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13.3.2023 - English - 9:30 AM

Abd AL Rahman is for the first time forms the
letter A using his hands, and shares it with
other classmates, group students and the
teacher in order to encourage everyone to
form the letters of the alphabet during English

Used assessment tools: colourful play-dough,

letter cards and A4 paper.

Outcome to the Lesson Assessment:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able
to identify and recognize the letter J.


13.3.2023 - Math - 11:30 AM

Abd AL Rahman is for the first time study
about addition in math. He started writing the
plus sign with the teacher and showing his
friends the sign. For the activity he shaped
the numbers that equals the answer and
showed me.

Used assessment tools: markers, worksheets

and play-dough.

Outcome to the Lesson Assessment:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able
to identify and recognize the plus sign in
questions and sum numbers.


13.3.2023 - Science - 11:30 AM

Abd AL Rahman is for the first time study
about sky in science. He started writing the
listening to the story and then drawing things
exist in sky, and show them to teacher.

Used assessment tools: markers, worksheets

and story book and colours.

Outcome to the Lesson Assessment:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able
to identify and recognize the objects in the


19.3.2023 - Math - 11:30 AM

Abd AL Rahman is for the first time study
about adding numbers in math. He started
writing answers with the teacher and he wrote
the numbers that equals the answer and
showed me.

Used assessment tools: markers, worksheets

and glue.

Outcome to the Lesson Assessment:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able
to solve and add number math questions.

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