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High on Life Podcast 13 - Udo Erasmus | The Path to Perfect


1Fill in the gaps

welcome everybody to the high-end live podcast where we hope to ………………. you to live out the
best …………… of yourself that's possible today on the podcast we're very excited to have judo
Erasmus whose expertise lies in the world of health and …………….. he is best known for introducing
the world to the ……………… of fats oils and whole food supplements other than that his list of
…………………………. is very long he's written five books that went on to sell over 250,000 copies in
addition to that he's given over 5,000 talks and sold over 2.5 million bottles of his oils around the world
not with his deep …………… and knowledge in health were so very excited to know more about his
…………………. stories and how he got to where he is today and we're ……………….. to know what
exactly makes him high on life
so thanks for joining us let's make some noise right yeah
first question I was gonna ask was how did you you know get in contact with us because we've never
really connected before but ………………….. said that he got a message from I think your
manager yeah yeah he's building a ………………… for me under adore Rasmus
Dunham and I've actually grown into a bigger picture I'm really interested in
nature human nature and health and everything affects health so …………………
if you want to have a really good life you have to give everything it's ……………..
yeah all right and so that's what we're building and the products that I've developed the enzymes and
probiotics and fiber and and oils that I want to pull them into they're just like a part of one of the eight
parts that are part of health the book is called the book on total sexy health yeah the eight key parts
……………….. by nature and that's an …………….. of what I'm trying to build into now it's it's it's really
fun exciting I've been wanting to do that since I was six years old really I didn't know the title was
gonna be like that at six right but I ………………….. of the Second World War right and I was - we
were ………………. fleeing from the Communists who ……………….. us in tanks and trucks and the
Allies were ………………. at us from planes on the roads that we were fleeing on and they
knew we were refugees and it was really a ………………… you know it was really I mean
I got left behind and it was a ……………. it was I don't remember much other than the
…………….. and when I was six and watched adults argue about really really …………………..
things just like they do now right mm-hmm I said God there must be a way that
people can live in ………………… and I'm gonna ………………… how and that's been my driver all my
life I've had other drivers smaller drivers but that's been the big driver in my life ………………….. is
such a long story of who's reading your autobiography just from the the fleeing the war and to how you
came to study health its probiotic science and everything and then how …………………… you got
poison can you tell us more about the big ………………….. in your life that got you into really diving
into fats .


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