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2022, VOL. 22, NO. 4, 301–312


Status epilepticus in pregnancy: a literature review and a protocol proposal

Roberta Robertia*, Morena Roccab*, Luigi Francesco Iannonea, Sara Gasparinic,d, Angelo Pascarella c,d, Sabrina Neric,d,
Vittoria Ciancic, Leonilda Biloe, Emilio Russo a, Paola Quaresimaf, Umberto Aguglia c,d,g, Costantino Di Carloe
and Edoardo Ferlazzoc,d,g
Science of Health Department, School of Medicine, Magna Græcia University, Catanzaro, Italy; bObstetrics and Gynecology Unit, “Pugliese-ciaccio”
Hospital of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy; cRegional Epilepsy Centre, Great Metropolitan “Bianchi-Melacrino-Morelli” Hospital, Reggio Calabria, Italy;
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Magna Græcia University, Catanzaro, Italy; eDepartment of Neuroscience, Reproductive and
Odontostomatological Sciences, Federico II University, Naples, Italy; fDepartment of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Magna Græcia University
of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy; gInstitute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology, National Research Council, Catanzaro, Italy


Introduction: Status epilepticus (SE) in pregnancy represents a life-threatening medical emergency for Received 22 January 2022
both mother and fetus. Pregnancy-related pharmacokinetic modifications and the risks for fetus Accepted 21 March 2022
associated with the use of antiseizure medications (ASMs) and anesthetic drugs complicate SE manage­ KEYWORDS
ment. No standardized treatment protocol for SE in pregnancy is available to date. Antiseizure medications;
Areas covered: In this review, we provide an overview of the current literature on the management of eclampsia; seizures;
SE in pregnancy and we propose a multidisciplinary-based protocol approach. magnesium sulfate;
Expert opinion: Literature data are scarce (mainly anecdotal case reports or small case series). Prompt benzodiazepines
treatment of SE during pregnancy is paramount and a multidisciplinary team is needed.
Benzodiazepines are the drugs of choice for SE in pregnancy. Levetiracetam and phenytoin represent
the most suitable second-line agents. Valproic acid should be administered only if other ASMs failed
and preferably avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy. For refractory SE, anesthetic drugs are
needed, with propofol and midazolam as preferred drugs. Magnesium sulfate is the first-line treatment
for SE in eclampsia. Termination of pregnancy, via delivery or abortion, is recommended in case of
failure of general anesthetics. Further studies are needed to identify the safest and most effective
treatment protocol.

1. Introduction
it is well known that ASMs can transfer through the placenta
Epilepsy is a common neurological condition in women world­ and some of them have well-recognized teratogenic effects
wide, affecting 3 to 7 per 1000 pregnant patients [1]. During [9]. On the other hand, adequate ASMs doses are required to
pregnancy, the physiological variation in estrogen levels may prevent fetal and maternal risks associated with uncontrolled
negatively affect seizure activity [2]. Pregnancy-related mod­ seizures (e.g. fetal hypoxia or fetal loss, maternal injuries and
ifications such as increased volume of distribution increased death) [8,10,11].
hepatic metabolism and increased renal excretion may alter SE is a neurologic and medical emergency with substantial
anti-seizure medications (ASMs) pharmacokinetics, as summar­ related morbidity and mortality. SE is currently defined as ‘a
ized in Table 1 [3–5]. Moreover, decreased gastrointestinal condition resulting either from the failure of the mechanisms
motility and increased gastric pH, together with malaise and responsible for seizure termination or from the initiation of
vomiting frequently occurring in early pregnancy, may alter mechanisms, which lead to abnormally prolonged seizures,
ASMs absorption [3]. Pharmacokinetic changes impact on total which can have long-term consequences, including neuronal
or free serum concentrations of ASMs, which may differ than death, neuronal injury, and alteration of neuronal networks,
those expected. Moreover, pregnancy-related clearance depending on the type and duration of seizures’ [12].
increase of some ASMs (e.g. lamotrigine, levetiracetam, topir­ According to the International League Against Epilepsy
amate, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin) has been widely demon­ (ILAE) Task Force classification [12], SE can present with or
strated [6]. Therefore, dosage adjustments and a careful without prominent motor symptoms. The first category
interpretation of total drug levels may be needed [7]. includes convulsive SE, myoclonic SE, focal motor SE, tonic
Maintaining a constant and in-range ASMs (especially for status and hyperkinetic SE, whereas the latter corresponds to
first-generation drugs) serum concentration during pregnancy, non-convulsive SE [12]. Prompt and aggressive treatment has
is crucial to avoid both seizure recurrence and dose- been recommended especially for convulsive (tonic-clonic) SE.
dependent consequences of fetal drug exposure [8]. Indeed, SE duration represents an unfavorable prognostic factor and

