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Crystal Joyce Peregrino


Human Machine Interface Technology (Trans Humanism)

The most striking scene for me is when the Darpa announce about their new project where it was
titled Project Pandora where it studies the capability of using microwave radiation to control
human being. This study will advance all the technology and it will help humans living easily but
it has also disadvantage like they are not sure what will be the effect in the different people.
Maybe it can affect people’s brain because they will give people a technology inside of the brain.

The first scene that give me a new perspective is when they talk about how technology will make
everyone life make it easy. Like today, one of the technologies we used isa mobile phone and it
really help the human’s life easily because we can communicate with our family and friends and
do some stuff like search on the internet on the things that we wanted to know and many more.

The second scene is how the pandora technology have a good effect on human. It has a positive
effect like it will help human to do some things in advance like in studies, research and such. It
makes people life easier and give advance access in some identification that will help them to
secure because they have an advance technology with their body.

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