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Sure, here is a more detailed explanation of Ibn Arabi's concept of Wahdatul Wujood, or

"Unity of Being," with 10 headings, including quotes and the five stages of the concept:

1. Definition of Wahdatul Wujood: Ibn Arabi defines Wahdatul Wujood as "the realization
that there is nothing but God, that everything is God, and that there is nothing in
existence except God" (Futuhat al-Makkiyya). This means that everything that exists is
ultimately a manifestation of God's divine essence.
2. Unity of Existence: According to Ibn Arabi, the concept of Wahdatul Wujood is based on
the unity of existence. He states that "the existence of everything other than God is
nothing other than His existence" (Fusus al-Hikam), meaning that everything in
existence is part of the same unified reality.
3. The Five Stages of Wahdatul Wujood: Ibn Arabi describes five stages of realization in
understanding the concept of Wahdatul Wujood. These stages include: "knowledge of
the self," "knowledge of God," "knowledge of the relationship between the self and
God," "knowledge of the relationship between God and the universe," and "knowledge
of the unity of existence."
4. God's Essence in All Things: Ibn Arabi believed that God's essence is present in all
things, and that everything is interconnected and interdependent.
5. The Unity of Being: Ibn Arabi believed that the presence of God's essence in all
things means that all things are fundamentally one and the same. He referred to
this unity as the "Unity of Being" or "Oneness of Being" (wahdat al-wujud).
6. Beyond the Duality of Creator and Creation: Ibn Arabi argued that the concept of
Creator and creation is limited and dualistic, and that the Unity of Being
transcends this duality. He believed that the dichotomy between Creator and
creation is only apparent, and that they are ultimately one and the same.
7. Manifestations of the Divine Names and Attributes: Ibn Arabi saw all things in
existence as manifestations of God's divine names and attributes. He believed
that each being reflects a unique aspect of God's infinite being, and that these
diverse manifestations are necessary for the full realization of God's essence.
8. The Path to Realization: Ibn Arabi saw the realization of the Unity of Being as the
ultimate goal of human existence. He believed that the path to realization
involves overcoming the ego and realizing the true nature of the self, which is
ultimately identical with God's essence.
9. Integration of Knowledge and Action: Ibn Arabi emphasized the importance of
integrating knowledge and action in the spiritual path. He believed that true
knowledge of the Unity of Being must be accompanied by ethical action and
spiritual practice.
10. Legacy and Influence: Ibn Arabi's concept of the Unity of Being has had a
profound influence on Islamic philosophy, theology, and mysticism. His ideas
have been discussed and debated by scholars for centuries, and continue to
inspire contemporary thinkers and spiritual seekers around the world.

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