CONTACT Costantino Di Carlo; Edoardo Ferlazzo Science of Health Department, School of Medicine, Magna Græcia
University, Catanzaro, Italy
These authors equally contributed to this work.
© 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

use) a second-line treatment with IV ASMs, including pheny­

Article highlights toin (PHT), lacosamide (LCM), levetiracetam (LEV) or pheno­
● Prompt treatment of status epilepticus in pregnancy is paramount
barbital (PB), is suggested. If seizures persist despite the
and a multidisciplinary team (i.e. experts in neurocritical care, epi­ above-mentioned ASMs, the SE is named refractory (RSE)
lepsy, gynecology) is needed. (stage 4) requiring general anesthesia (by mean of IV midazo­
● Available evidence on SE management in pregnancy are scarce and
mainly derive from case reports and small case series.
lam, propofol, thiopental, or ketamine). If seizures continue
● Magnesium sulphate is the first-line treatment during SE in 24 h or more after the onset of anesthetic drugs, SE is defined
eclampsia. as super-refractory (SRSE) (stage 5) [15].
● Benzodiazepines are the drugs of choice for SE in pregnancy outside
eclampsia. The most appropriate second-line agents are levetirace­
SE in pregnancy needs to be promptly identified and
tam and phenytoin. treated since it may compromise placental blood flow and
● Additional evidence is needed to propose a definite comprehensive cause fetal hypoxia with severe neurodevelopmental delay
or death [1,16,17]. SE may be due to etiology not related
to pregnancy status (ASM withdrawal, recurrence in the
context of known epileptic syndromes), to conditions that
are favored by pregnancy (inadequate ASMs dosage, cere­
mortality appears to be higher if treatment is delayed [13,14]. bral venous thrombosis, autoimmune encephalitis, reversi­
The relevance of SE duration has been emphasized by the ble cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome), or to pregnancy-
recent ILAE Task Force proposed classification, which identi­ specific conditions (mainly eclampsia) [18–20].
fies two crucial time points for clinical approach and manage­ Unfortunately, no standardized protocols for SE treatment
ment of SE: t1, indicating the time beyond which the seizure in pregnancy are available to date, and data mostly gen­
should be regarded as SE and treatment should be started, erated from small observational studies, individual or case
and t2, indicating the time at which long-term consequences series reports. SE management during pregnancy is further
may be expected. Based on the available evidence, for con­ complicated by the lack of safety data on intravenous use
vulsive SE, t1 has been set at 5 minutes, t2 at 30 minutes [12]. of ASMs and anesthetic drugs (IVADs) in this popula­
SE has been classified into five stages according to timing tion [17].
and suggested approach [15]. In both pre-hospital (stage 1) We herein review the literature on convulsive SE manage­
and intra-hospital (stage 2) early phases, the preferred treat­ ment in pregnancy. We also attempt to propose a useful multi­
ment is represented by intravenous (IV) benzodiazepines disciplinary-based protocol approach, which might ensure
(BDZs). In definite SE (stage 3) (e.g. SE persisting after BDZ effectiveness in SE control and reduce maternal and fetal risks.

Table 1. Relevant pregnancy-related physiological changes that affect drugs’ pharmacokinetics [3–5].
parameter Patho-physiological changes Pharmacokinetic consequences Clinical significance
Absorption # Gastric pH # Cmax and Tmax An impaired drug absorption would result in #
bioavailability and potential reduced efficacy (but
rarely of clinical significance)
# Gastric emptying
# GI motility
Malaise and vomiting in early
Distribution " Blood volume Altered Vd # Total serum concentrations
" Body water and fat stores " Vd due to alteration of fat/water ratio Overall effects of pregnancy-induced alterations in Vd
differ between individuals, but generally with
limited effect on active ASMs serum concentrations
# Albumin # Total (bound plus unbound) serum concentrations Total plasma concentrations of highly bound drugs
of highly bound drugs (e.g. phenytoin, valproic could underestimate the effective concentration and
acid), with relatively small changes in unbound the fetal exposure; free fraction monitoring could be
drug concentrations more useful to establish dosage adjustments
Metabolism " CYP (i.e. CYP2B6, 2C8, 2C9, " Clearance for drugs with high hepatic extraction # Serum concentrations, notably for ASMs
2D6, 2E1, 3A4) and UGT (i. ratios metabolized through glucuronidation (e.g.
e. UGT1A4 and 2B7) lamotrigine, MHD, valproate)
" Hepatic blood flow
# CYP1A2, CYP2C19 activity # Clearance for drugs with high hepatic extraction Overall, a large interpatient variability is observed in
ratios the impact of pregnancy on ASMs metabolism; TDM
should be considered to adjust dosage
Elimination " Renal blood flow and GFR " Clearance for drugs mainly excreted by the Dosage adjustments might be needed for ASMs mainly
kidneys excreted by renal route (e.g. ethosuximide,
gabapentin, pregabalin, vigabatrin levetiracetam,
and topiramate)
ASMs, antiseizure medications; CYP, cytochrome P450; Cmax, peak concentration; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GI, gastrointestinal; MHD, monohydroxycarbazepine; TDM,
therapeutic drug monitoring; Tmax time of peak concentration; UGT, uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase; Vd, volume of distribution; " , increased; # ,

