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Alief Dzulfiqri


Test 2

1. New England
2. The Adults should be the ones who picked the apple
3. Macintosh Apples
4. Not necessary since most of the orchard owners provide bags.
5. It may not take too long, 2 hours at most
6. There are so many things to do beside picking an apple. At some orchards, we can go for pony
ride, ride on a hay-filled wagon, watch a horse-show or visit the cows (or sheep) in the pasture,
and many more.
7. We should only take apples that we need, so it won’t be wasted and go bad before we can eat
8. We should store the apples properly by putting them into a refrigerator as soon as we get home
9. We could freezing them for later use. But before that, make sure to peel, core, and slice the
apples, then put them in airtight plastic bags.
10. Find it at Massachusetts Dept. of Agriculture, 100 Cambridge Street, 21st floor, Boston, MA
02202. There, we could obtain a list of orchards in Massachusetts.

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