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Thematic/Concept Based Unit Plan Name: Laura Johnson

1.) Unit Title (Please give the unit a name, see page 47 for an example.) 1 point

Surreal Dreams

2.) Theme and general Description (States theme and a general outline of the structure of the
unit, Shows grade level the unit is intended for, gives an approximation of how long it will take.
See pg. 47 for example) 5 Points

Theme: Dream/daydream
Description: The students will learn about surrealism through a series of discussions and activities and
then demonstrate their understanding of surrealism and their skill in creatively developing ideas by
creating a surrealist work using the prompt Dream/Daydream.
6th Grade
2 week unit

3.) Goals (These are the learning objectives or what the students will be able to do or need to
know by the end of the unit. It should include the 4 domains of art as well. What product
based, criticism, historical, and aesthetic info. should they know? See pg. 47) 7 points

To demonstrate skill and creative development of ideas through brainstorming activities and final
product (production)
To demonstrate collaborative creativity through group brainstorm activities (production)
To demonstrate understanding and skill in analyzing surrealist works and students’ own works (critical)
To demonstrate knowledge of Dali, Manalo, and Magritte’s works (historical)
To discuss the feeling and personal meanings conveyed through surrealist works (aesthetic)

4.) Concepts (What information will you need to teach and instruct the students on in order for
them to be successful in the unit? Look at page 43 in your book to determine what the
definitions, characteristics, purpose/functions, information, and cultural or historic intentions
are for this unit. See pg. 47 for examples) 7 points

Surrealism is art that allows the unconscious mind to express itself

Dali, Manalo, and Magritte create(d) surrealist works through altering normal imagery
There are many ways to develop and brainstorm ideas for artwork
5.) Cultural Exemplar (Who are the artists, please use at least 2, you intend to focus on and what
specific pieces will you show your students. Please make sure there is at least 1 non-western
multicultural option.) 5 points

Art Piece #1: Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931 (painting)
Art Piece #2: Michael Vincent Manalo, The Irregularities of Discernment, 2010 (photo manipulation)
Art Piece #3: René Magritte, THE SON OF MAN, 1964 (painting)

Slideshow link:
edit?usp=sharing (slideshow will be broken up and used 3 separate days)

Art images/quotes:
The Son of Man - Wikipedia

Stock images:
Apple Red Fruit - Free photo on Pixabay
Apples Leaves Fall Still - Free photo on Pixabay
Apples Farmer'S Market Buy - Free photo on Pixabay

6.) Scope and Sequence (The tasks you will perform, and in what order you will introduce each
concept and skill. Remember these will be turned into lesson plans later so it is best to be
specific here. See page 47 for examples) 10 points

Lesson 1: Dali VTS activity & introduction to surrealism & Exquisite corpse drawing activity
Lesson 2: Manalo VTS & Experimentation with surrealism through collage
Lesson 3: Magritte VTS & More in depth definition of surrealism and brief history & Exquisite corpse
writing &start a small drawing in sketchbook inspired by one of the sentences (finish drawing as
Lesson 4: Sketching/brainstorming for project in class (finish sketches as homework) & introduce rubric
for unit project.
Lesson 5: Work time
Lesson 6: Work time
Lesson 7: In progress group critique & work time
Lesson 8: Work time
Lesson 9: Writing artist statement
(Each lesson is intended to be 1 day but there is an extra day within the 2 weeks to provide flexibility if
students need more work time or if a lesson takes longer than 1 day)

7.) Evaluation Procedures (Consider the kinds of self-evaluation questions you’d want to ask
yourself in order to check for student learning. See page 46 in your book for the 4 categories of
evaluation procedures. Have at least one question you will evaluate your lesson on from each
category. Must be specific to your lesson.) 5 points.

Assess the timing and specificity of written plans.

Observe student interaction and participation in group discussions and group activities to determine
student engagement.
Assess students sketches and brainstorming activities to determine level of students’ ability to
creatively develop ideas.
Review goals and reflect on students’ success in meeting goals/objectives for the unit.

Total:___________/40 points

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