bupropion
Answer is: C

264. Pt with ectopic had BHCG 2,500 treated medically then come with severe abdominal
pain and BHCG was 6000, what to do next?
A. Salpingostomy
B. Salpingectomy
C. Repeat metho
D. Exploratory laparotomy
Answer is: stable pt > A or B according scenario, if unstable > D.

265. Postpartum depression undergo psychotherapy?

A. Encourage breast feeding
B. Involve family member
Answer is: B

266. Case about women Para gravida in 38 weeks, present with manifestation of heart
failure, previously was Healthy, Diagnosis?
A. Peripartum cardiomyopathy
Answer is: A

267. A case of pregnant women who developed vaginal bleeding as a result of placenta
abruption i think and it was clearly mentioned: high PTT, high PT, low fibrinogen, low
Answer is: A

268. Pregnant lady presents with cough of white sputum then cough increased in severity
and she developed SOB, she is allergic to dust, mites and pollens. what is the most
important investigation?
A. spirometry
Answer is: A

269. G3 P2 GA 20 weeks presented with history of preterm delivery twice on examination

cervical is 30mm. what is the management?
A. Strict bed Rest
B. Cerclage now
C. Progesterone
Answer is: C

270. G3p0A2 5 weeks presented with spotting on examination open os and no active bleed.
history showed 2 abortions at 2nd trimester last one with D&C diagnosed as incompetent
cervix. Your diagnosis now?
A. Asherman syndrome
B. incompetent cervix
C. chromosomal abnormalities
Answer is: C

271. Which of the following vaccines are contraindicated during pregnancy?

A. Hepatitis b
B. Zoster
C. Hib
D. Meningococcal
Answer is: B

272. 17 yrs female, no menstruation, high testosterone, Normal breast development coarse
pubic hair?
A. Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome
B. complete androgen insensitivity
C. congenital hypothyroidism
Answer is: A

273. US of uterus showed ground glass appearance (Endometrioma), what it causes?
A. Infertility
Answer is: A

274. 60 y.o with Abnormal uterine bleeding, hx of myomectomy 12 years ago, 2 D&C,
abdomen bulky and tender, no adnexal mass, with US picture “18 mm thickness”, Dx?
A. Endometriosis
B. Adenomyosis
C. Endometrial CA
Answer is: C

275. female with spotting after intercourse. What to do?

A. pelvic US
B. assess valvula & vagina
Answer is: B

276. Pregnant complains of vomiting multiple times, can't eat , dry mouth with white plaque
decreased skin turgor; urinalysis ordered. What finding in UA will confirm diagnosis?
A. Leukocyte
B. Proteins
C. Ketones
D. Glucose
Answer is: C

277. Pregnant lady she had abdominal pain on examination and everything was normal and
foetal US and CTG was reassuring, on pelvic examination there was cervical length of 1.5
cm and foetal membrane herniation, what is the Dx?
A. Threatened abortion
B. Missed abortion
C. Incomplete abortion
D. Cervical incompetence
Answer is: D

278. Ectopic pregnancy is a defect in which process?

A. implantation
Answer is: A

279. Case of molar Pregnant, 7 weeks, passed tissue, uterus after that bulky on exam and
equals 7-8 weeks. Dx?
A. molar
B. incomplete abortion
Answer is: B

280. Lymph drainage of the funds of the uterus?

A. Para aortic
B. Internal iliac
Answer is: A

281. Pt with mild vaginal bleeding, 8-week, unremarkable P/E except for minimal brownish
discharge (or sth), os closed. US CRL 7 week. What’s most app?
A. Complete bed rest
B. Resume (safely) daily activity
Answer is: B

282. Pregnant lady 41 weeks GA admitted for induction of labour, you started prostaglandin
gel for the induction later The CTG showed abnormal foetal tracing what is your next
A. arrange of urgent CS
B. Check if there is Cord prolapse
C. Change patient position to left lateral decubitus
Answer is: C

283. Most common cause of morbidity in multiple gestations?

A. Cerebral palsy
B. Congenital anomalies
C. Prematurity
Answer is: C

284. Fishy smell secretion with clue cells?

A. Bacterial vaginosis
Answer is: A

285. women with amenorrhea for 8 months. All her lab are normal except high FSH and LH
(Estrogen and progesterone were no mentioned)?
A. she is at risk for endometrial cancer
B. she is at risk for ovarian cancer
C. she is at risk for osteoporosis
Answer is: according to case and age: menopause > C, PCOS > A.

286. Pt want to stop smoking, he has HTN and epilepsy. what is contraindicated?
A. Bupropion
Answer is: A

287. 34 years old female complaining of green yellow discharge that started after her
mensuration, Upon examination: red lesions “like bruises” Whats the diagnosis?
A. Atrophic vaginitis
B. Bacterial vaginosis
C. Candidiasis
D. Trichomoniasis
Answer is: D

288. Atrophic vaginitis classic itching, dryness, bleeding in postmenopausal, ttt?

A. Estrogen cream
Answer is: A

289. Multiparous women presented to the ER with urge and stress incontinence since 3 years
the urine leaks 3-4 times daily and she needs to go to the bathroom 8-9 times daily. Upon
pelvic Physical exam you found she has very weak pelvic muscles. What is your initial
A. start anticholinergic medication for 8 weeks
B. urine culture and start antibiotics if needed
C. Start her on daily pelvic Kegel exercise and bladder training for 8 weeks
Answer is: C

290. Elderly women came to clinic frightened because of endometrial hyperplasia and want
you to book her for hysterectomy. What to do?
A. Do what she asks for
B. Refer to gyne oncology because the risk of malignancy
C. Calm her down and hear her thoughts
Answer is: C

291. A mother had an abortion, & she asked the doctor to take her son to the NICU & take
care of him as he's still alive. This action is termed as?
A. Denial
Answer is: A

292. A case of breech presentation as following: Head at the fundus, his back is parallel to the
mother's spind, his knees & hips were flixed + both his arms are flexed too. What’s the
type of breech presentation?
A. Frank breech
B. Complete breech
C. Incomplete breech
Answer is: B

293. How often should a lady be screened by PAP smear?

A. annually
B. 2 years
C. 3 years
D. 5 years
Answer is: C

294. female muly para in her 40s AUB long senario in the end tells you abdominal
examination shows bulky tender uterus dx?
A. adenomyosis
B. endomitosis
C. endometrial hyperplasia
Answer is: A

295. Long case of a menopause women and she developed atrophy, what hormone is
A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
Answer is: A.

296. Contraindication to do External cephalic version?

Answer is: there was no answer. (Vaginal bleeding and abnormal CTG)

297. Obese Female patient did ultrasound and showed 12 multiple small cysts in the ovary.
What the diagnosis?
A. Stein- Leventhat syndrome
Answer is: A, N.B: they did not write PCOS.

298. Pap smear time in 21 years women?

A. every year
B. every 2 years
C. every 3 years
D. every 5 years
Answer is: C

299. Breast screening in 50 to 74 years old?

A. annually
B. biannually
C. 3 years
D. no need
Answer is: B, every 2 year.

300. Pregnant coming with UTI. Her urinalysis + nitrates, high WBC. What’s more suggestive
of UTI?
A. Nitrates
B. leukocyte in urine
C. RBC in urine
Answer is: A

301. Pyelonephritis in pregnancy?

A. Oral antibiotics
B. Iv antibiotics
Answer is: B

302. Female feel drippling (case of urinary bladder diverticular) Initial investigation?
Answer is: Urine analysis

303. Pt 29wk GA, came with abdominal pain and v bleeding what to give?
A. Indothmicine
B. Terbutaline
C. Dexamethasone
Answer is: C

304. Pt with cystocele symptoms how to investigate?

A. Pyelogram
B. Urodynamic
C. Vaginal speculum examination
Answer is: C

305. Pregnant lady came to ER after expulsion of product and now the cervical os is closed,
there’s no fetus. What type of abortion?
A. complete abortion
B. incomplete abortion
C. inevitable
D. Threatened
Answer is: A

306. Case about Ectopic pregnancy, she is vitally stable, the BHCG = 5000. What will you do?
A. Medical
B. Surgical
Answer is: A

307. Female, her BHCG is 1005023 what’s your diagnosis?

A. Ectopic pregnancy
B. Choriocarcinoma
Answer is: B, could be molar pregnancy. If there haemoptysis > B, if not > molar.

308. Post-menopausal women want hormone replacement therapy. What will you do?
A. Give it to her
B. Refer her to another doctor
C. Refuse to give her
Answer is: C

309. What’s the color of discharge in a female with invasive duct ectasia?
A. Red
B. Green
C. White
Answer is: bad recall, there is nothing called invasive duct ectasia, could be duct
ectasia answer will be > B.

310. hx of cervical incompetence, come with vaginal bleeding, some tissue and os open.
A. Chromosomal
B. Cervical incompetence
Answer is: according trimester.

311. I dont remember the hole case short of long case: Mother A- birth to baby O+ and baby
came sense birth full jaundice what is the cause of it?
A. Due to mother blood damaged child placenta
B. Due to child blood damaged maternal placenta during blood exchange
C. Due to child blood damage material blood in husband
D. Last one i don't remember
Answer is: Bad recall, mother antibody attack child RBC.

312. PPROM case what your test (not sure if confirm or not)?
A. Sterile pelvic examination
B. chemical test
Answer is: A

313. Apgar score: Baby cyanosed, not cry util you rup the back (forget others)
Ask about the number of Apgar, in 2019 Q bank there was multiple Q most of them
answer was 6 or 7.

314. 23-year female well just married came to Obgyne clinic for no pregnancy yet no any
medical history and obstetrics and gynaecology free not smoker not obese and her
husband 27 year healthy no any medical history or surgery just history of Cousin with
autism and 21 trisomy next plan?
A. chromosomal
B. semen analysis
C. try more 3 months not enough
Answer is: according to duration of trying to conceive if more than 1 year > B, if
less > C.

315. Lady around 28 weeks PROM, hypotensive aptt ptt abnormal, hypotensive. What is the
cause of hypotension?
A. Amniotic fluid embolism
Answer is: A

316. Lady recently married, present to Clinic she planned to get pregnant, what's the most
valuable exam?
A. general appearance
B. vaginal inspection
C. pelvic digital exam
D. abdominal exam
Answer is: A

317. Fibroid in post menopause taking tamoxifen, increasing in size + bleeding,
Answer is: first US, then if more than 4 mm > Biopsy

318. mother in labor with obvious exhastion, cervix is fully dilated, ctg category 1, station -3,
next step?
A. ventose
B. forcep
Answer is: C

319. vulvar carcinoma in situ treatment?

