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Creative Process as a Lesson Planning Tool

Apply what you just learned about the creative process, and the activity and
discussion we just did. Pick a project you’d like your students to create and plan
what the steps in the creative process should look like to get the kids to
successfully create it. This is a formative assessment so this will allow me to see
what we still need to work on. No grades should be given during a formative

What is the intended project supposed to look like? (Describe what it is and what kind of art
materials you’d need. What does the final product need to look like?)

Students will create a shadow tracing and color in either the positive space OR the negative

(Probably for like 3rd grade or older)

Drawing paper (that can handle a bit of water)
Tempera cakes or watercolors
Spotlights, lamps, or big windows
Assortments of random/interesting objects

(kinda like this but simpler for lil kiddos)

Step 1: Imagine and Generate (What could you show the students to get them thinking about
the artwork? How will you introduce the project? What themes could be discussed?)
Show students examples of positive/ negative space images, ask them to guess what they are
(ex. Vase or people) and talk about what positive and negative space means.

Step 2: Plan, Prepare, Explore, and Focus (What exercises, techniques, or mediums could you
have the students practice with to get them ready for the project? Are you assigning any
planning time for sketching? If so what/how many?)

Students work in teams to practice tracing hand shadows (one student makes the shadow while
the other traces it, then vice versa)

Students chose 2 different color combinations to use to color their practice drawing (one for
the positive space and one for the negative space)

Talk about the criteria for the final piece

Step 3: Develop and Make (What are you demonstrating, how long will the students have to
work on the piece, how might you guide them through the completion of the piece? What
other assistance might they need?)

(Work time and reflection could be one hour, and the prep stuff could all be one hour as well?)

Students will choose their object

Teacher will help guide students to choose an object that isn’t too complicated
Students will trace their objects and choose to color in positive or negative space, students will
mark which spaces to color in later

Teacher will help students figure out what space to color (this part could be confusing for some
students especially with complicated objects)

Students may choose a color combination from their practice piece or a new color(s) to color in
the marked spaces (students can use any color, they are not required to use one from the
practice but remind students that they could use the same colors if they liked it)

Step 4: Evaluate and Present (How do you intend to evaluate the work? How do you intend to
exhibit the work? How will student know when they are done? What criteria will it need to

Some lines need to go all the way to the edge of the paper
All of the Positive space OR all of the Negative space needs to be colored in
Students will write their names on the back and whether they colored in the positive or the
negative space.

Would be super cute to hang in the windows so the light shines through

Step 5: Reflect (What kinds of questions could you ask the students in order for them to reflect
on what they’ve learned? Will this be done in a large group, small groups, one-on-one, or as a
writing assignment? Why did you choose this kind of reflective activity?)

Students will get in small groups. Each student will show their piece and their peers will first
guess if they colored in the positive space or the negative space. The artist will then reveal
what the object is and share why they chose to color in the positive or negative space.

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