2. Methods hospital-based sources and hence, evidence on pre-hospital

SE management is lacking.
For this narrative review, the source references were identified
A total of 39 women developing SE during pregnancy were
by some of the authors (EF, ER, RR, LFI) using PubMed and
found in the literature, with only a single large published
Google Scholar until November 2021, by means of the terms
cohort reporting data about 17 pregnant women (Table 2)
(‘antiepileptic drugs’ OR ‘AED’ OR ‘anti-seizure medications’ OR
[17–19,21–33]. Thirty-three out of 39 (84,6%) women had
‘ASM’) AND (‘status epilepticus’ OR ‘seizures’ OR ‘SE’) in various
a good outcome in terms of recovery to baseline; eighteen
combinations with ‘pregnancy’ ‘new-born,’ ‘eclampsia,’ ‘gesta­
(48.6%) fetuses were delivered at term and twelve (31.6%)
tion.’ Furthermore, the searches combined the generic names
fetuses at preterm. Death was reported in two women and
of each drug used to treat SE with the terms (‘pharmacoki­
two fetuses. However, data about the fetus’ safety and the risk
netics’ AND ‘pregnancy’); (‘fetal risk*’ OR ‘teratogenicity’ OR
of teratogenicity of ASMs administered for SE are not men­
‘malformation*’). Search results were reviewed and original
tioned in those studies and the available evidence on these
studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses related to
issues comes essentially from studies and registers including
ASMs and anesthetic drugs used in SE during pregnancy
epileptic pregnant women chronically treated with ASMs.
were selected. No date limits were applied. Only articles in
English language were selected.
3.1. Pharmacological treatments: general considerations
The occurrence of respiratory depression associated with IV
3. Results
drugs’ administration should be carefully considered [34]. The
Available evidence on SE management in pregnancy is scarce limited available data suggest that the drugs commonly used
and mainly derives from anecdotal case reports and small case for SE during pregnancy seem to be relatively safe for both
series. Of note, the majority of relevant data came from mother and fetus. An ASM effective for SE in pregnancy might

Table 2. Literature reports on SE during pregnancy.

N° of
Reference Study Design patients Etiology of SE Drugs Outcome
Dam et al., 2003 Case report 1 Eclampsia DZP, MgSO4, TP, PHT, PPF SE termination after PFF
[27] administration
Schulze-Bonhage Case report 1 Vitamin B6 deficit PHT, PB, MDZ, SE termination after pyridoxine
et al., 2004 administration
Engelhardt et al., Case report 1 Porphyria LOR, PHT, LEV, TP, GPN SE stopped after pregnancy
2004 [29] interruption
Gunduz et al., Case report 1 HSV encephalitis CBZ, PHT, DZP SE termination (following antiviral
2006 [30] therapy)
Aladdin et al., Case report 1 Cavernous angioma PHT, LOR, CLB, CBZ, PPF SE stopped after pregnancy
2008 [31] interruption
Legriel et al., Case report 1 RCVS, PRES MgSO4, MDZ SE stopped only after cesarian
2011 [32] delivery
Jeong et al., 2011 Case report 1 Unknown, PT affected by epilepsy due MDZ, LEV, PHT, PB SE stopped only after cesarian
[33] to focal cortical dysplasia delivery
Lu et al., 2016 Retrospective 7 ASMs withdrawal (n = 1), CVT (n = 2), OXC, VPA, PB, PPF, LEV, TPM, MDZ, SE termination in 5/7 (71%),
[19] study limbic encephalitis (n = 2), MgSO4, LTG, CLB, CLZ, PHT death in 2/7 (28.5%)
autoimmune encephalophathy
(n = 1), anti NMDAR encephalitis
(n = 1)
Rajiv et al., 2017 Prospective cohort 17 eclampsia (n = 4), PRES (n = 6), CVT LOR, MDZ, PHT, VPA, PB, LEV, PPF, 13/17 (76%) had good outcome,
[18] study (n = 3), SHA (n = 1), NMDA MgSO4 4/17 (57%) had poor outcome
encephalitis (n = 1)
Talahma et al., Case report 1 ASMs withdrawal LOR, PPF, KT, MgSO4 SE termination after KT
2018 [21] administration
Alibas et al., 2019 Case report 2 Preeclampsia (PT1), ASMs withdrawal MDZ, LEV, PPF, TP, LCM, TPM, SE termination after cesarian
[22] (PT2) mPRED, VPA delivery
Jbili N et al., 2019 Case report 1 Schizencephaly MDZ, DZP, PB, CLB, LTG, TP SE termination after TP
Shi H et al., 2019 Case report 1 POLG-related epilepsy MDZ, LCM, LEV, PHT, CLB, KT, SE termination
[24] MgSO4
Park Sh et al., Case report 1 Schizencephaly LOR, LEV, PB, MDZ, TP SE termination after TP and MDZ
2021 [25] (after cesarian delivery)
Carrasco et al., Case report 1 Eclampsia LOR, LEV, MDZ, PFF, PHT, LCM, KT, SE termination after cesarian
2021 [17] PB, VPA, PN delivery
Poggiali et al., Case report 1 Eclampsia/PRES MgSO4, MDZ SE termination
2021 [26]
Legend: ASM, anti-seizure medication; CBZ, carbamazepine; CLB, clobazam; CLZ, clonazepam; CVT, cerebral venous thrombosis; DZP, diazepam; GPN, gabapentin;
HSV, herpes simplex virus; KT, ketamine; LCM, lacosamide; LEV, levetiracetam; LOR, lorazepam; MDZ, midazolam; MgSO4, magnesium sulfate; mPRED, methyl­
prednisolone; OXC, oxcarbazepine; PB, phenobarbital; PHT, phenytoin; PN, pyridoxine; PPF, propofol; PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; PT,
patient; RCVS, reversive cerebral vasocontriction syndrome; SE, status epilepticus; SHA, subarachnoid hemorrhage; TP, thiopental; TPM, topiramate; VPA, valproic