A. excision
B. Vulvectomy
Answer is: A, WLE

320. snow storm appearance?

Answer is: hyditiform molar

321. Pregnant pt with history of herbs simplex virus what you will do?
A. Sterile speculum
Answer is: A

322. Pt come with abdominal pain no sac in uterus but with adenxal mass and long scenario?
A. Stable ectopic pregnancy
B. Rupture ectopic pregnancy
C. Molar pregnancy
D. Cervical
Answer is: according to pt stability A or B.

323. Case of mother confirm Hepatitis and she recently delivery baby and baby took vaccine
before 4 hours, and mother ask I want to lactating?
A. encourage breast feeding
B. delay for 12 hrs
Answer is: A

324. strawberry cervix? what is dx?

Answer is: trichomonas.

325. case about painful breast > most likely mastitis .. asking about the causative organism?
Answer is: S. aureus

326. Pregnant women going to do delivery, in labor suddenly she had shortness of breath
and died what is the reason of death?
A. Pulmonary embolism
Answer is: Bad recall, according to full scenario and other answer, could ne
peripartum cardiomyopathy or Amniotic fluid embolism or other.

327. decreased variability and variable deceleration picture, what is the cause?
A. Oxytocin
B. Mgso4
C. Epidural anaesthesia
Answer is: B, decrease variability > B, variable deceleration > cord.

328. endometriosis ass with which type of cancer?

Answer is: epithelial ovarian cancer

329. lactation mastitis?

A. I&d
B. Antibiotic
C. Aspiration
Answer is: B

330. pt take Mgso4 (absent deep tendon reflexes what to do?

A. discontinue mgso4
B. give Ca gluconate
Answer is: A

331. Pt not compline of pain but had Hx of admit due postcoital bleeding Ask about mx?
Answer is: Exction in clinic, if the Dx is plyp.

332. young female use herbal in vulva?

Answer is: Contact dermatitis

333. Pregnant in 34 weeks with 170/x BP, headache, (sever features) Mx?
Answer is: Staplzed pt give Mgso4 and deliver

334. Vagina discharge without itching and no odor organism is?

A. Trichomonas
C. Candida
D. Shigella
Answer is: C

335. F with active HBV the baby takes HBV vaccine and immunoglobulin after birth she
desired now to breastfeed him?
A. breastfeed him now
B. delay after12hr
C. delay after 2weaks
Answer is: A

336. organ not affected by blocking pudendal nerve?

A. rectum
B. Anus
C. Labia majora
Answer is: A

337. 40 patients came to clinic with postcoital bleeding during examination you find cervical
mass what’s next?
A. Hysroscopey
B. Cone biopsy
D. PAP smear
Answer is: D, more accurate colposcopy.

338. 30 years old primigravida 12 week came with PV bleeding and haemoptysis Bhcg
1000000 ilkely diagnosis?
A. partial molar
B. choriocarcinoma
C. ectopic pregnancy
Answer is: B

339. Patient with epithelial ovarian cancer complete family next? NEW20
A. TAH bilateral slapingoophrectomy
B. Chemotherapy
Answer is: A

340. case: bleeding, 3rd trimester, DIC, retroplacental insolence?

A. Induce delivery
B. C-section
Answer is: A

341. Preterm, bulging of membrane? Horizontal lying? PROM?

A. Tocolysis
B. C section
C. Induce Delivery
Answer is: A, if foetal stress > B

342. Female with abdominal pain and mood swings 2 days before and during her menses?
A. Dysmenorrhea
Answer is: B

343. Young Female with abdominal pain with starting of menses and lasts 3 days no change
of moos and behaviour?
B. Primary amenorrhea
C. Secondary amenorrhea
D. Endometriosis
Answer is: A

344. Postpartum hge what to give?

A. Oxytocin
B. Misoprostol
C. carboprost
D. I don’t remember
Answer is: A

345. Postpartum hematoma what to do?

Answer is: small > observation, large > drain.

346. After postpartum hge the mother can’t lactate whay! What’s the cause?
A. Sheehan syndrome
B. prolactinoma
Answer is: A

347. Gymnastic girl with primary amenorrhea but the breast and all sexual characteristics is
normal what’s the cause?
A. Ovulation
B. hypogonadism
Answer is: anatomic cause, in 2019 Q bank similar Q but no breast development >

348. Postmenopausal bleeding?

A. Endometrial cancer
B. fibroid
C. Endometriosis
D. adenomyosis
Answer is: A

349. Storm appearance lesion?

A. Complete hydatiform
B. partial hydatiform
C. fibroid
Answer is: A

350. Cause of adenomatous hyperplasia?
A. Menopause
B. unopposed oestrogens
Answer is: B

351. Female with history of PID came to infertility clinic, husband semen analysis was normal,
hormonal assessment are normal and her period comes every 41 and now she has
amenorrhea for 6 months Hysterosalpingogram showed normal uterus with no dye
spillage What do u do to them?
B. ovulation induction followed by sex
C. ovulation induction with intrauterine semenization
D. hormonal replacement therapy
Answer is: A

352. Pregnant in 1st antenatal vist k/c of hypothyroidism controlled on levothyroxine PE

normal, TSH 0.9 upper limit of normalT4 normal What u will do regarding levo?
A. increase dose
B. continue same dose
C. decrease dose
D. discontinue
Answer is: A

353. Lady have mitral stenosis due to rheumatic fever happened in her childhood, which of
the following physiological changes increase risk the development of heart failure?
A. increase red cell mass
B. Increase stroke volume
C. increase minute ventilation
D. Increase renal perfusion
Answer is: B

354. Pregnant women have UTI what to give?

A. Nitrofurantoin
B. Cephalosporin
Answer is: B, according to trimester.

355. Ventose delivery what is the complication the Scenario describe lesion that doesn't
cross the suture line?
A. Cephalohematoma
B. Capput succedaneum
Answer is: A

356. Most appropriate management in female with placenta previa mild bleeding at 32
gestational age, us showed partial placenta previa?
A. Expectant management
B. Immediate cs
C. Forgot others
Answer is: A

357. Female with post-partum bleeding, the placenta attached deeply into uterus, she bleeds
about 800ml, what is the type of PPH?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
Answer is: if first 24 hours then primary, if after 24 hours then secondary.

358. Post-menopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding, US show endometrial

thickness 15, your next step?
A. Endometrial sampling
B. US guided biopsy
C. Hysterectomy
Answer is: A

359. Married female with RLQ pain and tenderness for 6hr, on examination there is a big
mass within the RLQ, she is afebrile, normal bp, tachycardic, what’s your diagnosis? (Not
mention pregnancy test or LMP, or any labs)?
A. ectopic pregnancy
B. ovarian torsion
C. Appendicitis
Answer is: B

360. Pregnant 38 week with polyhydramnios, presents with rupture of membrane and severe
abdominal pain, CTG show foetal bradycardia, what’s the diagnosis?
A. vasa previa
B. cord prolapses
C. placental abruption
Answer is: B

361. Pregnant 34wk with severe headache, visual blurring, BP 140/90. (preeclampsia case)?
A. give magnesium sulphate and induction of labour.
B. give magnesium sulphate and wait till 38 wk then induce labour
C. give steroid ...
Answer is: A

362. Primigravida in active labour for 4 hr, dilated 5cm, contractions every 3 minutes, after 5
hr still within the same condition, what’s your management?
A. give oxytocin
B. re-evaluate after 2 hr
C. immediate CS
Answer is: B

363. 14 y female with irregular period and normal PE what to do?

Answer is: Reassure

364. 20 prima 42 weeks closed cervix in induction of labour with prostaglandins gel CTG done
before foetal HR 140-160 after 1 h foetal HR 80 and uterine contraction last 2 minutes,
most important step in management? NEW20
B. oxygen mask
C. SC turbuline
D. check cord prolapses
Answer is: A

365. 30 years with 8 months amenorrhea lab high FSH, LH other normal, statement for this
A. increase risk of endometrial cancer
B. increase risk of ovarian cancer
C. increase risk of osteoporosis
D. increase risk of multiple gestation
Answer is: A, case of PCOS.

366. Pregnant with asthma, mitral stenosis, most indication for use instruments in 2 stage of
A. mitral stenosis
B. asthma
C. long labour
Answer is: A

367. Pregnant 8 weeks never been vaccinated against chicken pox and never been exposed,
what prevention method?
A. avoid exposure
B. varicella vaccine
C. prophylactic antibiotic
Answer is: A

368. Pregnant with seizure, what relive her seizure?

A. Magnesium sulphate
B. Phenytoin
C. Diazepam
Answer is: A

369. Pregnant patient Came to ER in 34 GA with severe hypertension and + protein What to
do for her?
A. correct general protein, give MG, then deliver.
B. give MG, correct general condition, then deliver.
C. correct general protein, give Corticosteroids, then deliver.
Answer is: B

370. 40-year-old diabetic female presented with history of pruritis. On examination the vulva
is erythematous with white gray odourless discharge. The vagina was cover with white-
gray discharge. discharge was examined under microscope and revealed spores: Which of
the following is the likely diagnosis?
A. Trichomonas vaginalis
B. Candia albicans
C. Pediculosis pubis
Answer is: B

371. total salpingo oophorectomy and what is the reason to make her stay at temp was 37.4
and she was on iv fluid And the doctor want to discharge her. She only complains of pain
at wound site hospital? Her urine output was 30ml/hr?
A. her fever
B. her urine output
C. oral fluid intake
Answer is: C

372. Also, pregnant lady case Lab results: Normal liver function tests, High ALP, Bilirubin:
can’t remember the values Diagnosis is?
Answer is: cholestatic she in pregnancy

373. Pregnant women at 38 w c/o headache, CBC normal, liver function normal, elevated
albumin/creatinine ratio Bp:150/90 What is the type?
A. preeclampsia
B. HEELP syndrome
C. gestesenial HTN
D. chronic HTN
Answer is: A

374. Pt breastfeeding her child develop erythema and swelling of the right upper quadrant of
breast PE tenderness and no LN involvement What is the management?
A. Flucloxacillin
Answer is: A

375. Early deceleration picture. What is the cause?

A. Foetal position
B. Mgso4
C. Oxytocin
Answer is: A

376. Calculate Bishop score and ask what to do? I think the sum is 6 so ripening?
A. Induce labour with oxy
B. Cervical ripening
Answer is: B

377. Fetus with breach presentation flexing hip and knees and elbows?
A. Frank breech.
B. Complete breech
C. Incomplete breech
Answer is: B

