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Daily Conversation PDF made by "Create

26 March, 2023 - 01:24 AM

の を える :
腹 虫 抑
to keep control one's temper; supress one's rising passion; to make an effort
to disregard one's feeling

to step on someone's toes (Verb):

menyinggung perasaan org

喧嘩 売 を る (Adverb):
to pick a fight; ngajak berantem; cari gara-gara

buy off :
He is not kinda guy I can buy off like that!

要領 得 を る (ようりょう を える) (Verb, Adjective):

(speak/talk) to the point; to hit mark; to be relevant; tidak bertele-tele;
langsung ke inti
の を ない しにうんざりした
彼 要領 得 話
I was disgusted with his pointless talk
の は で
Aku terganggu dengan cara bicaranya yang bertele-tele; 彼 返答 簡単 要
を ていた
領 得
His reply was short and to the point
Jawabannya singkat dan

遅 かれ早かれ (Adverb):
sooner or later; cepat atau lambat

仕事 (Noun):
を る
仕事 頑張 ; 仕事 打 込 に ち む
いつ以来 :
when was the last time〜
私 たちが会うのはいつ以来だろう?
When was the last time we met?
わざわざ (Adverb):
take the trouble to (do something); repot-repot
We've wasted our time coming here.; わざ
Don't bother coming to see me off.; Oh, you
didn't have to take the trouble to prepare the guest bedroom for me—I could
have just slept on the couch!; Your father took the trouble to cook this
delicious meal, and now you are going to sit down and eat it!

回収 :
collection, recovery, withdrawal, retrieval
Moreover it's difficult to get rubbish out for garbage day because the
collection time is too early.
The company called in all the baby food made in July.

伏線 ( ふくせん) (Noun):
foreshadow; hint

伏線回収 ( ふくせんかいしゅう) (Noun):

revealing something that was foreshadowed earlier in the story

結論 出 を す (Verb):

オッサンなんですからね :
ya namanya juga om-om

自分 落 を とすな :
jangan rendahkan dirimu sendiri
行 ってきます (Phrase):
i'm heading out now

そういえば (Clause):
come to think of it; kalau dipikir-pikir

許可 (Noun):
許可 をとっておく。
Aku akan meminta izin dulu.; 許可を与える。
Memberikan izin.

lega; baik; tenang
気持 ちが少し楽になったような気がします。
居心地 ( いごこち) (Noun):
kenyamanan; rasa nyaman
The room had a nice cozy feel.; 居心地
you were acting like you were
uncomfortable, but inside you wanted it.; この会社はどうも居心地が悪い。
feel like a fish out of water at this firm.; 居心地がよく、自分の家みたい。
so comfortable here, I really feel at home.

用済 み (ようずみ) (Noun):
menyelesaikan urusan
you used me to get X. when i'm no longer useful, you find a
new host to latch on.

地雷 踏 を む (Idiom):
menginjak ranjau; menabur garam pada luka

大人 のクズ (Phrase):
sampah masyarakat

に る (Verb):
気 障
to hurt one's feelings; to rub someone the wrong way; menyinggung; menyakiti
perasaan; mengganggu
に ったらすみません
maaf jika aku menyinggungmu; タバコはお気にさわ
気 障
Would you mind if I smoke?; 何か気に障るようなことを言いまし
Have I said something that hurt your feelings?

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