be potentially continued during all pregnancy and thereafter, Table 3. Pregnancy-related pharmacokinetic modifications of the drugs used for
and this should be taken in account when choosing an ASM SE.
for SE. Pregnancy-related pharmacokinetic
modifications References
Data from the Australian Register of Antiepileptic Drugs in
First line
Pregnancy showed a small (but not statistically significant) treatment
increase in the risk of intrauterine death in pregnant women Benzodiazepines
exposed to ASMs compared with unexposed ones (3.44% vs Diazepam " FF [41,56]
" terminal half-life
0.59%) [35]. EURAP data reported that 632/7055 pregnancies Lorazepam -
exposed to ASMs monotherapy ended in intrauterine deaths, Midazolam " CYP3A4 activity as pregnancy progresses [42,78]
with similar rates across the different monotherapies (8.2%; " AUC, # Cl and Vd, in active labor
Clonazepam -
95% CI 7.5%–8.9%). In the multivariable analysis, the only Magnesium # Cl in preeclampsia [43]
treatment-related factor affecting the risk of intrauterine sulfate
death was ASMs polytherapy [36]. However, the type of ASM Second-line
chosen is likely more important than whether it is used in Phenobarbital # Total and unbound plasma [44,45]
mono- or polytherapy [37]. Gestational age represents another concentrations on average by 50%
variable potentially influencing ASMs effects on fetus. In fact, " Cl (125% total, 143% unbound)
Phenytoin " Cl [45,46]
organogenesis spans the first trimester of gestation and, after # Free and total concentrations (31% and
this time, teratogenic drugs may not have a major effect on 56%, respectively)
malformation risk. Nevertheless, the risk of cognitive dysfunc­ " FF by 40% (3rd trimester)
Levetiracetam " Cl [6,47]
tion related to prenatal exposure to AMSs may still persist, as # Total plasma concentrations by 40%-60%
cerebral development, synaptogenesis and neuronal migra­ Lacosamide Limited and contrasting data [48,49]
tion largely occur during the second and third trimester [38]. Valproic acid # Total CDR ~ by 50% in the last trimester [50–52]
# Protein binding
As regards anesthetic drugs, most of them seem to have Third line
a good safety profile during pregnancy and without major treatments
risks for spontaneous abortion. The short time (acute admin­ Propofol " Cl [53]
# Elimination half-life
istration) of exposure to those drugs also could reduce that Thiopental " Apparent Vd, and elimination half-life [54]
risk [39]. Ketamine # Cl [120]
Mechanisms of action and pharmacokinetic characteristics Table 3 legend: AUC, area under the concentration–time curve; CDR, concentration–
of the drugs used for SE have been reviewed elsewhere [40]. dose ratio; Cl, clearance; CYP, cytochrome P450; FF, free fraction; MCMs, major
congenital malformations; SGA, small for gestational age; Vd, volume of distribu­
Pregnancy-related pharmacokinetic modifications of the drugs tion; " ;, increased; # , decreased.
used for SE are summarized in Table 3.

3.1.1. Fetal risks with first-line treatments Data from observational studies in the 1970s suggested Benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines (BDZ) (i.e. diaze­ that diazepam use during pregnancy was associated with an
pam, lorazepam, midazolam and clonazepam) are the first line increased risk for orofacial clefts [63,64], albeit no higher risk
drugs for SE, but their use is also common in RSE and SRSE. for any major congenital malformations (MCMs) was observed
The use of BDZs outside the acute seizures emergencies is in a subsequent case-control study [65] and in a study cohort
limited by tolerance, sedative or behavioral effects. For these from United Kingdom [66]. Furthermore, no increase in MCMs
reasons, except for clobazam (not described in this section), risk in women exposed in the first trimester of pregnancy to
they do not represent drugs of choice in chronic epilepsy 10 mg of diazepam bis in die for hyperemesis gravidarum [67],
treatment [55]. As lipid-soluble drugs, they easily and rapidly or to extremely high doses (up to 800 mg) for suicide attempts
cross biological membranes, including the blood brain barrier was found [68]. However, occurrence of floppy infant syn­
and human placenta [56,57], and may accumulate in the fetal drome in the new-born after high-dose diazepam administra­
circulation, reaching levels up to three times higher than tion (such as in the treatment of eclampsia, for which doses up
maternal ones [58]. to 100 mg IV could be needed) has been reported [56]. Other
Conflicting data exist on BDZs safety during pregnancy. In studies on diazepam safety require the assessment of recall
a nested case-control study, a dose-dependent increased risk bias [69,70]. As an example, in a matched case-population
of miscarriage (adjusted OR [aOR]:1.85; 95% confidence inter­ control paired analysis, a higher risk for limb malformations,
val [CI]: 1.61–2.12) was observed among early pregnancies rectal–anal stenosis/atresia, cardiovascular malformations and
with incident exposure to BDZs (with an aOR ranging from multiple congenital abnormalities was found, but increased
1.13 for flurazepam hydrochloride to 3.43 for diazepam) [59]. risk did not resulted if considering only patients taking exclu­
An increased risk of adverse neonatal outcomes was reported sively diazepam, suggesting a lower proportion of maternal
also in previous studies [60–62]. Notably, a population-based self-reported intake in the control group [69].
study showed a 50% higher risk (OR 1.5) of miscarriage in There are small sample size reports of higher risk of anal
women with depression or anxiety taking BDZs during the atresia [71], pulmonary valve stenosis (non-adjusted odds ratio
first trimester of pregnancy, compared with those who dis­ [OR]: 4.1; 95% CI: 1.2–14.2) and gastroschisis (OR: 3.5; 95% CI:
continued medication use [61]. 0.9–13.7) after in utero exposure to lorazepam [72]. Therefore,

