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1. How the scientist know the first Americans were hunters? The discovery of sharp stones called
Clovis points
2. Why was corn an important crop to early peoples? It was highly nourished, and grew well in
tropical climate
3. What were the main differences between hunter-gatherer societies and those based primarily
on agriculture? Hunter-gatherers had to move when they exhausted that land food resources,
while agricultural society didn’t need the necesity to move since they grew there own food
4. What environmental challenges did the first Americans face? The change and diverities of
climates of the new land that they weren’t accomodated too
5. Would you rather have lived in a hunting or farming society? In a farming society, because there
was a lesser risk of dying from hunger or predator attacks
6. What geographic factors would have made interactions between early Mesoamerican and
Andean civilizations difficult? The mountainous regions of the Andes, and the jungles that had
diverse flora and fauna that could be dangerous

Write about history.

Task 1

Write an essay (350-400 words) explaining why it might have taken many years to travel from the land
bridge in upper North America to the southern tip of South America.

Consider the following:

- Means of transportation
- Distances traveled.
- Nature of the terrain

Task 2

Write a documentary film script.

Write a documentary film script on the spread of American culture. Contrast the spread of culture today
with the modes of transmission among the earliest known inhabitants of the Americas. Consider the
role, then and now, of factors such as climate change, war, trade, and technology. Provide a definition of
culture in your script, and include examples of the following:

- Ways in which culture was spread among the earliest peoples in America.
- Agents and barriers to the spread of culture
- The role of the trade in spreading culture today

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