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Luz: Hi everyone. My name is Luz Sánchez and I’m 22 years old.

I’m a manager in D’ Tradición

coffee shop.

Piero: How long have you worked there?

Luz: I have been working there for 2 years. I started out as a cashier and was promoted to
manager after a couple of months.

Pedro: Coffee shops don’t usually pay well. Are you agreed with your salary?

Luz: Yes, I’m. At first, they didn't pay me very well but over time they raised my salary.

Piero: How much did they pay you at the beginning and how much now?

Luz: At first, they paid me S/ 1000, now S/ 1300.

Pedro: What kind of clients go to the coffee shop?

Luz: All of our clients have a healthy diet, most of them go to the gym.

Piero: So, you must offer products that contain superfoods. What are these products?

Luz: We prepare meals such as fruit salads, oatmeal pancakes, quinoa desserts, etc. Do you
consume these types of products?

Pedro: Not really, I don't have a very healthy life. I think the idea about superfoods is

Piero: A couple of months ago I changed my diet to a healthier one. Because I have a gastritis,
so now I take better care of myself.

Pedro: Anyway, what do you like about this job? What are the disadvantages of the job?

Luz: I like that the schedule adapts to my studies, the only bad thing is that I leave work very
late and it is exhausting because of my position.

Piero: Do you plan to continue working there or are you looking for something new?

Luz: At the moment I am happy with my work, but I would like to have more experience in
other places.

Pedro: Piero, do you remember Juan who owns a clothing store?

Piero: It's true, I think he is looking for an experienced manager.

Luz: How much is the salary and what is the working hours like?

Pedro: I think he told me that he paid S/ 1800 and the hours are flexible.

Piero: Are you interested? To contact Juan and give you more details.

Luz: Yes, it would be nice. Thanks for the info.

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