lorazepam (which is not available in all countries) should be ASM and was particularly high for PB (aRR: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.6–3.6)
prescribed with caution. [88]. In this same registry, the prevalence of MCMs for PB was
The exposure to midazolam during the first trimester of 5.5% (95%CI: 3.1–9.6) [89], whereas in the EURAP registry was
pregnancy seems not to be associated with an increased risk 6.5% (95% CI: 4.2–9.9) [90]. Furthermore, a dose-dependent
of MCMs [73]. However, preclinical studies raised growing effect was identified; in the multivariable analysis of the
concern about the detrimental effects on the developing European data, the prevalence of MCMs was significantly
brain after the use of some IVADs, including midazolam, in higher for PB >80 mg/day compared with low-dose lamotri­
the third trimester of pregnancy, which led the United States gine (≤325 mg/day) [90]. EURAP data showed also a rate of
Food and Drug administration to issue a warning in this intrauterine death of 8.5% (95% CI: 5.4–12.5), similar to that of
regard in 2016 [74,75]. Furthermore, when midazolam is admi­ other ASMs monotherapies [36]. As concerns the type of
nistered as IVAD for RSE and SRSE, attention should be paid to MCMs, pooled data from 32 cohort studies showed that bar­
maternal hemodynamic effects. Midazolam causes a mild biturates were associated with an increased risk of cardiac
reduction in systemic vascular resistance, a decrease in systolic malformations [91]. However, other factors such as parental
arterial pressure and a small increase in heart rate [76]. Severe history of MCMs and individual susceptibility can affect MCMs
cardiorespiratory adverse events are more likely to occur when risk and should be taken into account [8].
midazolam is administered too rapidly or at high doses [77]. Finally, children exposed prenatally to PB (especially during
Moreover, respiratory depression of the infant can occur when the third trimester) had significantly lower verbal intelligence
midazolam is administered immediately before cesarean sec­ scores (approximately −0.5 SD) than those predicted basing
tion [78]. on data from control subjects [92].
The exposure to clonazepam (mostly during the first trime­
ster of pregnancy) did not increase MCMs risk [79] and did not Phenytoin. The teratogenicity of PHT has been
affect mean head circumference of new-borns [80]. established since more than 40 years, when data from pro­
spective and case controlled studies showed a high percen­ Magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate was intro­ tage of children prenatally exposed developing at least some
duced in the clinical practice in the 1920s. Although it is not clinical features compatible with the fetal hydantoin syndrome
usually considered to be an ASM, it resulted more effective (i.e. facial dysmorphisms, digital hypoplasia, intrauterine
than traditional ASMs for the prevention and treatment of growth restriction and intellectual disability) [93].
eclamptic seizures [81,82]. In more recent data, children exposed to PHT were at
In a Cochrane Review, Duley et al. demonstrated that, increased risk of MCMs compared with children born to
compared with diazepam, magnesium sulfate was associated women without epilepsy (RR: 2.38; 95% CI: 1.12–5.03) and to
with a reduced risk of maternal death (RR: 0.59; 95% CI: 0.38– women with untreated epilepsy (RR: 2.40; 95% CI: 1.42–4.08)
0.92) and of recurrence of seizures (RR: 0.43; 95% CI: 0.33–0.55) [87]; the OR for MCMs relative to unexposed patients was 1.67;
[83]. As regards fetal and new-born outcomes, in eclamptic 95% CI: 1.30–2.17 [9]. In EURAP and NAAPR registries, the
women treated with magnesium sulfate, better Apgar scores prevalence of MCMs was 6.4% (95% CI: 2.8–12.2) and 2.6%
and fewer neonates needing intubation were detected; how­ (95% CI: 1.5–4.5), respectively [89,90]. In a prospective obser­
ever, no differences in perinatal mortality, neonatal mortality vational study, serious adverse outcomes occurred in 10.7% of
and in admission to a special care nursery resulted after pregnancies exposed to PHT monotherapy, of which 3.6%
diazepam or magnesium administration [83]. Overall, the (n = 2/56) were fetal deaths [94].
administration of magnesium sulfate for maternal or fetal In a study evaluating the effects of ASMs on psychomotor
neuroprotection was not associated with increased risk of development in preschool children, a subtle but significant
perinatal death or other adverse outcomes for babies [84]. reduction in the scores for locomotor development was
found in children prenatally exposed to PHT compared with
3.1.2. Fetal risks with second-line treatments those unexposed (mean scores: 98 vs 106: 95% CI for the Phenobarbital. An increased risk of small head cir­ difference in mean scores from −14.0 to −0.4) [95]. However,
cumference (but not microcephaly) was reported after in-utero in a Cochrane review, the in utero exposure to PHT did not
exposure to ASMs polytherapy or monotherapy with primi­ appear to negatively affect early developmental skills (e.g.
done and PB [85,86].
language skills, motor functioning) in infancy [96]. In the
In the network meta-analysis of Veroniki and colleagues,
NEAD study, groups exposed to PHT had higher intelligence
infants/children who were exposed to PB showed an increased
quotient (IQ) scores than those exposed to VPA and compar­
risk for MCMs (OR: 1.83; 95% CI: 1.35–2.47) [9]. Similar results
were reported in a Cochrane review, in which children able with those exposed to carbamazepine or lamotrigine; no
exposed to PB were at a higher risk of malformation compared dose-response relationship between PHT dose and poorer
with those born to women without epilepsy (RR: 2.84; 95% CI: neurodevelopmental outcome was found [97]. When PHT is
1.57–5.13) [87]. administered IV, the warning label about the cardiovascular
Data from the North American Antiepileptic Drug risk associated with rapid infusion should be kept in mind [98].
Pregnancy Registry (NAAPR) showed an increased prevalence
of SGA infants exposed to ASMs compared with unexposed Levetiracetam. Regardless of time of pregnancy, the
ones. The prevalence of SGA differed according to the type of in utero exposure to LEV was not associated with a significant