378. Which is true about endometrioma in case of association with cancer?

A. Not associated
B. Associated with epithelial ovarian cancer
C. Increase risk of thyroid cancer
D. Protects against cancer
Answer is: B

379. A 30-year-old woman G2P2002 at 32 wks gestation presents to Er complaining of lower

abdominal and back pain which has increased in frequency and intensity over the last few
hours. Abdominal exam showed fundal height = 32 cm, longitudinal lie fetus and cephalic
presentation. Fetal heart was positive and CTG is reactive with 2 to 3 contractions per 10
mins. Vaginal exam shows 1 cm dilated cervix, 70% effacement, -3 station and cephalic.
Which of the following is the next step to confirm diagnosis? NEW20
A. Continuous CTG
B. Lecithin- sphingomyelin ratio
C. Repeat Vaginal assessment in 2 hours-time
D. Cervical length assessment by US scanning
Answer is: C

380. Benign ovarian tumour differs from malignant tumour in that?

A. Hypoechoic
B. Solid
C. multilocular
Answer is: A

381. 40 -year-old P5 +3 presented to the clinic complaining of abnormal uterine bleeding her
Menstrual period is regular every 30-day associated with blood clots and pain that is not
relieved by simple analgesic she had previous myomectomy she is a known case of what?
pcoz and BMI is 40?
A. Adenomyosis
B. Endometriosis
C. Uterine fibroid
D. Endometrial hyperplasia
Answer is: A

382. 20 pregnant Woman presented with lots of fetal movement followed by out with
decrease urinary and difficulty breathing, Ptt prolonged, fibrinogen was below normal,
platelets low?
A. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura
D. Acute amniotic embolism
Answer is: D

383. After salpingectomy how to follow?

A. One bhcg to confirm decline
B. Hystosaplingogram
C. weekly bhcg
D. pelvic ultrasound after 6 days
Answer is: C, case of ectopic pregnancy.

384. Most abundant Estrogen in pregnant female?

A. estrone
B. oestradiol
C. estratriole
Answer is: C

385. Abortion case: severe vaginal bleeding hypotensive, cervix wide open you can see the
tissues in examination?
A. D&C
B. expectant management
C. C/S
Answer is: A

386. A female with urinary incontinence, leak when she sneeze, cough and laugh And when
urge to void, what is the type of leak?
A. Urge incon
B. Stress incon
C. Mixed incon
Answer is: C

387. Female post-partum week 6, doesn’t want to conceive in the next 2 years, what
contraceptive you give?
A. Patch
B. injection lepo vera
C. vaginal ring
Answer is: D

388. Pregnant with abdominal pain and tenderness, CTG shows bradycardia, what is the
A. placental abruption
B. cord prolapses
C. vasa previa
Answer is: A

389. PCOS signs and symptoms and doesn’t want to get pregnant how to control her
A. combined OCP
Answer is: A

390. Benign ovarian tumour differes from malignant tumour in that?

A. Hypoechoic
B. Solid
C. multilocular
Answer is: A

391. Pregnant female with hypertension, what is the most common complication?
Answer is: IUGR

392. Risk factor for abruptio placentae?

Answer is: A

393. Case of painless vginal bleeding and CTG shows fetal bradycardia?
A. abruptio placentae
B. placenta previa
C. vasa previa
Answer is: B, if there was ROM then painless bleeding and bradycardia > C.

394. Female with past history of rheumatic heart disease prim gravida effused 80% 2 cm
dilatation what will be the induction of forces use in this case?
A. sever mitral regarge
Answer is: A

395. 70 yr female with lesion in urthtra (pic) that easily bleed?

A. Urethral curancle
B. furnacle
C. urethral prolapse
Answer is: A, according pic.

396. 27 females presented with acute abdominal pain. She was requested for CT. Which of
the following is the most important?
A. Full bladder "for US not CT"
B. Pregnancy test
C. Previous CT scans
D. Volume status
Answer is: B

397. Which of the following has highest diagnostic value in 11 weeks of gestation?
A. Crown lump
B. Femur length
C. Abdominal circumference
Answer is: A

398. mother infected with HBV what type of prevention?

A. primary
B. secondary
C. tertiary
Answer is: B

399. Most appropriate management in female with placenta previa mild bleeding at 32
gestational age, us showed partial placenta previa?
A. Expectant management
B. Immediate cs
Answer is: A

400. Patient with 2ry dysmenorrhea, heavy bleeding. shows symmetrical uterine
enlargement, what is the diagnosis?
A. Endometriosis
B. Adenomyosis
C. Cancer
Answer is: B

401. pregnant (12 weeks) complaining of mild edema in the lower limbs ,, Vitally there is mild
elevation in the BP , and there is Trace of protein in the urine. What you have to prescribe
for here?
A. Methyldopa
B. Labetalol
C. Captopril
D. Losartan
Answer is: A

402. Counting the expected date of delivery according for NGLS rule for female her LMP is 17
May 2019?
A. 17 Feb 2020
B. 20 Feb
C. 23 Feb
D. 24 Feb
Answer is: D

403. What to ensure before discussing a medical management in a pt with ectopic

Answer is: easy access to a hospital

404. 6 y/o child present with vaginal discharge tainted with blood, since few days what is the
A. Sexual abuse
B. Candida
Answer is: A

405. In case of child sexual abuse which of the following mostly indicates hymen penetration,
tear at which O'clock?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 12
D. 8
Answer is: B

406. Female pregnant with history of ectopic pregnancy, bhcg 5000 and us finding 4 cm non-
viable sac, she lives far away from the hospital and her husband in military mission, her
neighbours brought her to the hospital, which of the following highly suggestive for
choosing surgical management?
A. US finding
B. Social history
C. BHcg
Answer is: B

407. Patient unstable present with hypotension, tachycardia and signs of ruptured ectopic
pregnancy, how should she manged?
A. By admitting her to ICU under the observation of obstetricians
B. Immediately take care of her with observation of multidisciplinary team
Answer is: B

408. Female present to the ER complains of abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding, her last
menstrual cycle 6 weeks ago, in examination the fundal hight was 14 weeks, what is the
diagnosis? NEW20
A. Partial mole
B. Placenta abruption
Answer is: Bad recall could be complete molar pregnancy

409. In normal pregnancy uterus palpable at which level?
A. Just above symphysis pubis
B. Between symphysis pubis and umbilicus
C. Above the umbilicus
Answer is: C

410. Us photo of snow storm appearance and asking about management?

Answer is: complete molar pregnancy

411. Pregnant lady 11 weeks pregnant presented with UTI, which of the following antibiotics
is contraindicated during pregnancy?
A. nitrofurantoin
B. amoxicillin
C. ceftriaxone
D. Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole
Answer is: D

412. young female (21-24-year-old) with history of amenorrhea for 6 weeks and us found
mass (suspicious finding) patient complain of shortness of breath what is the appropriate
next step?
A. chest ct (or xray) and chromotherapy
B. Plan for hysterectomy
Answer is: A, case of choriocarcinoma

413. Pt delivered a dead fetus insists that they should take him to ICU and treat, what is her
Answer is: she’s in denial

414. Patient had a vagainal delivery, after 10 minutes the placenta isn’t out and she started
bleeding, estimated blood loss is 800ml What is the type of pph?
A. primary
B. secondary
C. iatagonic
D. tertiary
Answer is: A

415. Patient had a salpingostomy, she is following up with the hcg every week, they noticed
the hcg plateaued for 3 weeks on 3442 what’s next?
A. Laparotomy
C. Methotrexate
D. Assurance
Answer is: C

416. Patient had dilation and curettage after 6 months she came complaining of no
menstruation since the curettage, even though pre-menstrual symptoms exist Which
layer of the endometrium is affected?
A. Basalis
B. Functional
Answer is: A

417. Patient with depression and on paroxetine, she is thinking of getting pregnant, what will
she do?
A. Stop paroxetine
B. Continue
Answer is: if severe depression > B, if not > A and change the drug.

418. Absolutely contraindications for External cephalic?

A. Anterior placenta
B. Variable decelerations
C. Dilated cervix 3-4
Answer is: B

419. Missed abortion pic (13 weeks) (2q same scenario) Dx and ttt?
A. Follow for 4 weeks
B. Plan to terminate pregnancy
Answer is: B

420. pregnant on 23 weeks with feature of cholecystitis what to do?

A. Conservatives
B. Cholysectomy
Answer is: B

421. Pregnant with symptoms of pancreatitis and generalize abdominal tenderness + hx of

cholelithiasis dx?
A. Acute pancreatitis
B. Appendicitis
C. Cholecystitis
D. Empyema cholelithiasis
Answer is: A

422. female patient came to the clinic complaining of a mass on a vagina she has a history of
repeated unprotected intercourse with multiple partners, upon examination. she has a
wart in the vagina, the causative agent is? NEW20
A. Herpes simples
B. Neisseria Gonorrhoea
C. Treponema pallidum
D. Molluscum contagiosum
Answer is: C, if there was Condyloma acuminate > HPV is more accurate.

423. Pregnant, 37 weeks or less hx of one pervious CS Now Has twin.. Twin A breech and
Twin B cephalic, ROM one hour ago Dr decided CS What is the indication of CS for this Pt?
A. Pervious CS
B. Fetal presentation
C. Leak of fluid
Answer is: B

424. 41-Year-old pregnant GA 36 weeks presented with abdominal pain, no bleeding. On

examination there’s tender tense uterus, there is NO gx of trauma within 48 course,
didn’t mention CTG or hx of fibroid?
A. red generation
B. placenta abruption
C. other
Answer is: B

425. A 42 YO female P6036 complaining of vaginal fullness and heaviness increased through
the day. She uses manual pressure to empty her bladder completely. She has stress
incontinence. Diagnosis?
A. cystocele
B. rectocele
C. enterocele
D. periodoncia
Answer is: A

426. 38 weeks gestation woman presented with light-headedness, dizziness and fainting “and
maybe palpitations not sure”, when sleeping on bed, what is most appropriate
B. blood transfusion
C. advice the patient not to sleep on her back
Answer is: C

427. Lady started to visit ob gyn clinic since 5 years last year she did PAP and HPV it was
negative she came this year, when to repeat?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer is: D, If PAP and HPV both every 5 years, if pap alone every 3 years.

