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Crystal Joyce Peregrino


Hacksaw Ridge
The most striking scene for me is when Desmond Doss choose to stay at the Hacksaw Ridge
while the others decided to go down because the war is under their control. But Desmond Doss
didn't go down because he believes that their are people who still alive but wounded in the
Hacksaw. He's scared on the enemy because they can brutally killed him but he didn't let him self
to be afraid instead he prayed and believes that God won't let anything bad happen to him. He
found many people and he bring them all back down the Hacksaw and treated their wound by the
medics. He can't believe that it happen ed to him and he do it all alone.

The first scene that I found to be an entirely new perspective for me is when Desmond Doss say
that "It's just carrying the gun and the taking of human life." For me this line is the one I think I
won't forget since Desmond Doss still choose and refuse not to use gun until he's in the Hacksaw
Ridge. I think that no matter how bad people it is he/she still need to have that life that he/she
had. We can still fight without using anything that can harmed and kill people. That only God is
the one who can take it back because he is the one who gave it to us, people.

The second is when Desmond Doss being imprisoned inside the camp and his father arrived
during his judgement. His father handed a letter that proved that Desmond Doss can still be a
medic in the battle. Desmond Doss father is not close at him and wants his son to still continue
even though he didn't want Desmond Doss to go in the military first. He did everything for
Desmond Doss to be able to continue his training and in the military. He still support his son in
the end. For me this scene shows that no matter how hard your family is to you, they still care
especially when the time came and we needed someone who believes on the things we can do.
That our family is always be the one who would not leave our side and they are the one who
believes on us.

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