increased risk of MCMs [9,87,99]. Likewise, in the EURAP study, appropriately maintained [109]. Concerns about neonatal
MCMs’ risk associated with LEV, was within the range reported depression are limited to the close to delivery administration,
in the literature for children unexposed to ASMs [90], whereas especially at high doses [110]. Propofol readily crosses the
the rate of intrauterine death did not differ than other ASMs placenta and fetal concentrations are half of maternal concen­
monotherapies [36]. trations in minutes with a minimal placental metabolism of
However, it should be considered that the available data on propofol that do not concentrate in the amniotic fluid
newer ASMs are relatively fewer compared with that on older [111,112]. No impaired fertility or fetal harm have been
ASMs [87]. Moreover, LEV may be not available in all countries. observed in preclinical studies using doses 6-fold higher than
those recommended in humans [113]. Lacosamide. There is lack of data on both maternal
and fetal outcomes associated with LCM administration. In Thiopental. Thiopental has been routinely used as
three cases of maternal exposure to LCM, a good level of an anesthetic induction agent for cesarean section since the
efficacy and safety during pregnancy was suggested, arguing 1930s. Following thiopental administration for induction of
against teratogenic or toxic potentialities [100]. anesthesia for elective cesarean section, a transient increase
in plasma concentration was observed at delivery. The use of
thiopental has been associated with a decreased maternal Valproic acid. VPA is associated with the highest
arterial pressure that, combined with a long induction time,
number of adverse outcome (i.e. fetal death or major malfor­
could reduce the Apgar score [114].
mations) in pregnancy [94] as compared to other ASMs, while
the rate of intrauterine death seems not differ from other
ASMs (8.1%; CI: 6.6–9.8) [36]. VPA is characterized by a dose- Ketamine. Ketamine is emerging as an important
dependent relationship with MCMs and neurodevelopmental therapeutic option when other IVADs are not suppressing sei­
disorders [90,96,101]. In particular, the dose-dependent rela­ zures or are causing serious cardiocirculatory impairment [115].
tionship with MCMs appears more evident when VPA is used However, it is not recommended in women with arterial hyper­
during the first trimester, whereas correlation with neurode­ tension, since it can increase maternal blood pressure and heart
velopmental disorders is more evident when used during rate up to 40% [116]. When used for induction in cesarean
the second or third trimesters of pregnancy [102]. VPA section, ketamine may initially cause lower Apgar scores com­
assumption induced MCMs in the 6.7–10.3% of pregnant pared with thiopental [117]. On the other hand, when the rate-
women [103]. Compared with unexposed, first trimester use pressure product (obtained by multiplying systolic blood pres­
of VPA was associated with increased risks for spina bifida (OR: sure and heart rate) is assessed, a lower increase is observed
12.7; 95%CI: 7.7–20 · 7), craniosynostosis (OR: 6.8; 95%CI: 1.8– with ketamine than with thiopental (30 vs 60%) [118].
18.8), cleft palate (OR: 5.2; 95%CI: 2.8–9.9), hypospadias (OR: Preclinical data suggest the potential neurotoxicity of fetal
4.8; 95%CI: 2.9–8.1), atrial septal defect (OR: 2.5; 95%CI: 1.4– exposure to ketamine. The mechanisms involved include the
4.4), and polydactyly (OR: 2.2; 95%CI: 1.0–4.5) in a large case- increasing risk of neuronal apoptosis and the alteration of
control study [104]. Subsequent pooled data confirm the a NOTCH signaling pathway in neural crest development. This
increased risk for MCMs associated with VPA (OR: 2.93; 95% latter leads to the inhibition of Notch targeted genes expression,
CI: 2.36–3.69) [9]. Compared with children born to women resulting in a greater risk of congenital disorders in humans [119].
without epilepsy, those exposed to VPA showed a higher risk Considering these growing concerns and the paucity of data on
of malformations (RR: 5.69; 95%CI: 3.33–9.73), including neural the safety of ketamine prolonged use, it should be avoided (if
tube defects, cardiac, orofacial/craniofacial clefts, and skeletal possible) during the third trimester of pregnancy [120].
and limb malformations [87]. A significantly lower IQ (mean
score 97) was also found in children of women taking VPA Midazolam. Data on midazolam safety in pregnancy
compared with those taking carbamazepine (IQ 105), lamotri­ are reported above.
gine (IQ 108), or PHT (IQ 108) [97]. Furthermore, fetal VPA
exposure has dose-dependent associations with reduced cog­
nitive abilities (e.g. verbal ability, non-verbal ability, memory 3.2. Management according to etiopathogenesis
and executive function), which appear to persist at least until 3.2.1. SE in pregnancy (outside eclampsia)
the age of six [97]. Among neurodevelopmental disorders, Limited data exist on SE management in pregnancy and ther­
repetitive behaviors, impaired communication, social isolation apeutic choices mainly derive from literature on SE management
[96,105,106], as well as autistic-like trait [107,108] could affect in the overall population [121]. BDZs bolus (diazepam: 0.15–
children exposed in utero to VPA. 0.2 mg/kg, max 10 mg IV; lorazepam: 0.05–0.1 mg/kg, max
4 mg IV; midazolam: 10 mg IM or IV) is the first choice for initial
3.1.3. Fetal risks with third-line treatments management of SE [122]. Diazepam is a highly lipophilic BDZ, Propofol. Propofol is often used in combination rapidly entering into the brain but rapidly redistributing into
with midazolam IV for RSE and SRSE. The use of propofol in peripheral fatty tissues. This pharmacokinetic property is respon­
pregnancy has not been formally evaluated and data regard­ sible for its faster but shorter anticonvulsant effect as compared
ing propofol administration during pregnancy are limited. to IV lorazepam [123]. In the pre-hospital treatment of SE,
Although maternal hypotension is a common adverse effect Alldredge et al. demonstrated that both IV lorazepam and IV
of propofol, the umbilical blood flow seems to be diazepam were effective in inducing SE termination (59.1% vs

