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기본적으로 알아야할단어: Solar System: 태양계, composed: 구성되어 있다, equator: 적도

-The last of the four inner planets
- Size: the half size of the Earth.
- Color: reddish-orange color (seeing from the earth) “red planet”
(Color comes from Mars’s iron-rich soil.)
- Name: “red planet” <- Seeing from the earth)) , “
- Mars’s two moons: Deimos, Phobos= tiny, shaped like potatoes

화성은 불모지이다
Deep canyons, large craters, and towering volcanoes 가 많다.
(행성의 깊은 협곡, 큰 분화구, 그리고우뚝 솟은 화산)
-The fifth planet from the sun is Jupiter.
-The largest planet in the solar system.
- Has the fastest rotation of any planet.
- brown, yellow, orange, red, and white clouds give the planet a striped appearance. (줄무늬
- 4MOONS: Jupiter has 4 moons
-has Great Red Spot
<-여기 뻘건 둥근 부분이 Great Red Spot!

- The sixth planet from the sun = is the Second largest planet.(지구의 9.1배)
- Composed of gaseous hydrogen and helium (and has a layer of liquid hydrogen around a
rocky core.)
- Least dense planet
- Float
- Saturn의 특징은 항상 궤도를 도는 고리이다. (system of rings, which always orbit the
- ((Rings are composed mainly of water ice, and also rock debris is also found in them.


-Who found Uranus?: William Herschel (March . 1781)

-Uranus; is the third largest planet in the solar system.
-Uranus; Gas giant, composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.x

-The last planet in the solar system.

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