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1. I reminded my mom I wouldn’t be home for dinner.

2. Jack wanted to know if there was a fee for camping there.

3. Susan announced that she was applying to the academy the next day to become a
4. My driving instructor advised me to slow down.
5. The guide said he had led several treks in Nepal.
6. The Tv presenter announced that the lost mountain climbers had been found and
rescued that afternoon.
1. Ben admitted being afraid to swim in the ocean.
2. Marcy promised that she would be in touch while she was away the following month.
3. Stephen wondered if we had ever thought about learning how to sail.
4. Ella suggested getting a bigger backpack for the trek.
5. The park ranger warned that
6. Jane mentioned that she had been reading about a man who had trekked across
1. So I suggested Emma to visit the old parts of the city.
2. to run out of their homes as fast as they could.
3. that it should be cheaper.
4. to stay near the shore.
5. that she was wearing it.
6. if they could turn down the volume
1. Greg explained that Lori wanted to take him on a hot air balloon ride with her the
following week. Greg said that the idea terrified him
2. Lisa told him she had heard that it was quite safe. She suggested Greg and Lori to
go skydiving
3. Greg wanted to know if she was kidding
4. Lisa admitted that she was kidding.
5. Lucy wanted to know why he liked rock climbing so much
6. Adam explained that he enjoyed the physical challenge. He added it had also
improved his ability to concentrate. He offered to tak her if she was interested one
7. Lucy admitted that she had a gear of heights, so she didn’t think rock climbing was
for her
1. The sales assistant told me that those skis were on sale for half price.
2. “I can find my way without a navigator”, William told me.
3. My mum wanted to know If I remembered to bring my swimsuit.
4. The teacher reminded us that our projects were due the following day.
5. The police officer ordered them not to ride their bicycles on the pavement.
6. Emma asked how long had we been scuba diving.
7. “The concert hasn’t started on time”, John said.
1.Andrew told me that he was tired.
2. Leslie wanted to know what time the ski lesson started.
3. My friends suggested trying parasailing.
4. The instructor asked us if we ever tried surfing before.
5. Our couch suggested not eating too much that night.
1. Él nos pidió que usáramos el sentido común.
2. Sam nos recordó que debíamos ser cuidadosos cuando andábamos en bicicleta en
las carreteras de montaña.
3. Ella prometió que esos ejercicios endurecerían mis piernas.
4. El declaró que nunca más volvería a bucear.
5. Ella quería saber porque yo creía que su idea sería una aventura arriesgada.

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