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Dear Dr. Jamal,.

Thank you very much  for your time
examining/evaluating my MRI,  my left hip, and
answering my questions. I appreciate your efforts and

You said to email you with other questions. My

brother, Dr. Ron Singler MD is a family practice doctor
in Seattle and we have discussed my MRI and visit
with you to formulate some questions for both of us.

1)Do you agree with the radiologist that there are 4

labral tears?Do you think they play a role in my pain
symptoms? What do you think are  the treatments for
this and can it get better with time or with physical

2) In our talk together, you had said that you did not
think that there was a insufficiency stress fracture. If
you do not think there is a stress fracture, do you not
agree with the radiologists interpretation of the MRI to
have “subchondral linear hypointensity of the
posteriorsuperior aspect of the left femoral head with
extensive associated bone marrow edema”?
IF you do not agree with the MRi report of
subchondral fracture, then what do you think is
causing the  2.4 cm area of extensive bone marrow
edema?  IF you might think it’s not edema, then what
is the 2.4 area?
3) Or— do you agree with this  above finding but not
agree with the conclusion that  this “ inding is
consistent with a non-displaced subchondral
insufficiency fracture”? If you do not agree with the
radiologists conclusion, can you say why?

4) radiologists  said grade 4 severe arthritis,? you said

mild-moderate arthritis. What is it in the MRI  that you
are seeing that the radiologist does not see?

5)Do you disagree with his interpretation that there is

a) grade 4chondrosis,
b) osteophytosis,
c) subchondral cystic change
d)superolateral joint space narrowing
e)bone marrow edema? 

5)IS it possible for you and the radiologist to review

the MRI and talk together to reach a mutual
agreement of the interpretation of the MRi and the
conclusions drawn from the interpretation?
6.Do you think that the pain is because of
 2)labral tears
 3) tendinitis or 4)bone/cartilage degeneration

7. What specifically should I be doing and not doing?

No standing at all except when absolutely necessary?
Or mainly avoid too much walking with a walker?
What’s too much walking—e.g.  How long would you
recommend walking with a walker at one time? or
overall how much walking with walker/day?

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