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Student report

Name of Student: Abd Al Rahman Date of Placement: 20/3/23

School: Al Sharjah international private Days Absent: 0
MST Name: Ms. Sajida El Tabch Teacher Name: Maryam Humaid

Key Learning/Growth in Learning/Next Steps in Learning

Subject: English

Learning Area 1: Writing

• When it comes to writing, Abd Al Rahman is capable of creating phrases

and occasionally simple sentences.
• Abd Al Rahman has the ability to produce simple sentences and some
that are more developed when writing.
• Abd Al Rahman is able to spell common, everyday words, but often
makes mistakes when spelling words at their grade level.
• In Abd Al Rahman’s writing, there are a few errors in grammar, spelling,
and punctuation.
• Recently, Abd Al Rahman has gradually started using more sophisticated
vocabulary in his writing, such as the word “jewelry – lesson (letter j)”.

• Next step: To enhance and improve his writing skills and

handwriting by giving him writing HomeWorks that includes
personal experiences. E.g. write a sentence with a picture of what
you did in weekend.

Learning Area 2: Reading

• Abd Al Rahman is making progress in enhancing his reading skills.

• He can use phonemes and spelling strategies to decipher words, and his
verbal communication skills are impressive as he can effectively respond
to questions in class and communicate with his peers.

• Abd Al Rahman is able to read and understand texts that are at a first-
grade level.

• When reading, Abd Al Rahman has the ability to sound out and correctly
pronounce syllable words such as "excited," "dream," and "sky" that
have simple letter patterns.
• Although Abd Al Rahman can grasp the main concepts presented in
classroom texts, he occasionally fails to recognize the subtext or implicit
meanings that may be embedded in the text.

• Next step: To further improve his abilities, he needs to focus on

reading and pronouncing words with varying spelling and
pronunciation, such as "know" and "write."

Learning Area 3: Listening

• Abd Al Rahman can understand questions, statements, and commands

when the speaker uses concise phrases, simple sentences, and everyday

• Abd Al Rahman can comprehend most developed sentences, words with

various meanings, and some common idioms.

• Abd Al Rahman can understand most simple sentences, including those

with complex grammatical elements that may be challenging for first-
grade level.

• Next step: Encourage Abd Al Rahman to read more stories to the

entire class and ask him to predict what will happen next in the
story. This will help him develop his listening skills and encourage
him to pay attention to the details of the story in order to make
logical guesses about what may happen next. This exercise can also
help him develop his critical thinking skills and improve his ability
to make informed predictions.

Learning area 4: Language Growth

• Abd Al Rahman has shown moderate progress in meeting his language
goals across the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.

• Although he has achieved different levels of progress in each of these

areas, he has demonstrated a willingness to learn and a desire to
improve. With continued effort and support, Abd Al Rahman has the
potential to make even greater strides in his language development.

• It is evident and commendable that Abd Al Rahman is committed to

improving his English language proficiency. This dedication and effort
will undoubtedly contribute to his progress in language development and
help him achieve his language goals.

• Next step: Using pictures, labels, objects, and real events can be an
effective literacy and vocabulary-building strategy for Abd Al
Rahman. By connecting language learning to tangible and visual
stimuli, students can more easily grasp new concepts and develop
their language skills. This approach can be particularly beneficial
for students like Student A who may benefit from hands-on and
visual learning experiences. By providing multiple ways to engage
with language, educators can help students strengthen their
language skills and become more confident learners.
Key Learning/Growth in Learning/Next Steps in Learning

Subject: Math

Learning area 1: Numbers

• Abd Al Rahman demonstrates a strong understanding of basic math
concepts such as counting and addition.
• Abd Al Rahman shows enthusiasm for learning and participating in math
activities (at addition lesson class).
• Next step: Abd Al Rahman needs additional practice with more
advanced math skills, such as time and money concepts in adding
large numbers. E.g. 9 AED plus 6 AED.

Learning area 2: Math skills

• Abd Al Rahman benefits from visual aids and manipulatives when
learning new math concepts
• Abd Al Rahman communicates effectively about math problems and
strategies, using appropriate math vocabulary
• Abd Al Rahman maintains a positive attitude towards math, even when
facing challenges or making mistakes
• Abd Al Rahman shows steady progress and improvement in math skills
throughout the year.
• Next step: Assigning math problems and activities that are at an
appropriate level of difficulty can help build Abd Al Rahman
confidence and sense of accomplishment.

Key Learning/Growth in Learning/Next Steps in Learning

Subject: Science

Learning area 1: astronomy (Age – appropriate)

• Abd Al Rahman showing interest in learning about the stars, planets, and
other celestial objects.
• Abd Al Rahman ask questions and make connections between what they
observe and what he already knows, and can he apply basic scientific
reasoning to explain.
• Abd Al Rahman use his senses to observe the sky and describe what he
sees, such as the colors of the sunset or the phases of the moon.
• Next step: Encourage Abd Al Rahman to ask questions about what
they are learning. This can help them develop his critical thinking
skills and deepen his understanding of scientific concepts.

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