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Perlombaan terdiri dari tahapan:

1. Tes Multimedia
1.1 Tes multimedia terdiri dari 30 soal multiple choice.
1.2 Waktu pengerjaan tiap soal adalah 1-2 menit, tergantung kepada tingkat kesulitan
1.3 Materi tes mengenai isu-isu lingkungan yang membutuhkan pengetahuan terkini yang
dapat diterapkan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan dan perlindungan lingkungan
(sustainable development dan environmental protection).
1.4 Soal-soal dalam tes multimedia ini membutuhkan basic thinking skills, dimana peserta akan
menganalisis informasi dalam bentuk maps, diagrams, film or graph, photographs, atau
short questions.
1.5 Materi yang akan diujikan meliputi:
a. Basic terms and definitions;
b. Concept and principles;
c. Sustainable development strategies;
d. Indicators and criteria;
e. Sustainable development of industrial complexes;
f. Climate changes and their impact;
g. Rational use of materials and energy;
h. Alternative sources of energy;
i. Technologies and sustainable development;
j. Responsible behaviour for sustainable development;
k. Endangered plant and animal species;
l. Preservation and protection of human health, diversity and ecosystem quality;
m. Preservation of the gene pool of animal and plant species;
n. Preservation of soil fertility;
o. Preservation of natural and spatial values;
p. Preservation of cultural heritage and assets;
q. Provision of conditions for limited, reasonable and sustainable management of living
and non-living nature;
r. Preservation of ecological stability of nature, quantity and quality of natural resources
s. Prevention of dangers and risks to the environment
1.6 Setiap jawaban yang benar akan mendapat poin 1.
1.7 Examples of Multimedia Test Questions:
1. Name the atmospheric layer that is completely cloudless and water vapor free.
a. Exosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Stratosphere
2. In the pictures from the family vacation, you see hard-barked tress whose leaves have
fallen. You know that the region you visited receives 750-2500 mm of rain each year.
Which biome did you visit?
a. Coniferous forest
b. The desert
c. Deciduous forest

2. PPT
2.1 Waktu presentasi maksimal 8 menit.
2.2 Jumlah slide PPT tidak dibatasi, selama tidak melebihi batas waktu presentasi.
2.3 Setelah presentasi selesai, juri akan bertanya berdasarkan presentasi dan project summary
yang telah dikumpulkan sebelumnya.
2.4 Parameter yang dinilai untuk Abtract & Presentation:
a. Authenticity of work;
b. Oral defense of work;
c. Eloquence at the presentation;
d. Applicability of research results
2.5 Skor maksimum untuk abstract & presentasi adalah 70 point

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