42.6%, respectively) [124]. Intravenous lorazepam was better therapeutic effect of termination can be attributed to re-
than IV diazepam for reducing the risk of persisting SE (RR: alteration of neuronal excitability, re-constitution of immunity
0.64; 95% CI: 0.45–0.90) and had a lower risk for continuation of and reestablishment of hormonal balance [22].
SE requiring a different drug or general anesthesia (RR: 0.63; 95%
CI: 0.45–0.88) [123]. According to the American Epilepsy Society
Guideline, no significant difference in effectiveness has been 3.2.2. SE in eclampsia
demonstrated between lorazepam and diazepam in adults with Eclampsia is a rare but serious complication occurring in
convulsive SE [34]. In the comparison between IM midazolam 0.8% of pregnant women with hypertensive disorders
and IV lorazepam in the pre-hospital treatment of SE, a lower rate
[135]; it is defined as the occurrence of coma or of one or
of endotracheal intubation and recurrent seizures with IM mid­
more generalized, tonic-clonic seizures unrelated to other
azolam was observed [125].
medical conditions in pregnant women with signs and
When BDZs are unsuccessful, a second-line treatment
symptoms of preeclampsia (hypertension, ankle edema, pro­
should be started [126]. There is no single best second-
teinuria). Status epilepticus in eclampsia is related to high
line IV ASM; LEV, PHT and fosphenytoin (not available in all
feto-maternal morbidity and mortality. Key-factors are con­
countries) are the most employed drugs, while VPA should
trolling SE, maintaining treatment to prevent further sei­
be administered only in pregnant woman unresponsive to
zures minimizing and treating fetus-maternal
other ASMs [103,127,128], preferably not during the first
complications, optimizing the timing of birth [83].
trimester pregnancy due to its teratogenic risk [123]. IV
Specifically, acute maternal complications are placental
PHT (15–18 mg/kg) should be infused via separate venous
abruption, Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low
access in a large vein to reduce the risk of phlebitis, with Platelets (HELLP) syndrome, disseminated intravascular coa­
continuous monitoring of heart rate and arterial pressure gulation, pulmonary edema, aspiration pneumonia, cardio­
[34]. IV LEV at 60 mg/kg (max 4500 mg) [34] is a valid pulmonary arrest, and acute renal failure, whereas a high
alternative and it is widely used in clinical practice due to perinatal mortality and morbidity risk (5.6–11.8%) is due to
its safety and effectiveness. Prasad et al. demonstrated that placental abruption, fetal growth restriction, or extreme
LEV is effective as lorazepam in aborting seizures (RR: 0.97; prematurity [135,136]. Indeed, newborns are at increased
95%CI: 0.44–2.13). VPA (40 mg/kg; max 3000 mg) is recom­ risk of being SGA and having complications related to pre­
mended by most guidelines, keeping in mind the well- maturity, such as respiratory distress syndrome and neona­
known dose-dependent teratogenic risk [129–131]. tal death [135,136].
In patients with RSE or SRSE, continuous IVADs (midazolam, Magnesium sulfate is the treatment of choice in women
propofol, thiopental or ketamine) infusion [123,132] is needed. with eclampsia and SE [135]. A loading IV dose of 4 to 6 g
There is no general consensus regarding which IVAD should over 15 to 20 minutes is recommended, followed by
be used, especially in pregnant women [17]. Each woman with a maintenance dose of 2 g per hour as a continuous IV
SE treated with IVADs needs a continuous electroencephalo­ infusion. If a safe IV access is not available, an IM injection
graphic monitoring [34,133]. The use of midazolam (0.1– of magnesium at the loading dose of 10 g (5 g IM in each
0.3 mg/Kg, max 4 mg/min followed by 0.2–0.6 mg/kg/h) and buttock) should be exerted, followed by 5 g every 4 hours
propofol (bolus 1–2 mg/kg, followed by continuous infusion at [135]. Duration of treatment should not normally exceed
2–12 mg/kg/h) is favored by their short half-life, cardiovascular 24 hours [83]. Magnesium sulfate has a dose-response
stability, and lower risk of hepatotoxicity compared with thio­ effect on smooth muscle which may lead to respiratory
pentone (1–3 mg/kg in bolus, followed by continuous infusion depression and bradycardia or even to respiratory or car­
at 3–5 mg/kg/h) [15,121]. Ketamine (0.5–4 mg/kg bolus, then diac arrest, so a careful clinical monitoring has to be
infusion at 0.3–5 mg/kg/h) may be a potential and effective exerted [83]. During or immediately after the acute epi­
alternative therapy for RSE in pregnant patients [120], with sode, supportive care (airway patency, ensuring oxygena­
a success rate ranging from 32 to 73% [133], without any tion, and avoiding aspiration) should be given to prevent
impairment on feto-maternal outcomes [134]. Overall, not­ serious maternal injury [135]. Moreover, fetal monitoring
withstanding the lack of safety data on fetal exposure to should be undertaken.
ketamine, its use may be justified by the maternal and fetal As regards comparative efficacy, magnesium sulfate was
risks associated with RSE and SRSE [120]. Termination of preg­ better than phenytoin (RR: 0.34; 95% CI: 0.24–0.49) and nimo­
nancy, via delivery or abortion, should be considered if the dipine (RR: 0.33; 95% CI: 0.14–0.77) in reducing recurrence of
prolonged exposure to multiple antiepileptic strategies is not seizures and maternal death, and in improving neonatal out­
able to solve SE [17,19,22,33]. The most suitable timing for come [137].
pregnancy termination is unclear and its therapeutic choice in About 10% of women with eclampsia may have a seizure
the first two trimesters imposes ethical and medico-legal con­ recurrence after receiving magnesium sulfate [138]. In this
siderations [22]. Within 23 weeks of gestation the fetus has not case, a second bolus of 2 g of magnesium sulfate can be
any life expectancy; after 23 weeks, fetal survival and neonatal given IV over 3 to 5 minutes [135]. If SE persists, IV BDZ
outcomes are directly proportional to gestation epoch. Thus, bolus is needed [135]. If BDZ bolus is ineffective, continues
after a firstly attendance time, the termination option should IV infusion of midazolam or other anesthetic agents (see
be considered and discussed with patient’s family [22]. The chapter 3.2.1), are needed [27,139–141].

