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SLA 400 Senior Integrative Seminar

Joy Keith

Response to Laudato Si’ Environmental Justice and Care

I believe it is true, we have completely abused the goods that God has given to us. We

have polluted our air, water, and the soil that he has given us. That is why there is so much

sickness in our hearts and body. Our bodies are truly made from the elements here on earth and

we will return to dust once we die. It is our responsibility to fix the damage that we have done.

We must make changes now for future generations. We cannot dwell on the past and play

the blame game. Each one of us is to blame one way or another. We want to leave the world a

better place for our children and grandchildren. This is very concerning and can not keep getting

swept under the rug. We were put here on Earth to do a job and it is time we all took a stand to

make home on Earth a better place and have justice between the generations.

The video of Greta Thunberg was a huge eye opener of how the younger generation view

us. It made me sad that this how and what our greedy and ignorant ways have led for them to feel

this way. It is unfair to them. We did the damage and now we must try to get the right path

started for them. They did not ask for this. Our planet made me realize how many animals and

species have walked or swam on earth that are no longer here. At the rate this is going we are

killing the human population to extinction as well. NASA and Earth NOW showed us in real

time what is going on in the world. If we can have this type of technology available to do this,

why can’t we use this to our advantage to make the earth a better place for future generations.

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