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Mamaji (monitor of Pi)
Pi (Piscine Molitor Patel) -> The kids laughed at him calling him “Pissing”
The family of Pi
Anandi -> Pi fell in love with Anandi, but he had to move to Canada, getting out
of India

A story that would make him to believe in God.

The idea to open a zoo
The kid follows 3 different religions at the same time, and his family judged
him, the father prefers science instead of religion, he believes in thinking
rationally, but the kid wanted to be baptized
“Animals have souls” said the kid, that wanted to meet the tiger
The family decided to sell the zoo and they moved to Canada with a ship full of
animals from the zoo
At the middle of the night started a thunder storm in the sea and the ship
Life of PI with the tiger (Richard Parker) in the sea
“He was watching” (God)
Richard Parker left him, he didn´t even look back, not taking a moment to say
goodbye, he saved his life
He survived 227 days in the sea
What hurts the most is to not taking the time to say goodbye

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