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Diálogo en inglés

Samir: Hey guys, how are you doing today?

David: Hey Samir, we're good! What's up?

Brenda: Not much, just(yast) excited( iksaided) to see everyone's important (impórtint) family
events. I'll start -This is a photo ( foutou) of my Birthday

Karen: Wow, you look amazing! Where was the party?

Brenda: Thanks! It was at a local (lókol) country club. My parents wanted( wandid) it to be a big

Samir: That's cool. My family took a trip to Ica last summer. This picture is from when we were

David: That's amazing. What did you guys do there?

Samir: We did a lot of sightseeing. We also did canoe.

Karen: That sounds so cool! My family doesn't really travel much, but one important event for
us was when we got our first family pet, a dog named Max.

Brenda: Aww, Max is adorable( adorabol). How old was he in this picture?

Karen: He was only a few months old. We got him as a puppy and he's been a part of our family
ever since.

David: Speaking of family, one of the most important events in my family is our Christmas
traditions. This photo is from last year when we decorated our tree together.

Samir: That looks like so much fun. What other traditions does your family have for Christmas?
David: We always bake Christmas cookies, watch Christmas movies, and go to midnight mass
on Christmas Eve. It's my favorite time of the year.

Brenda: That sounds awesome (osom) . Another important( important) event in my family is
my parents' wedding anniversary( eneversery). This photo(foutou) is from when we celebrated(
celebredid) their (ther) 25th anniversary. ( tweny five eniversiry)

Karen: Congratulations to your parents! That's a huge milestone. Where did you guys

Brenda: We had a big party at a fancy ( fency) restaurant. It was really ( rily) nice to see all of
our family and friends come together ( tugueder) to celebrate( celebreit) their(der) love.

Samir: It's so cool to see all of our different family events. For my family, one important event
was my sister's graduation from college.

David: That's a big achievement. What did your sister study?

Samir: She studied business administration. It was really inspiring to see her walk across the
stage and get her degree.

Karen: Wow, all of these events are so important and special to each of us. It's great to have
these memories with our families.

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