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Student’s Name: Edison Solorzano

Date: 7/03/2023

TEACHER: Ms.C. Ana Maldonado L.

1. Introduce Yourself

good morning teacher my name is edison solorzano i am 20 years old i was born in the city of
riobamba, for my childhood in riobamba i studied civil engineering at unach, i like to play soccer.
volleyball i like electronica music also orc and reggaetonHow do you go to school? How do you go
to wor?

2. How do you go to school?

I'm walking because it's close by the pista de hielo

3. How do you go home?

I will walk to my house because it is close to the university

4. Talk about a friend

I have a friend named Giselle Gavilanez, she is 21 years old, she is my classmate at the university,
she is studying civil engineering, she is kind and cheerful

5. What clothes do you have on today?

Today I am dressed in a yellow sweater, I am wearing glasses, I am wearing blue jean pants, and
black shoes

6. Talk about a regular day of someone from your family or Friends

On the weekend we know how to go to penipe with my family to play soccer in the park, after that
we know how to have ice cream after playing

7. Describe your ideal house and neighborhood

An ideal house would be one that is very large with a swimming pool, that has a patio where you
can play soccer, also that there are hoops to play baseball and it would have to be located in a
field where there is no noise from the neighbors and that is also more scenic and natural. out of

8. What is the weather like today?

At this moment it is very cold these days in Riobambaa in the afternoons and in this way it is too

9. Talk about your favorite meal?

Yes, I like spicy wings, I like the flavor and the spiciness, I also like to combine them with various
sauces, it is very rich, apart from that I also like the chaulafan because it has meat with a soft
texture and it is tasty

10. Talk about something you remember from when you were very young.

When I was a child I would play in the park I was a quiet child I liked to go camping with my friends
and learn new places.

11. Talk about one thing you are planning to do tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm going to the university, I have to study because I'm in exam week

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