428. When to do pap smear in married women?

Answer is: 20-24 y

429. Clear case of HTN in 15 weeks of pregnancy?

Answer is: Chronic Hypertension

430. 36 years old female BMI 41 came with abnormal utrine bleeding what to do next?
A. Endometrial biopsy
B. Hysterectomy
C. Forget the others
Answer is: A

431. 57 y/o female complaining of abnormal uterine bleeding she has an endometrial polyp,
on US endometrial lining was 19mm, what will you offer to this patient at this stage?
A. Open hysterectomy
B. Laparoscopic hysterectomy
C. Hysteroscopy with polypectomy
Answer is: B

432. Pt known case of asthma on nebulizer Ventolin and now she is pregnant what is your
treatment plan for her asthma (i wrote the meaning of the Q)?
Answer is: Continue the same

433. Drug Not given to asthmatic pregnant woman?

Answer is: Carboprost

434. Marrid women come to you concerning abt her sexual intercorse, because her husband
is recently diagnosed hepatitis B and he is on treatment course now, what you will advise
A. IVIG for the wife
B. Discourage intercourse
C. Use condom
Answer is: C

435. Woman did some procedure (pelvic procedure but forgot what it was) and then came
complaining of urine from vagina during urination What is the dx?
A. Vesicovaginal fistula
B. Ureterovaginal fistula
C. Urethrovaginal fistula
Answer is: C

436. Diagnosis of endometriosis?

A. Laparoscopic diagnosis
B. U/S.
C. Hysterosalpingography
D. Estrogen level.
Answer is: A

437. Case of ectopic pregnancy hCG 2500, How to manage?

A. Surgery
B. Medical
Answer is: stable > B, unstable > A.

438. Case of ectopic pregnancy, vitally unstable, most appropriate management?
A. Surgical intervention
B. Administration of methotrexate
Answer is: A

439. Risk of endometriosis?

Answer is: Associated with Ovarian epithelial Ca

440. In her 39w of pregnancy has high blood pressure and they provided picture of urine
Dipstick cervix is 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced how to manage?
A. Induction of labour
B. Admission and observation
Answer is: A

441. Incomplete abortion with severe abdominal pain and sever bleeding, what to do?
A. Expectant management
B. D&C
Answer is: B

442. 36 y/o female who completed her family was diagnosed with Endometriosis.
B. laparoscopic excision
C. Hysteroscopic
Answer is: A, if she not complete > B.

443. Female patient with complain of change behaviour and other thing before menstrual
cycle and resolved in the second day of menstrual cycle affect her work “absence” and
increase visit to ER what is related to her condition?
A. Mood swing
B. Irritability
C. Two more option related to mood
Answer is: A

444. Female with difficulty dealing with people while menstruating, what’s the mostly
A. Irritability,
B. Mood swings
C. anxiety
D. anger
Answer is: B

445. old primigravida woman just delivered spontaneously baby is delivered complete and
intact. Massaging of the uterine is performed along wi 20 units of oxytocin in 1000 of
lactated Ringers fast drip. inspection of the genital tract, there’s second degree laceration
2-cm left lateral vaginal wall, suturing is difficult because of bleeding from above the site
of laceration. a soft, boggy uterine fundus Blood pressure 164/92 mmHg Heart rate 130
/min Which of the following is the best step in management?
A. prostaglandin f 2
B. methylergonovine
C. manual exploration
D. oxytocin 10 units again
Answer is: D

446. Primigravid come with active phase for 4h Dilated 5 cm, effaced 80%, station +1 after 5h
there is no change in cervix, and contraction occur every 3 min. and stay for 60 sec. What
to do?
A. Instrument use
B. C/S
C. IV oxytocin
D. Wait for 2h
Answer is: B

447. PPH case asked about most or gold standard ttt?

A. Oxytocin
B. Carprost
C. Misoprostol
Answer is: A

448. Multiple D&C with amenorrhea diagnosis?

A. Asherman
B. Kallaman
C. Sheehan
Answer is: A

449. Pt with irregular period complain of galactorrhoea, All other investigation normal next
Answer is: First do lab > prolactin level, if prolactin is high > look for DDx (like
hypothyroidism), if was excluded > brain MRI

450. Pt I think in her fourties with picture of ectopic pregnancy and BHCG >5000. And US no
intrauterine sac. The pt lives far away. What will make you choose the surgical tx?
A. Her Bhcg level
B. Her social history
Answer is: B

451. Pregnant came with ectopic pregnancy she lives in a village 80 km away, her BP was less
than 90/60, what is the absolute contradiction of medical management?
A. Her social history
B. Her vital signs
Answer is: B

452. Pregnant with hypertension her BP 140/90 first line ttt?

Answer is: according to type of HTN, if chronic (less than 20 week) > methyldopa, if
gestational (more than 20 week) > Labetalol.

453. What is the first line medication for gestational HTN?

Answer is: Labetalol

454. Child with noisy breathing in sitting ans subine position, decreased when the child is
prone, the mother is worried, what will you tell her?
A. tell her his condition will get worse
B. He needs surgical intervention
C. He will get better spontaneously at 1st birthday
Answer is: C, case of laryngomalacia.

455. Pt had some abnormality in her period. When press the breast the milk is expressed
manually and some abnormality. TSH HIG, T4 (can’t remember), PROLACTINE HIGH What
is the cause?
A. Prolactinoma
B. Hypothyroidism
Answer is: B

456. Most common cause of PPH?

A. Uterine atony
B. Abruption
Answer is: A

457. Pt on tamoxifen, history of fibroid, increased in size and endometrial biopsy shows 5mm
A. Leiomyosarcoma
B. Endometriosis
C. Adenomyosis
D. Endometrial cancer
Answer is: A

458. Fifty something yo Patient has hx of oligomenorrhea because PCOS, took progesterone
for 5 yrs then stopped. She’s at increased risk of what?
A. Cervical dysplasia
B. Hip fracture
C. Endometrial cancer
Answer is: C

459. Pt with hx of previous myomectomy, now came with bleeding mostly during period
increases associated with pain, not relieved with analgesics, on Abdominal Examination
uterus was small, on US uterus was normal size, Dx?
A. endometriosis
B. adenomyosis
C. fibroid
Answer is: A

460. Contraindication of ECV?

Answer is: Low lying placenta.

461. What’s the absolute contraindication for ECV?

A. CTG with variable decelerations
B. Anterior placenta
Answer is: A

462. pregnant 10 weeks complaining of biliary colic in the past 5 weeks Mx?
A. laparoscopic cholecystectomy now
B. laparoscopic cholecystectomy after delivery
C. laparoscopic cholecystectomy in second trimester
D. laparoscopic cholecystectomy in third trimester
Answer is: A, but best time is > C.

463. After eating fish and chips, patient had severe abdominal pain but resolved by the time
you examine her, what the cause? NEW20
A. renal colic
B. Biliary colic
C. Appendicitis
Answer is: B

464. Abdominal cramping and pain in the first day of menstrual period and get improved rest
of the days, diagnosis?
A. Primary dysmenorrhea
B. Endometriosis
Answer is: A

465. Female pt in her 30s with high LH and high FSH. What is she more susceptible to have?
A. Increased risk of ovarian cancer.
B. Increased risk of endometrial cancer.
C. Increased risk of osteoporosis
Answer is: B

466. Post-menopausal women what test to confirm that she is post-menopaused
C. Estrogen
D. Progesterone
Answer is: A

467. Obese female using condoms for contraception. Came with amenorrhea for 6 months.
Labs: BHCG is normal, high FSH and high LH. What's the diagnosis?
A. Pregnancy
Answer is: B

468. Female, Amenorrhea, moderate hair in chin, upper back, lower abdomen and
inflammatory acne, obese?
A. Hypothyroidism
Answer is: B

469. Old lady with uterine fundal mass they did surgery, what lymphatic drainage should be
A. superficial inguinal
B. deep inguinal
C. internal iliac
D. para-aortic
Answer is: D

470. Best for pregnant to quit smoking?

B. brup
C. nicotine replacement therapy
Answer is: A

471. During labour episiotomy done, tear reachs the anal mucosa, what degree of tear?
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Answer is: D

472. Case of pregnant 36w and came to ER with severe abdominal pain No vaginal bleeding
ask about Dx?
A. Amniotic fluid embolism
B. Abruptio placenta
Answer is: B

473. pregnant diabetic during labour there was changes in the foetal heart rate The most
appropriate next step?
A. Stop oxytocin
B. Change the mother position
C. Give tocolytics
Answer is: B

474. 30-year female presented with severe abdominal pain and last period 2 months
hypotension Management?
A. Methotrexate
B. Immediate surgery
C. Refer to gynaecologist
Answer is: B

475. PCOS want to conceive?

Answer is: metformin, weight loss, clomiphene

476. cases of hyperthyroidism one at 1st trimester?

Answer is: First trimester: PTU is preferred, Second and third: methimazole.

477. Patient 40 years old came for pap screening all her previous are negative what will you
tell her? NEW20
A. pap smear is done yearly
B. pap smear is done every 5 years
C. after three negatives no need for screening
D. screening is not indicated
Answer is: if she did companied PAP and HPV > B, otherwise bad recall, should be
every 3 years.

478. 24 y/o female married, she skipped Pap smear for 3 years, came to your clinic asking a
about the Pap smear, what will you tell here:
A. she can do Pap smear in this visit
B. delay until 30 and do HSV and Pap every five years
C. cervical cancer doesn’t appear before the age of 30y/o
Answer is: A

479. Female patient did tubal ligation came with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding LMP: 8
or 6 weeks ago What’s you’re the first thing to do?
A. Pelvic US
B. Pregnancy test
Answer is: B

480. Vaccine contraindicated in pregnancy?

Answer is: Varicella (or Zoster)

481. Baby flexed knee and hip and hand?
A. Frank breech
B. Complete breech
C. Partial breech
Answer is: B

482. Test to confirm ovulation?

C. Estrogen
D. progesterone
Answer is: according to cycle is regular and 28 day > progesterone 21, if not > B.

483. pregnant primigravida female 24-week gestation, suddenly developed SOB and CXR
shows enlarge heat, she died despite intensive mx Cause?
D. Periupurm cardiomyopathy
Answer is: D

484. post menopause women with uterine fibroid at Funds 5X6, pt is Asymptomatic?
A. immediate hysterectomy
B. immediate mastercomy
C. pelvic Us every year
D. Follow up with HCT and CBC and pelvic US every 2 months
Answer is: C

485. Female patient with submucosal fibroid, and she want to preserve her infertility?
A. hysteroscopic resection
B. laparoscopic myomectomy
C. lap hysterectomy
Answer is: if less than 5 cm > A, if more than 5 cm > B.

486. At which week to screen pregnant for DM?

A. 24 weeks
B. 14 weeks
C. 34 weeks
Answer is: A

487. picture of uterine polyp asking about Mx?

