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In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world,

not to the man to whom the idea first occurs.

Francis Darwin, botanist and son of Charles Darwin

10A The dark side of the moon

1 GRAMMAR quantifiers: all, every, etc. 2 VOCABULARY science
a Right (✓) or wrong (✗)? Correct the mistakes in the a Complete the sentences with a word from the
highlighted phrases. same family as the words in bold.
1 I’ve taken all luggage up to our room, OK? ✗ all the luggage 1 I always knew, right from the start, that I
2 Everybody were bad-tempered because it was late. wanted to be a scientist . science
3 All went wrong at my last job interview. 2 Factories manufacturing plastics produce a lot
4 On Wednesday I spent all day studying for my biology exam. of waste. chemistry
3 My daughter’s best subject at school is
5 All the men love buying new electronic gadgets. . biologist
6 We go bike riding on the rail trail every morning during the 4 One of the most controversial issues of our
week. time is engineering. gene
7 The most people are against eating genetically modified food. 5 is a mystery to me. I failed every
exam I ever took. physicist
8 Every classroom in that school has an interactive whiteboard. b Match each verb to a suitable noun.
1 be a a discovery
b Complete the dialogues with no, any, or none. 2 carry out b a theory
3 make c a guinea pig
1 A Can I have a cookie?
4 prove d new drugs
B Sorry, we don’t have any .
5 test e an experiment
2 A How much homework have you done?
B . I don’t feel like it right now. c Complete the sentences with the correct form
of a verb phrase from b.
3 A How are we going to get home?
B By taxi. There aren’t buses at this time of night. 1 We carried out an experiment in our
chemistry class, but it went terribly wrong!
4 A Did any of your friends pass the exam?
2 The student volunteered to
B No, of them. It was too difficult.
because he needed the money.
5 A Let’s have dinner in our hotel room.
3 Researchers an
B We can’t. There’s room service after 9 p.m.
important completely
6 A When can you come? by accident last month.
B day you like. I’m free all week. 4 Companies need to
to make sure they are safe.
c Complete the sentences with a word from the box. 5 It took a long time for Newton to
his of gravity.
both either neither nor

1 Both my brother and my sister have children.

2 Dave has two computers, but of them is
3 We’d like to go to Cancun or Acapulco for our
vacation this year.
4 Neither my boyfriend I eat meat.
5 of their children are at the same college.
6 I can’t decide between these two shirts. I like of them.
7 of my parents have ever been overseas.


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