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5 ways to improve your eyesight naturally

TIMESOFINDIA.COM, Jan 3, 2021, 21:00 IST

If you are also someone whose day starts and the night ends by looking at the
phone/laptop screen, then you may soon suffer from eye diseases and eye
fatigue. You will be shocked to know that the harmful blue light emitted from
smartphones can speed up blindness.

But the good news is that there is a lot you can do to boost your eyesight. Here
is a list of 5 easy eye exercises you can do to improve your eyesight.

Palming is an easy exercise that relieves eye strain and boosts eyesight. To do
the exercise, simply rub your palms together to generate heat. Then gently
place your palm against your eyes for a few seconds and repeat 5-7 times.
Rolling the eyes is another easy exercise you can do anytime. Start by rolling
your eyes in the clockwise direction for a few minutes. Take a break and roll
the eyes in the anti-clockwise direction. Repeat 5 times.
3. Refocusing

Refocusing is an exercise that you must do while you are continuously working
on your laptop. At intervals, look away from the screen and focus on some
object far away. Look at your palm and then again focus on the distant object.
Repeat 5 times.

Blinking is what comes to us naturally. But for blinking exercise, you need to
have a blank wall right in front of you. Start by closing your eyes for 2 seconds,
then open and blink rapidly for 5 seconds. Repeat 5-7
5.20-20-20 rule

While working on the computer or watching your favourite series on the

phone, every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds away.

Eating right can also make a huge difference to your eyesight. Eat an
antioxidant-rich diet which includes leafy greens, egg yolks, yellow pepper,
sweet potato, pumpkin and carrots. Yellow and green vegetables are also
helpful in preventing macular generation, which can even lead to blindness.
Include fish in your diet or fish oil capsules to prevent cataract formation.

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