A. Excision in clinic
B. Admit and do more workup
Answer is: A

488. Lady with placental abruption BP 84\40 HR140 with severe bleeding (Hg was low) what
to do?
A. multidisciplinary team and RRT
B. 2 packs of FFP
C. admit to ICU
Answer is: A

489. Old age lady in her 50s, US showed large Rt. ovarian mass, measures 9x2. CA level 900
or 9000 (not sure but it was high). What you will do?
A. Refer to Ob oncologist
Answer is: A

490. Female heavy smoker (2packes/week) for the part 7 years. and since then show was
doing Pap smear and all negative. and she had previously infected with benign warts. this
time it shows LSLI, what will you do?
A. Colposcopy
C. Pap smear
Answer is: A

491. question about pap smear that shows Squamous cell cancer. what is next?
A. Colposcopy
B. Biopsy
C. Repeat pap smear
Answer is: A

492. 60 years female old did PAP and is was undetermined significance for ASUC and in F/U
after 2 weeks it’s still same?
B. colposcopy
C. pap
Answer is: in other recall she use topical Estrogen > B.

493. another PROM how to confirm?

A. Speculum examination
B. Chemical test
Answer is: A

494. Pregnant came with gush of fluid, on exam there was pooling, Nitrazine test done and
was positive, what’s the test also used to confirm amniotic fluid?
A. Microscopic change showing ferning of the fluid
Answer is: A

495. Pregnant lady 32 weeks came to the ER with typical case of PROM, how to confirm the
A. cervical examination
B. lecithin–sphingomyelin ratio
C. Reassess the cervix after 2 hours
Answer is: A

496. 24 y/o male 20 hr post appendectomy presented with sever abdominal pain at the
wound site with purulent discharge, what is the next step?
A. Dressing
B. Observation
C. Wound exploration
Answer is: C

497. 0 y/o female complaining of irregular menstrual cycle and irregular menstrual bleeding
what the DDx?
A. Bleeding disorder
B. Endocrine disorder
C. Ovulation disorder
D. Progesterone secreting tumour
Answer is: C

498. Picture pf Chocolate cyst and asking what associated with it?
A. Infertility
B. Highly malignancy
Answer is: B, N.B: its risk ovarian cancer.

499. 9-year-old pqra3 and completed her family K/C of Endometriosis Came complaining of
dysmenorrhea and deep pain with intercourse Pelvic US: Endometriosis and there was
ovarian cyst found to be Endometriotic > like this What’s the management?
A. TAH with bilateral oophorectomy Endometriosis
B. Laparoscopic removal of cyst with Endometriotic tissue ablation
Answer is: A

500. UTI in pregnant 28 w what to give?

A. Cipro
B. Nitro
C. Tmp/sulfa
Answer is: B

501. Signs and symptoms of PCOS and ask diagnosis?

A. Stein leventhal syndrome
Answer is: A

502. pt female with irregular mensural cycles for a few months back and now she has frank
galactorrhoea What is the most important next step?
A. Pregnancy test
B. Prolactin
Answer is: B

503. How to diagnose pt. with vulva psoriasis as he is having erythematous base batches with
scales. What’s the definitive diagnosis?
A. Clinically
B. Iodine
C. Biopsy
Answer is: C

504. Pregnant in 8 weeks, did not had chickenpox in her life, what to do?
A. Try to avoid exposure
B. zoster vaccine
C. give IVIG of zoster
Answer is: A

505. Pregnant pale nail bed and sclera, sob, tachypnoea tachycardia and very pale oral
mucosa, she had history of allergy of perfumes, pollen, old, what is 1st to do next?
A. Chest x-ray
B. Spirometer
C. Haemoglobin
Answer is: C

506. Pregnant with DM & HTN, what do you expect for the foetus?
A. Shoulder dystocia
B. large for gestational age
C. Small for gestational age
Answer is: C

507. Postpartum breastfeeding with E. coli in urine 800000 and sensitive to cipro, nitro, other
drug >>> which one you choose for her?
A. no need
Answer is: A

508. White Cheese like vaginal discharge, organism?

A. Candida
B. Herpes simplex
C. Trichomonas
Answer is: A

509. Pregnant + did OGTT post 1hrs 8.1 mmol What is the risk of infection?
A. Candida
C. Trichomonas
Answer is: A

510. Patient have abdominal pain hcg high empty uterus, have adnexal mass, the problem is
A. Implantation
B. Cleavage
C. Zygote formation
Answer is: A

511. Female with 2 history of preterm labour now she pregnant in 20week cervical length 30
What you will do for her??
A. Progesterone
B. Cervical cerclage now
Answer is: A

512. Pregnant women complaining of severe abdominal pain, has Hx of pre-eclampsia, her
blood pressure is 140/90, lab is decreased in platelet, very very high uric acid, which of
the following of her condition indicates severe pre-eclampsia?
A. Abdominal pain
B. Blood pressure
C. Platelet
D. Uric acid
Answer is: C

513. Prirmi gravida, suffering from postpartum depression, which of the following optimize
her ttt?
A. Asking her to take ca supplements
B. Encourage breast feeding
C. Give her small amounts of impnnum
D. Ask family member to practice
Answer is: D

514. Postpartum depression undergo psychotherapy?

A. Encourage breast feeding
B. Involve family member
Answer is: B

515. 60 yrs female with watery odorless secretions, caused by?

A. Atrophic vaginitis
B. Candida
D. Trichomonas
Answer is: A

516. Female with Thin gray vaginal discharge wiff test positive and Ph above 5 treatment?
A. cipro
B. amoxicillin
C. metronidazole
D. cefoxime
Answer is: C

517. Case of young lady with sudden severe right lower abd pain 9/10 and N/V and a mass
was felt, dx? (US or CT shows large mass)
A. ruptured ovarian cyst
B. ovarian torsion
C. appendicitis
Answer is: B

518. Complication of Dilatation and evacuation in Female underwent this procedure for
complete mole?
A. Amniotic embolism
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Pneumonia
Answer is: A, if there was uterine perforation is more accurate.

519. Most common complication of uterine evacuation?

A. Pneumonia
B. Amniotic embolism
C. Uterine perforation
Answer is: C

520. Postpartum breast feeding and best methods of contraceptive?

A. Ocp
B. Vaginal ring
C. Skin patch
D. Something injectable
Answer is: D

521. Most accurate method to make sure full placental separation? NEW20
A. pressure and massage uterus
B. manual removal
C. wait for spontaneous
D. with a sponge
Answer is: B

522. patient came with heavy bleeding after doing evacuation the physician said its
dysfunctional vaginal bleeding what to do next?
A. D&C
C. embolization
D. hysterectomy
Answer is: B

523. pregnant woman 32-34 GA. came with vaginal bleeding. US showed placenta previa.
CTG is reactive what to do next?
A. expectant management
C. Biophysical profile
D. Amniocentesis
Answer is: A

524. Female just gave birth and wants to feed her baby but says that the milk had a yellowish
coloring and was thinking that it would harm her child, whats the content of the milk at
this time (Colostrum)?
A. High concentration of proteins
B. High concentration of lipids and glucose
Answer is: A

525. Best presentation of twins regard vaginal delivery?

Answer is: Cephalic cephalic

526. A pregnant woman has got pneumonia. which type of immunity dose the baby get after
A. Passive neutral immunity
B. Passive artificial immunity
C. Active neutral immunity
D. Active artificial immunity
Answer is: A

527. Gestational age 10 weeks. Best way to measure fetus?

A. crown rump length
B. femur length
C. abdominal circumference
Answer is: A

528. Mother came with her baby, she said that the baby is unwell and has a disease,
examinations and everything for the baby is normal. She is disoriented to time and place?
A. Postpartum psychosis.
B. Neglect
Answer is: A

529. Female with suprapubic abdominal pain In Viginal exam Uterine fornix tenderness Dx?
A. Acute Cx
B. Acute salpingitis
Answer is: B

530. patient with PID despite treatment with ceftriaxone not improving the cause?
A. chlamydia
B. N. gonnherah
Answer is: A

531. Increase nuchal translucency?

A. chromosomal abnormality
B. cardiac
C. intrauterine fetal demise
Answer is: A

532. Pregnant came for antenatal visit on us found to have nuchal translucency increased.
The baby is at increased risk of what? NEW20
A. cardiac anomalies
B. spinal anomalies
C. renal anomalies
Answer is: A, if there was chromosomal is more accurate, but if not there A is

533. Pregnant 8 week with fundus 14 week, haemoptysis, aggressive looking mass on cervix
bhcg 15263 what is next?
A. Evacuation
B. Staging
C. Hysterectomy
Answer is: B

534. Pregnant 39 weeks presented to the outpatient department with abdominal pain on
examination her os is closed, no effacement. no bleeding, dx? NEW20
A. false labor
B. Active labor
Answer is: A

535. 16 y/o with infrequent period every 6 to 8 weeks cause?

A. Normal physiology
B. Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma
C. Ovarian tumour
Answer is: A

536. Post-date 42-week, closed cervix, hard and non- effacement, fetal heart was normal,
contraction normal posterior of the face felt, when started prostaglandin to induce labor
fetal heart drops to 80 and contraction last only 2 mints, what is the most important to
A. assessment for cord prolapse
B. prepare for CS
C. If remembered
D. If remembered
Answer is: B

537. 40 years old female, multiparous, her last delivery was 2 years ago and it was
complicated and used forceps complaining of mass bulging from the vagina with long
standing or walking and when coughing what is the first thing to do in the examination?
A. Bonney test
B. Speculum examination
C. Cystourethrogram
Answer is: B

538. Biopsy of cervical lesion shows invasive carcinoma, what is the most appropriate next
A. Clinical staging
B. Hystectomy with chemotherapy
C. hysterectomy with radiotherapy
Answer is: A

539. Endometrial hyperplasia case (given in the question), what contribute to that?
Answer is: unopposed Estrogen.

540. 32 weeks pregnant came with Partial placenta previa CTG done and foetus was fine,
what would you do?
B. Give steroid for lung maturation
C. Admit and observe
Answer is: C

541. Pregnant lady was working all day and came due to decreased fetal movement. No
abdominal pain, no vaginal bleeding. Everything is okay. What to do next?
A. Non stress test
B. biophysical profile
C. vibroacoustic stimulation
Answer is: A

542. Mother has hep B and delivered her baby and he took the immunoglobulin and the HBV
vaccine she’ is excited to breast feed him what to do u recommend?
A. Encourage breast feeding
B. Wait 12 hrs
C. don’t allow breast feeding
D. If remembered
Answer is: A