The decision to perform a cesarean delivery should be 5. Expert opinion

based on gestational age, fetal condition, presence of labor,
SE is a life-threating condition for both mother and fetus.
and cervical bishop score. Once the maternal and fetal
A multidisciplinary team (i.e. experts in neurocritical care,
status are stable, and if patient is alert and oriented, labor
epilepsy, gynecology) is required for an appropriate man­
induction should be started. Fishel Bartal et al. [135] suggest
agement [120]. Therapeutic approach depends on various
that induction is reasonable as long as the patient is in the
factors such as the period of gestation, etiology and asso­
active phase within 24 hours. In patients with eclampsia
ciated co-morbidities [141] as well as risk-benefit balance for
before 30 weeks of gestation who are not in labor with an
both mother and fetus. In all cases, the main aim should be
unfavorable cervix (Bishop score of <5), there is a very low
the rapid termination of the SE and the appropriate man­
(<10%) success rate in labor induction, so cesarean delivery
agement of the underlying etiology (e.g.: IV steroids in
is recommended [135].
women with autoimmune encephalitis or anticoagulation
in patients with cerebral venous thrombosis) [121]. Early
identification and treatment of patients represent a crucial
4. Fetal monitoring during SE point to decrease unfavorable outcome, since mortality risk
dramatically increases with prolonged duration of SE.
SE in pregnant patients can compromise placental flow, causing
The management of SE is extremely challenging in
fetal hypoxia, potentially leading to severe neurodevelopmental
pregnancy as evidence-based protocols for treatment are
delays [17]. Maternal hypoxia may develop in women with SE
currently unavailable. The rarity of this condition and the
due to aspiration pneumonia, or pulmonary edema. Maternal
scarcity of literature represent hampering factors for the
hypoxia and hypercapnia can cause fetal heart rate and uterine
formulation of a uniform evidence-based treatment proto­
activity changes during and immediately after seizures. Fetal
col. Multicenter prospective trials are needed. Based on the
heart rate changes include bradycardia, late decelerations,
available literature data, we attempt to propose a useful
decreased variability, or compensatory tachycardia. Uterine con­
multidisciplinary-based protocol approach (Figure 1) which
tractions can increase in frequency and tone. These changes
might ensure effectiveness in SE control and reduce mater­
usually resolve within 3 to 10 minutes after the termination of
nal and fetal risks.
seizures and correction of maternal hypoxia [135].
The traditional obstetric teaching is that, when managing
seizures or SE in a pregnant patient, every attempt should be
made to stabilize the mother and resuscitate the fetus in utero 5.1. SE in pregnancy (outside eclampsia)
before making a decision about delivery [142]. It has been ● Supportive care (airway patency, ensuring oxygenation,
shown that, if the fetal heart rate is normalized by maternal and avoiding aspiration) should be given.
treatment, expectant management until full term may be an ● BDZs (lorazepam, midazolam or diazepam) bolus are the
option to prevent the complications that are associated with drugs of choice for initial SE management.
premature delivery in infants [143]. ● If SE persist, LEV or PHT (or pPHT) bolus are suggested.

Figure 1. Proposed therapeutic approach for SE in pregnancy (Created with


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