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Reem Shakir

Ms. S. Zoern



What is your green light? the hope/dream that keeps you going?

Positive dream

Consider having superhuman creatures and taking what you have for granted. Consider

no longer enjoying the advantages and benefits you have in your life. Rather, you draw attention

to the negatives and the missing technologies. You put yourself in an unavoidable state of

sadness because of this behavior. You get into a state of sadness because your attention is drawn

too much to the things you don't have. This gives you a false sense of failure and the impression

that your life is miserable, even though there is always something true to look forward to. To

avoid this, I've discovered to always focus on the positives and the objects or people in your life,

rather than the things that are missing.

When I was in fifth grade, I entered a talent contest and performed a song. I had invited

my parents and grandparents to come back and watch me perform. When it became my turn to

return to my degree, the first thing I noticed changed into my own network of kin. My gaze was

drawn to the region, where I found my mother and grandparents. As the song played, I sang the

lyrics and danced around the room as I had practiced, but my attention was drawn elsewhere. I

had been instructed in advance to make eye contact with everyone in the crowd, but my gaze

became fixed on the vacant chair. As I targeted the missing person, I needed to protect my lower

back and ears from falling. When the overall performance was finished and it was time to go

home, I let the tears flow. My mother consoled me and inquired what had gone wrong. When I
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told her why I was so upset, she told me something that I will never forget. "That would not

matter, I changed into there," she responded when I stated, "He failed to come." In that split

second, she taught me to focus on the positive aspects of my life. I became frustrated with a

person who wasn't there to assist me when I needed to be looking in the direction of my own

circle of family who were there to see me sing. I have used this tip to better my life since the

beginning of time.

My mother is an important part of this lesson. My mother has always been there for me,

even though she raised me on her own. She was constantly making certain that I was the coolest

person in my life. She could make certain that I always had a meal, a roof over my head, and

became surrounded by humans who adored me. There was never a time when she wasn't there

for me when I needed her. She also jumped at the chance to mentor me and help me grow into

the young person I am today. Focusing on the fact that my mother is always present and always

assists me leads to my participation in specific times or experiences. Rather than focusing on

who isn't always present or what I don't have, I may be mindful of the fact that my mother is

present. Doing so also allows me to admire her on more than one level. I was able to create a

great relationship with my mother because of how frequently I witnessed the coolest thing she

has done for me. This keeps me from becoming dissatisfied with something that isn't always

worth my time or attention. I couldn't live the existence I was given if I kept thinking about the

character that was missing in certain instances. I couldn't live the existence I was given if I kept

thinking about the character that was missing in certain instances.

Through events and circumstances that have occurred to me, I have learned to never

longer take what I have in my life for granted. There are people all throughout the sector who do
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not have a roof over their heads, food to eat, or even a mother and father who care about them.

Rather than dwelling inside the things you don't own, concentrate on each specific difficulty you

have in your life. There are advantages that can change your mentality for the better, whether it's

a home-cooked meal, a new pair of sneakers, or the opportunity to attend college. Rather than

focusing on the fact that you do not have the brand-new iPhone, consider the fact that you do

have a smart phone at all. If you are willing to look for it, there are benefits and something

specific in every scenario. This lesson is one of the most important things I've discovered in my

life, and I intend to keep it up for the rest of my life. That my green light is to keep chasing the

positive in everything.

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