543. old female pt had a TAH and BSO she complained of vasomotor attacks and was advised
to take Hormonal medications what would u give her?
A. Oestrogen patch only
B. continuous Combined prog and Estrogen
C. Cyclic combined prog and Estrogen
D. If remembered
Answer is: A

544. Which layer affected in women with amenorrhea with multiple uterine procedures and
many D and C?
A. Basilar
B. Glandular
Answer is: A

545. The best way to assess postpartum haemorrhages? NEW20

A. Visual
B. Pulse pressure
C. Haematocrit
D. Hg
Answer is: A

546. Old age female found to have advanced epithelial ovarian cancer what to do for her?
A. chemotherapy
B. surgery
C. surgery followed by radiotherapy
D. surgery followed by chemotherapy
Answer is: D

546. 20 years old female have cycling pain and can't do her activities normally and absent
from school, she used analgesics and didn't improve what is your advice?
A. Lifestyle modification i guess Approved
B. Dazepam
Answer is: A

547. Male positive for HCV on treatment, his wife screened negative, what's the best advice
to protect their sexual relationship?
A. use condom.
B. use contraceptives medication
C. stay ubstain.
D. continue as usual.
Answer is A

548. 19-year-old girl c/o dysmenorrhea she starts on NSAID, there is an improvement in
symptoms but the patient needs more satisfy... what’s your management?
A. Mgso4
B. Tocolytics
C. Patient supports and educate self care
Answer is: C

549. Patient came to u buz she is afraid from developed cancer diagnosed with
endometriosis. what is the appropriate counseling to tell this pt in this situation?
A. not related to cancer.
B. protect against cancer.
C. associated with ovarian cancer
Answer: C

550. Patient came to u buz she is afraid from developed cancer diagnosed with
endometriosis. what is the appropriate counseling to tell this pt in this situation?
A. not related to cancer.
B. protect against cancer.
C. associated with ovarian cancer
Answer is:

551. Pregnant with HIV what will you tell her?

A. She can breast feed
B. To do CS to avoid transmitting to child via vaginal
C. No need to give the child vaccine after birth
D. Tell her she is cute mother regardless HIV
Answer is: B

552. Case and pic of complete molar pregnancy asking about D&C complication?
A. Uterine rupture
B. Amniotic PE
Answer is: Bleeding

553. Female married want to screen SCA?

A. for husband
Answer is A

554. A case of bilateral ovarian abscess vitally stable only fever?
A. Abx
B. Laparotomy
C. Percutaneous drainage
Answer is: A

555. Pregnant came because his son has infection, What to give her?
A. influenza
Answer is: A

556. Rx of primary dysmenorrhea?

Answer is: A

557. Female on 38 weeks long case confirmed fetal death in utero no cause identified. They
asked about Mother options by the dr?
A. Induce labour now immediately
B. She still has time to go home
Answer is: B

558. Young girl with symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea treatment?

Answer is:

559. A woman with symptoms of dysmenorrhea, she took NSAID but needs stronger
treatment, her symptoms not significantly affecting daily activity?
A. nothing to give
Answer is: OCP; 2nd line

560. 16 y.o Female with pain during menstruation give him NSAIDs and pain not relief well,
what can give him?
B. Advise something like that (this answer)
Answer is: A

561. case with situs inversus and infertility? kartagener’s syndrome?

A. kartenger
Answer is: A

562. Female Patient negative serolgy asking about sexual intercourse with HBV positive
Answer is: Condom use

563. patient with dysmenorrhea. was prescribed NSAID and corticosteroids. She is managing
her life but insisting for a stronger analgesic?
A. Add diazepam
B. Refuse but sit with her and explain her
C. add opiates
D. add something else
Answer is: B

564. Mother comes around 2 weeks postpartum complaining of clear discharge that is
positive for leukocytes and epithelial cells?
A. Antibiotics
B. Urine culture
C. Reassure that it’s normal
Answer is: C

565. A lady came on 20th day postpartum. She delivered a full-term baby 3.45 KG by
instrumental vaginal delivery. She is now complaining of yellowish white vaginal
discharge, odourless, non-itchy, no pain or discomfort. Cervix is pink and nontender.
Discharge analysis was +ve for leukocytes and epithelial cells. What is the most
appropriate next step?
A. Urine dipstick analysis
B. Discharge culture
C. Reassure
D. metronidazole
Answer is: C

566. mother comes around 2-week postpartum complaining of clear discharge that is
positive for leukocytes and epithelial cell?
Answer is: reassure

567. Breastfeeding mother infected with pneumonia what is type of immunity in her child?
A. Active natural
B. Passive natural
C. Passive artificial
D. Active artificial
Answer is: B

568. A pt with IUFD, what is the best thing tell pt at this moment?
A. console the couple for early follow up visit after a few days
B. let the mother spend some time with her dead child
C. give medication during her think to induce termination
D. u can’t let her go home to think
Answer is: B

569. Women want to take OCP and husband no want take OCP?
A. empathy
B. follow wife
C. follow husband
D. Both
Answer is: D

570. couple came in the fertility clinic, husband found to have HIV?
A. tell the husband
B. tell wife
C. tell a close relative. no tell the couples in the choices
Answer is: A

571. Primigravida 32 came with mild headache with no abdominal pain, or visual disturbance,
Blood pressure 150/90, urine analysis +3 protein, appropriate management?
A. close outpatient after 1 week
B. Admission and observe
C. induction of labour D. C/
Answer is: B

572. female difficult breast feeding? in other recall: cannot breast feed?
A. Sheehan
Answer is: A, especially if there’s Hx of PPH

573. During labor episotomy done, tear reachs the anal mucosa, what degree of tear?
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Answer is: D

574. Pregnant with pre-eclampsia mild 140/40 with abdominal pain.

platelet and, uricaerd what indicate severity?
A. Abdominal pain
B. Platelet count
Answer is: B

575. Pregnant, now bp 140/90, platelets 90, hx of previously severe preeclampsia. What
indication here of severe preeclampsia?
A. bp
B. platelets
C. uterine contraction
Answer is: B

576. Couples present with infertility for 3y, what you will order?
A. nothing.
B. Sperm analysis.
C. Histosulpingogram
D. Laproscopic exploration
Answer is: B

577. pt with vaginal itching and bad smell the microscopic is flagella prazite?
Answer is: trichomoniasis

578. pap smear, screening?

A. every 2yrs
B. every 3yr
Answer is: B

579. 10 wk Pregnant with dysuria studies showed 20 wbcs in urine treatment?

A. nitrofurantoin
Answer is: A

580. Most common site for postcoital bleeding?

A. Uterine cervix
Answer is: A

581. Women obese, PCOS, regular period with history of dysmenorrhea that not relieved by
analgesic .. normal pelvic abdomen examination no adnexal masses What
is the diagnosis?
A. Endometrial hyperplasia
B. Endometriosis
Answer is: B

582. 60 y.o with Abnormal uterine bleeding, hx of myomectomy 12 years ago, 2 D&C,
abdomen bulky and tender, no adnexal mass, with US picture “18 mm thickness”, Dx?
A. Endometriosis
B. Adenomyosis
C. Endometrial CA
Answer is: C

583. Old age lady in her 50s, US showed large Rt ovarian mass, measures 9x2. CA level 900 or
9000 (not sure but it was high). What you will do?
A. Refer to Ob oncologist
Answer is: A

584. Patient presenting with vulvar lesion. On examination the lesion is 0.5 cm localized.
Investigation shows intraepithelial neoplasia in situ. How would you treat the lesion?
A. Vulvectomy
B. Radio/chemo
C. Cauterization
D. Local superficial excision
Answer is: D

585. pregnant with jaundice and itching more details most likely dx?
A. budd Chiari syndrome
B. pregnancy cholelithiasis
Answer is: B

586. Pregnant women with brown spot?

A. melasma
B. chloasma
Answer is: B

587. 1/one of this is confirmatory for pregnancy?

A. uterus just above symphysis pubis
B. uterus between symphysis pubis and umbilicus
C. uterus at the umbilicus
Answer is: A

588. recurrent postpartum haemorrhage in all her pregnancies, asking how to prevent it this
Answer is: Active management of 3 stage of labour

589. Lady with placental abruption BP 84\40 HR140 with sever bleeding what to doto save
her life?
A. multidisciplinary team and RRT
B. 2 packs of FFP
C. admit to ICU
D. there were no packed RBCs in answers
Answer is: A

590. Young girl with symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea treatment?

Answer is: NSAID

591. women had sicker disease child, which test to do before her second marriage?
A. Hb electrophoresis for husband
Answer is: A

592. Patient in labour with 5 cm cervix- after 5 hours still no change, fetal head +1, CTG
is reassuring and shows good uterine contraction. What is the management?
A. Sc terbutaline
B. instrumental
C. recheck after 2 hrs
D. C section
Answer is: C

593. Perineal tear caused by?

A. Restrained leg with stirrups
B. Unrestrained legs with squatting position
Answer is: B, N.B: there was no forceps in the options

594. Pregnant 34 at labour in examination showed transverse presentation she want to know
if she can do ECV Ultrasound shows bicornuate uterus with normal fetus What is the
contraindication for ECV?
A. Bicornuate uterus
B. Breech presentation
Answer is: A

595. Case of ectopic pregnancy treated by Salpingostomy. On regular follow up her BHCG
was decreasing until the last three visits the BHCG results plateaued. BHCG was 3200 on
the last visit (normal is less than 5000). How would you manage the case?
A. Consider giving Methotrexate
B. Start OCP
C. Surgical intervention
D. Reassure
Answer is: A

596. Vulvar carcinoma in situ Tx?

A. Vulvectomy
B. Superficial local excision
C. Radio chemotherapy
Answer is: B

597. Contraindication of ECV?

Answer is: Low lying placenta.

598. 15 years old girl with pubic hair, smells of bad odour of adults, which lab test may help
in this scenario?
A. Progesterone
B. Testosterone
Answer is: B

599. Female pt with high LH and high FSH. What is she more susceptible to have?
A. Increased risk of ovarian cancer.
B. Increased risk of endometrial cancer.
C. Increased risk of osteoporosis.
Answer is: according if post menopause > C, if PCOS > B.

