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Rihab Kharbouch 4 th Form Sports

1-One morning in August 2010, Lilian Tsi Stielstra, of San Francisco, woke up with numbness in
her left leg which spread to her left arm and then the left side of her face. She realized
something more serious was going on. Her husband drove her to a hospital that was luckily a
mere three blocks away. At the hospital, doctors found a small blood clot that they suspected
had caused Lilian’s stroke. But they feared she was at risk of having another stroke, so Lilian
stayed at the hospital for two nights for observation. A neurologist there gave her some
advice: “He said, ‘You know, you’re 46 years old. I really shouldn’t even be seeing someone like
you,’” she recalls. “‘But if you only walk 30 minutes a day, this probably won’t happen again.’”

2-Before her stroke, Lilian was working long hours in a stressful job. She was about 20 pounds
overweight and had high blood pressure. The morning after she checked out of the hospital,
Lilian started walking around her neighborhood every day. Walking for 30 minutes was a
challenge at first, but she kept at it. “My stroke was the wake-up call I needed to make a
change. I’ve since made my children aware of their risks, and I try to model positive changes so
they can learn how not to have the same future as me.”

3-Lilian also learned to read food labels and adjusted the way she cooks for her family,
swapping out certain ingredients with heart-healthy alternatives. Her father had a similar
stroke when she was a child, and she makes sure to explain the reasoning behind these
changes to her two children. “I make my children aware of the risk that they may have one day,
because of Grandpa and now me,” she said. “I’m trying to make changes so they can learn how
not to have the same future.”

4-Lilian shares her story as often as possible to raise awareness about the signs of stroke and
stroke prevention. She tries to help people understand that lifestyle changes, including getting
healthy, take time. “It takes small, incremental steps,” she said. “Rather than saying, ‘I’m going
to run a marathon next week,’ how about, ‘You know, if I can walk for 30 minutes and not
collapse, that’s a good thing. And then maybe next month I can walk a little bit more.’”

Mirror: March 29, 2022

Moknine 3 Mrs.Rihab Kharbouch

Secondary school
End -of-term Level : 4th form Sports
Academic year :
test N°3

Name : …………………………………………………..………………..……… Mark :

I. Reading Comprehension: (12 marks)
1-Tick ( ) the most appropriate answer (1mk)

The text is mainly about how:

a-overweight can bother you

b- Stress can kill you
c-Walking can save you
2-Complete the following table about Lilian with reference to paragraph 2.(3mks)

Name Health problem Main causes

Lilian a-working stress

-…………………………… b-………………………..

3-For each of the following statements, pick out ONE detail from the text showing that it is FALSE. (3mks)

a-The hospital was far from Lilian’s house. (p1)

b-Lilian was the only one in her family who suffered from such health problem. (p3)
c-Sharing her story will make people sympathize with her illness. (p4)
4-What do the underlined words refer to in the text? (2mks)

This (p1) refers to……………………………………………..

It (P2) refers to …………………………………………………

5-Find in the text words that have almost the same meaning as (2mks)

a/ Lack or loss of physical or emotional feeling (p1) = ……………………………………..

b/Causing positive or negative change (p4) = ………………………………………………….
6-Give a personal justified answer to the following question. (1mk)
What do you think of Lilian ? Why ?

I think that …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………..


II- Language : ( 10 marks )

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the list. (There are two extra words) (6x0.5=3 pts)

pollutants - released - severely - by - dramatic - contaminated - respiratory - with

Inhaling polluted air can make your eyes and nose burn. It can irritate your throat and make breathing
difficult. In fact, chemicals like tiny airborne particles and ground level ozone can trigger ……............
…………… problems, especially for people with asthma. Today, nearly 30 million adults and children in
the United States have been diagnosed ……............…………… asthma. Asthma sufferers can be
……............…………… affected by air pollution. Some toxic chemicals ……............…………… in the air
such as benzene or vinyl chloride are highly toxic and can cause cancer, birth defects, long term injury to the
lungs, as well as brain and nerve damage. Other ……............…………… make their way up into the upper
atmosphere, causing a thinning of the protective ozone layer. This has led to changes in the environment and
……............…………… increases in skin cancers and cataracts (eye damage).

2.Put the bracketed words in the right form or tense : (3.5mks )

The devastating impact of the tobacco industry on human health is well known. However, a new report
systematically outlines for the first time the substantial impact of the tobacco industry on the environment.
The report, authored by a (science) ……………………………. from Imperial College London, is launched
today at a meeting of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. These
impacts include climate change from energy and fuel (consume) ……………………………., water and soil
depletion, and acidification. The global cultivation of tobacco requires substantial land use, water, pesticides
and labour – all finite resources that might be (put) ………………………… to better use.
(Global) ……………………………. , the cultivation of 32.4 Million tons (Mt) of green tobacco, used for
the (produce )…………………………. of 6.48 Mt of dry tobacco in the six trillion cigarettes manufactured
worldwide in 2014, contributes almost 84 Mt CO2 (emit) ……………………………. to climate change –
approximately 0.2% of the global total. Professor Nick Voulvoulis, from the Centre for Environmental
Policy at Imperial, said: “The environmental impacts of cigarette smoking, from cradle to grave, add
(significance) ……………………………. pressures to the planet’s increasingly scarce resources and fragile

3-Circle the right alternative: (3.5 mks)

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health.
In fact, up to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke can be (prevented/ preventive/
preventing) through your life choices and (hobbies/ habits/ traditions), such as eating a healthy
diet and being (psychologically/ physically/ socially) active.
A healthy diet can help (lower/ lowering / lowered) your risk of heart disease and stroke by
(improvement/ improving / improved) your cholesterol levels, reducing your blood pressure,
helping you manage your body weight and controlling your blood sugar.
Canada’s Food Guide recommends eating a (bag/ variety/ minimum) of healthy foods each day.
This includes eating plant-(based/ basic/ basis) foods more often and choosing highly-processed or
ultra-processed foods less often.
III. Writing. (08 marks)
Nowadays, a lot of people tend to escape from the city which is becoming a repulsive environment to settle
down in the country side. These people are fleeing pollution, stress and noise and seeking a healthier life

Write a 12-line article in which you explain this new trend. Support your idea with sound arguments.


Adherence to task and content …./3 Lexical appropriacy and …./3 Mechanical accuracy …./2
adequacy grammar accuracy (punctuation, capitalization
and spelling)

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