600. Obese female using condoms for contraception. Came with amenorrhea for 6 months.
Labs: BHCG is normal, high FSH and high LH. What's the diagnosis?
Answer is: Pregnancy

601. 30-year female presented with severe abdominal pain and last period 2
months hypotension Management?
A. methotrexate
B. immediate surgery
C. refer to gynaecologist
Answer is: B

602. CTG picture early deceleration on mg and oxytocin and epidural anaesthesia, fetal on
vertex position what causes CTG finding?
A. oxytocin
B. epidural
C. fetal head position
Answer is: C

603. PCOS want to conceive?

Answer is: metformin, weight loss, clomiphene

604. 32 pregnant diabetics during labour there was changes in the fetal heart rate (writing
like this) The most appropriate next step?
A. stop oxytocin
B. change the mother position
C. give tocolytics
Answer is: B

605. 37-year-old female with placental abruption and IUFD with DIC cervix is 4 cm dilated?
A. augment labour
C. instrumental.
Answer is: A

606. Pregnant in 10 weeks of gestation came for routine antenatal care visit, she is smoker
with history of subfertility and 2nd degree family history of DM. What is the significant
risk in her history?
A. Smoking
B. Subfertility
C. Family history of DM
Answer is: A

607. Patient at 39 w of gestation, her BP is 150/95, no proteinuria Her last 3 visits BP
was normal. Dx?
A. Preeclampsia
B. Superimposed HTN
C. Chronic HTN
D. Gestational HTN
Answer is: D

608. Patient 34 weeks of gestation i think in labor after 2 hrs cervix 7 cm dilated and the
doctor notice the cord is below the fatal head (cord presentation not prolapse) what
is the management?
A. Forceps
B. Vacuum
Answer is: C

609. Female diagnosed with DM type 2, which of the following infections she is at risk of?
A. Candida
B. Bacterial vaginosis
C. Trichomoniasis
Answer is: A

610. 36-old primigravida woman just delivered spontaneously baby... is delivered complete
and intact. Massaging of the uterine is performed along wi 20 units of oxytocin in 1000 of
lactated Ringers fast drip. inspection of the genital tract, there’s second degree laceration
2-cm left lateral vaginal wall, suturing is difficult because of bleeding from above the site
of laceration. a soft, boggy uterine fundus Blood pressure 164/92 mmHg Heart rate 130
/min Which of the following is the best step in management?
A. prostaglandin f 2
B. methylergonovine
C. manual exploration
D. oxytocin 10 units again
Answer is: D

611. Primigravid come with active phase for 4h Dilated 5 cm, effaced 80%, station +1 after 5h
there is no change in cervix, and contraction occur every 3 min. and stay for 60 sec. What
to do?
A. Instrument use
B. C/S
C. IV oxytocin
D. Wait for 2h
Answer is: D

612. A pregnant lady in her 32nd week presented to you with abdominal pain and vaginal
bleeding, upon examination you found that she had a tense uterus that was bigger for
her gestational age, fetal ctg demonstrated tachycardia with decreased variability
and something else (forgot wat it was), whats the Dx?
A. Placental abruption
B. Placenta previa
C. Vasa previa
D. Uterine polyp
Answer is: A

613. Pregnant in labour and bulging of membrane US shows: fetal head in the
fundus, fetal spine parallel to mother’s spine, knee and hips are flexed, both arms are
Answer is: complete breach

614. Case of pregnant 36w and came to ER with severe abdominal pain No vaginal bleeding
asks about Mx?
A. Amniotic fluid embolism
B. Abruptio placenta
Answer is: B

615. 17 years old hypertensive not menstruating yet at clinic by her parents, she is short
stature, short neck Most appropriate diagnosis?
A. Turner
Answer is: A

616. Pregnant, 37 weeks or less hx of one pervious CS, Now Has twin, Twin A breech and
Twin B cephalic, ROM one hour ago. Dr decided CS, what is the indication of CS for this
A. Pervious CS
B. Fetal presentation
C. Leak of fluid
Answer is: B

617. 41-Year-old pregnant GA 36 weeks presented with abdominal pain, no bleeding. On

examination there’s tender tense uterus, there is NO Hx of trauma within 48 courses,
didn’t mention CTG or hx of fibroid?
A. red generation
B. placenta abruption
C. other
Answer is: B

618. 36 y/o female who completed her family was diagnosed with Endometriosis.
B. laparoscopic excision.
C. Hysteroscopic
Answer is: A

619. Diagnosis of endometriosis?

A. Laparoscopic diagnosis
B. U/S
C. Hysterosalpingography
D. Estrogen level
Answer is: A

620. Picture of clue cells ask about Dx?

A. Bacterial vaginitis
Answer is: A

621. Picture of reduced variability in CTG what is the cause?

A. Mgso4
B. Epidural anaesthesia
Answer is: A

622. Case of ectopic pregnancy bhcg 5000, How to manage?

A. Surgery
B. Medical
Answer is: B

623. Risk of endometriosis?

A. Associated with epithelial cancer
Answer is: A

624. In her 39w of pregnancy has high blood pressure and they provided picture of urine
Dipstick cervix is 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced how to manage?
A. Induction of labour
B. Admission and observation
C. Cs
Answer is: A

625. Case + Picture of CTG with prolong deceleration, what is the cause?
A. Epidural anaesthesia
B. Mg sulphate
C. Oxytocin
D. Head presentations
Answer is: A

626. Pic of CTG with variable deceleration, ask about what do U see?
A. late deceleration
B. Variable deceleration
Answer is: B, cause is cord compression.

627. female G3p2 had previous C/S due to breach and one vaginal delivery. She’s at 34 weeks
and fetus is breach, she wants to do ECV. US: anterior low-lying placenta and amniotic
fluid of 4 Digital exam: “normal” What’s the contraindication for ECV?
A. Gestational age and Echotocography.
B. US findings
Answer is: B

628. Gestational Diabetes at what week screening?

A. 4
B. 14
C. 24
D. 34
Answer is: C

629. pt with infected HBV husband concerned about sexual?

A. Wear condom
Answer is: A

630. Married woman pap smear screening start at?

A. 20-24
Answer is: A

631. year old female on oral contraceptive pill for 12 years, developed gradual RUQ pain (not
something acute), CT was ordered, Hepatic adenoma 5 cm diagnosed, how to manage?
A. stop OCP
B. Excision
C. left hepatectomy
D. liver transplant (not sure, but something wrong
Answer is: A

632. Menopausal patient complaining of itching in valva and watery discharge, on

examination scratches and scaly ur diagnosis?
A. atrophic vaginitis
Answer is: A

633. valva “abnormalities I forget but it’s either a mass or cell change “+ carcinoma in situ Tx?
A. Vulvectomy
B. Local superficial excision with margins
Answer is: B

634. Post-delivery 6 weeks. Exclusive breast feeding. Doesn’t want kids for at least 2 years.
Which contraceptive method?
A. Depo Provera injection
B. Transdermal patch
C. Vaginal ring
D. Oral combined contraceptive
Answer is: A

635. old with Endometrial biopsy shows hyperplasia with atypia what is the treatment?
A. Total abdominal hysterectomy
Answer is: A

636. Female 36-year, pregnant 15w GA complaining of headache, blurred vision for 2 weeks
ago, with hypertension, what is the diagnosis?
A. Primary HTN.
B. Pregnancy induced HTN.
C. White coat syndrome.
D. Eclampsia
Answer is: A

637. Postpartum hemorrhage treatment?

A. Oxytocin
Answer is: A

638. pt with irregular cycle, hx of amenorrhea for 3 months complain of vaginal spotting
trying to conceive for 3 years?
A. Order pregnancy test
Answer is: A

639. pregnant smoker what will help her stop?

A. behavioral therapy
Answer is: A

640. 17 years old hypertensive not menstruating yet at clinic by her parents, she is short
stature, short neck Most appropriate diagnosis?
A. Turner
Answer is: A

641. Pregnant female in 39 week and rupture of membrane from 20 hour and picture of
variable decelerations she is in labor few hours cervix 6 cm effacement 80% and 0 station
she takes oxytocin to augment labor what will you do?
A. anti-biotic
B. stop oxytocin
Answer is: first change position, if not wasn’t there answer will be > B.

642. Female second pregnancy 24 week and may has preterm labor in 34 week what will
make to detect pre term labor?
A. Uterine contraction
B. cervical length
C. serial pelvic exam
Answer is: C

643. Female primigravida with irregular cycle and she is infertility for 3 years and know with
vaginal spotting and tender abdomen and tender in cervix motion what to do?
A. Confirm pregnant status
C. Ask about cause of
D. Infertility
Answer is: A

644. Active HIV pregnant woman, advice:

A. Safe to breastfeed while taking medications
B. Advise for c/s to reduce chance of baby getting infected
Answer is: B

645. Pregnant in 10 weeks of gestation came for routine antenatal care visit, she is smoker
with history of subfertility and 2nd degree family history of DM What is the significant risk
in her history?
A. Smoking
B. Subfertility
C. Family history of DM
Answer is: A

646. Patient at 39 w of gestation, her BP is 150/95, no proteinuria Her last 3 visits BP was
normal Dx?
A. Preeclampsia
B. Superimposed HTN
C. Chronic HTN
D. Gestational HTN
Answer is: D

647. Pregnant 24 weeks complain of fever, back pain and fatigue, BP: normal, Temp: 38,
Protein ++, Leukocyte 9, Management?
A. Oral abx
B. Admit and IV abx
Answer is: B

648. 20y/o female married, presents with severe RLQ pain with nausea and vomiting, on
exam there is rebound tenderness Vitaly stable?
A. Uretrocele
B. Ovarian torsion
D. Honeymoon cystitis
Answer is: B

649. Pregnant in labour and bulging of membrane US shows: fetal head in the fundus, fetal
spine parallel to mother’s spine, knee and hips are flexed, both arms are flexed Which of
the following is the best description of lie of the fetus?
A. Longitudinal
B. Frank breech
C. Complete breech
D. Incomplete breech
Answer is: C

650. Patient 34 weeks of gestation i think in labor after 2 hrs cervix 7 cm dilated and the
doctor notice the cord is below the fatal head (cord presentation not prolapse) what is
the management?
A. Forceps
B. Vacuum
Answer is: C

651. patient on C/S she developed massive bleeding where is site if bleeding? NEW20
B. aorta
C. splenic artery
D. profrted peptic ulcer
Answer is: incomplete, IMA give supply to utrus, splenic artery could be the cause
if the case is splenic aneurysm rupture.

652. female with fever, malaise, multiple lesions in genital?

A. genital warts
B. genital herpes
C. condyloma acuminate
Answer is: B

653. senario of polycystic ovarian syndrome, what is the dx?

Answer is: Stein Leventhal syndrome

654. 25 years female married for 3 months came in fertility clinic with regular cycle want to
conceive She looks healthy, the husband is 28 years and looks healthy, what to do?
A. semen analysis
B. continue trying
Answer is: B

655. Patient had vulvar itching she tried everything such as cs and metro all didn’t work after
a year she developed a pea like lesion?
B. Bartholin cyst
C. Bartholin gland carcinoma
Answer is: A

656. 17 years old female had breast development and pubic hair, but she did not menstruate
yet What is the reason for her amenorrhea?
A. hypogonotropic hypognadism
B. gonadal agenesis
C. tranvesive sputum of the utrus
Answer is: C

657. pt with vomiting and high Bhcg. Us show (snow storm)?

Answer is: Complete molar

658. most common morbidity in multiple gestation?

Answer is: Prematurity

659. pt in forty something. Complete her family and known endometriosis come with
dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia and abd pain What is the management?
Answer is: Total abd hysterectomy with bilateral slipingophrectomy

660. old pr with AUB ask about next step?

A. Pelvic Us
B. endometrial biopsy
Answer is: A

661. similar Q, old pt with AUB and they did US show endometrial thickening 13mm (it was
pic), what to do next?
Answer is: endometrial biopsy

662. old pt with watery vaginal discharge and sign of atrophic vagina, ask what is the cause of
this symptom?
Answer is: atrophy

663. mother worried about her girle that she has. Hypertension, low hair line, a menorrhea
asks about Dx?
Answer is: Turner syndrome

664. pt with symptom of PCOS lab give high FSH/LH/testosterone, ask what you will odder
Answer is: glucose and lipid

665. pt come with seizure and Hx of multiple sexual partners in past 6y , what inv you will
B. Syphilis CSF
Answer is: A

666. female patient came to the clinic complaining of a mass on a vagina she has a history of
repeated unprotected intercourse with multiple partners, upon examination. She has a
wart in the vagina, the causative agent is? NEW20
A. Herpes simples
B. Neisseria Gonorrhoea
C. Treponema pallidum
D. Molluscum contagiosum
Answer is: C, wart > HPV, A and B are wrong look for complete answer and if there
was pic choose according to it.

667. Pregnant, 37 weeks or less hx of one pervious CS. Now Has twin. Twin A breech and
Twin B cephalic, ROM one hour ago. Dr decided CS. What is the indication of CS for this
A. Pervious CS
B. Fetal presentation
C. Leak of fluid
Answer is: B

668. 41-Year-old pregnant GA 36 weeks presented with abdominal pain, no bleeding. On

examination there’s tender tense uterus, there is NO Hx of trauma within 48 courses,
didn’t mention CTG or hx of fibroid?
A. red generation
B. placenta abruption
C. Other
Answer is: B

669. A 42 YO female P6036 complaining of vaginal fullness and heaviness increased through
the day. She uses manual pressure to empty her bladder completely. She has stress
incontinence. Diagnosis?
A. cystocele
B. rectocele
C. enterocele
D. Periodoncia
Answer is: A

670. 38 weeks’ gestation woman presented with light headedness, dizziness and fainting
“and maybe palpitations not sure”, when sleeping on bed, what is most appropriate
management? NEW20
B. blood transfusion
C. advice the patient not to sleep on her back
Answer is: C

671. 65 years old female AUB what to do?

Answer is: US

672. Woman did some procedure (pelvic procedure but forgot what it was) and then came
complaining of urine from vagina during urination What is the dx?
A. Vesicovaginal fistula
B. Ureterovaginal fistula
C. Urethero-vaginal fistula
Answer is: C

673. Pt on tamoxifen, history of fibroid, increased in size and endometrial biopsy shows 5mm
A. Leiomyosarcoma
B. endometriosis
C. Adenomyosis
D. endometrial cancer
Answer is: A

674. Married women come to you concerning about her sexual intercourse, because her
husband is recently diagnosed hepatitis B and he is on treatment course now, what you
will advise her?
A. IVIG for the wife
B. Discourage intercourse
C. Use condom
Answer is: C

675. Ectopic pregnancy planing to give methotrexate what you need to ensure?
A. Hospital accessibility
Answer is: A

676. Pregnant with hypertension her BP 140/90 first line ttt?

A. Methyldopa
Answer is: is less than 20 week > A, if more 20 week > Labetalol.

677. Pt I think in her fourties with picture of ectopic pregnancy and BHCG >5000. And US no
intrauterine sac.The pt lives far away. What will make you choose the surgical tx?
A. Her Bhcg level
B. Her social history
Answer is: B

678. Pt cant feed her baby as she had history of PPH. Cause?
A. Sheehan syndrome
Answer is: A

679. 15 or 12-year-old female Gymnatic and expressed secondary sexual features later than
the children at her age. Come for No menses. And her mother is concerned. What is the
A. Hypogonadism hypogontartioin
B. Septate uterus
C. Genital dysgenesis
Answer is: B

680. 29 years old woman complaining of dysuria and urgency, allergic to penicillin, shel fish
and TMX What to give?
A. cephalxin
B. Nitrofurontoin
D. Amoxicillin
Answer is: B

681. Women last period before 7 weeks came with vaginal spotting bleeding and acute lower
abdominal pain, she is on IUD O/E abdomen tenderness?
A. Ectopic pregnancy
Answer is: A

682. old primigravida woman just delivered spontaneously baby is delivered complete and
intact. Massaging of the uterine is performed along wi 20 units of oxytocin in 1000 of
lactated Ringers fast drip. inspection of the genital tract, there’s second degree laceration
2-cm left lateral vaginal wall, suturing is difficult because of bleeding from above the site
of laceration. a soft, boggy uterine fundus Blood pressure 164/92 mmHg Heart rate 130
/min Which of the following is the best step in management?
A. A prostaglandin f 2
B. methylergonovine
C. manual exploration
D. oxytocin 10 units again
Answer is: D

683. Primigravid come with active phase for 4h Dilated 5 cm, effaced 80%, station +1 after 5h
there is no change in cervix, and contraction occur every 3 min. and stay for 60 sec. What
to do?
A. Instrument use
B. B.C/S
C. IV oxytocin
D. Wait for 2h
Answer is: D

684. 18 months asymmetric breast enlargement and pubic hair and odder smell what to
order next?
B. MRI brain
C. testosterone
Answer is: D

685. 34 years old nulliparity with previous HX of DVT, drugs will give this patient? NEW20
A. Enoxaparin
B. Heparin
C. Warfarin
D. No need treatment
Answer is: A

686. 30 years old postpartum developed DVT and was started on enoxaparin 80 mg bid. On
the same admission she developed sudden onset of shortness of breath and right
pleuritic chest pain (PE). BB 125/70 HR 100 RR 22 temperature 36.6 oxygen saturation
95% CT shows thrombus in right lower pulmonary artery. What is most appropriate?
A. Change enoxaparin to sodium heparin
B. Thrombolytic therapy
C. Same management
D. Thrombectomy
Answer is: C

687. patient with painful bilateral inguinal lesion, vesicles, most common cause?
B. Syphilis
Answer is: A

688. scenario was signs and symptoms of carcinoid (flushing, diarrhea) Ask about the high
yield lab should be ordered?
Answer is: A

689. Pt I think in her forties with picture of ectopic pregnancy and BHCG >5000. And US no
intrauterine sac. The pt lives far away. What will make you choose the surgical tx?
A. Her Bhcg level
B. Her social history
Answer is: B

690. pt with irregular cycle, hx of amenorrhea for 3 months complain of vaginal spotting
trying to conceive for 3 years?
A. Order pregnancy test
Answer is: A

691. Female what to do CT scan which doctor has to ordered before CT scan?
A. Full bladder
B. Pregnancy test
Answer is: B

692. Lady with placental abruption BP 84\40 HR140 with sever bleeding what to do?
A. multidisciplinary team and RRT
B. 2 packs of FFP
C. admits to ICU
Answer is: A

693. Case of concealed abruption with GA 34 and fudal height 36. What is the ddx?
A. abruption placenta
Answer is: A

694. Postmenopausal with AUB for long time and sx of atrophic vaginitis. Best investigation
to establish diagnosis?
A. Endometrial biopsy
B. US guided biopsy
C. Laparoscopy
Answer is: first US to determined thickness, if not in answer > A.

695. Old age lady in her 50s, US showed large Rt ovarian mass, measures 9x2. CA level 900 or
9000 (not sure but it was high). What you will do?
A. Refer to Ob oncologist
Answer is: A

696. case pregnancy Present with severe vomiting and nausea, examination uterus large for
the pregnancy age. Very high HCG?
A. hydatidiform mole
Answer is: A

697. Pt with mild vaginal bleeding, 8-week, unremarkable P/E except for minimal brownish
discharge (or sth), os closed. US CRL 7 week. What’s most app?
A. Complete bed rest
B. Resume (safely) daily activity
Answer is: B

698. woman, has hx of miscarriage, now she's GA of 7 weeks, she came to ER with vaginal
spotting. Vaginal exam shows brownish discharge and no active bleeding and OS is
closed. Patient denied any hx of passing tissue. Everything else is normal What's your
A. Threatened
B. Normal pregnancy
C. Incomplete
D. Inevitable
Answer is: A

699. which 2nd trimester screening results suggest increased risk for down syndrome?
A. High hCG, Low AFP and High inhibin A
B. high hCG, Low AFP and Low inhibin A
Answer is: A

700. Pregnant present in 38 weeks in labour, BP 150/90 and elevated proteins /creatinine
ratio. What is the diagnosis?
A. preeclampsia
B. chronic hypertension
C. gestational hypertension
Answer is: A

701. pap smear, screening?

A. every 2yrs
B. every 3yr
Answer is: B

702. Pregnant 13 Weeks on examination there’s suspicious cervical lesion and a healthy fete,
next step?
A. Cervical curettage
B. Pap smear
C. Cone biopsy
D. Colposcopy
Answer is: D

703. Patient with PCOS (poly cystic ovary) wants to get pregnant, how to manage her?
B. Metformin, weight loss, and Danazol
C. Metformin, weight loss, and Clomiphene
Answer is: C

704. Another PROM how to confirm?

A. Speculum examination
B. Chemical ferning test
Answer is: A

705. Case of ectopic pregnancy, vitally unstable, most appropriate management?
A. Surgical intervention
B. Administration of methotrexate
Answer is: A

706. Abdominal cramping and pain in the first day of menstrual period and get improved rest
of the days, diagnosis?
A. primary dysmenorrhea
B. Endometriosis 9/9/2020 part 2
Answer is: A

707. Old lady with uterine fundal mass they did surgery, what lymphatic drainage should be
A. superficial inguinal
B. deep inguinal
C. internal iliac
D. para-aortic
Answer is: D

708. Pregnant wants to quit smoking best way?

A. Cognitive behavioural therapy
Answer is: A


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