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BVH Erev Shabbat Beha’alotcha, 17th of Sivan, 5781; May 28th, 2021 DS P| Tey On S Vee OKI Nr eierct A Dream Come True ‘Once, when I was away from Sklov, I stayed overnight in a rooming-house in Disna, There was another guest there at the same time, also a Chabad chassid, ‘who was from Cheznick. We spent some time together talking about the extraordi- nary greatness of our holy Rebbe [Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Reb- be]. Then, my new friend's face flamed swith enthusiasm. He said to me excited ly, "Hold on, my man; you have to hear this amazing episode with the Rebbe that Tam going to tell you. It is my own per- sonal experience "Thave two sons: the older is twenty ‘years old, the other is eighteen, and both Of them were excelling in their Torah studies. But then we were informed that ‘our family had been put into this year's draft lottery and that our number had ‘come up - one of them would have to g0 into military service, into the oppressive ly anti-semitic Russian army. There was no possibility to get out of it “Limmediately joumeyed to the Rebbe ‘and told im the tereible news that had befallen us, The Rebbe answered me, ‘So ‘what do you want from me? Am Ia gov- ‘emment minister” "L was so distressed I couldn't help but ery. Through my teas I blurted to the Rebbe, 'I don't know why the Rebbe distances himself from me so much. 1am attached tothe Rebbe just ike the other new chassidim.* "The Rebbe replied, ‘Oh yes? And who says you are one of my followers?" "I's so,’ T managed to insist." came to the Rebbe last year, and this year, and have retained fully all the Torah expla- nations and insights that I heard from the Rebbe's holy mouth, Ask me about any concept from them and I will be able 10 ‘answer right away." "Then the Rebbe had merey on me, ‘With G-d's help your sons will be saved, he said, ‘Now, go! Travel to Liepli. There is a man there who is ex- pert in these matters. He will surely be able to help you. So go right away to Liepli, and as soon as you get there, go Yehoshua Wiseman, "But, I wondered, ‘be won't know me at all” "What are you worried for?" the Rebbe said to me. He will recognize you and he will do everything to help you." "So, of course, | immediately made the journey to Liepli, I arrived there very late, hours past midnight, a little before dawn. [didn't delay at ali, but went right to the man's house, The gate was locked, I waited outside, until I heard that one of the servants was up and. about, whereupon I knocked on the door, | was let in and escorted to a seat in the ‘main room. It was still very early in the ‘morning. I heard the master of the house pacing to and fro in his room, He was noisy like a wild man, or a drunk, Every few moments he would cry out, 'G-d Al- mighty! What is this Afterwards he ‘came out into the room where I was, still yelling and unable to keep still. He didn't ‘ee me at all. "remained silent, Finally he noticed ime, and ran over with a fresh burst of energy to greet me. Breathlessly, he asked me where I was from, When I said, from Chesnick,' he began to dance around and clap his hands vigorously, all the while calling out, "He's from Chesnick! He's from Chesnick!" I was convinced he was out of his mind "Finally he calmed down. He addressed ‘me normally: ‘My dear sit, [know you think Lam crazy, because of the wild manner [reacted when you said you were from Chesnick. But please allow ime to explain, and then I think you won't Judge my behavior so outlandish after all. Ibis five years since I have seen the Rebbe's holy face,’ he continued. ‘Last night I dreamed that the Rebbe was in my house, He pleaded with me and tried every which way to convince me to help the man from Chesnick in distress. [ woke up, startled and somewhat upset by this dream. Then fell back to asleep. Again I dreamed that the Rebbe was with me, imploring me to help the man from Chesnick. And so it went the whole night. "When I got up this morning I was total- ly confused and disoriented. That's how I could not notice you sitting there. Then I saw you and you said you were from Chesnick. My soul exploded! Now I knew it wasn't justa silly dream, "'So,' he finished, ‘tll me what your problem is. "Ltold him the disastrous news that one of my sons was about to be drafted, and reviewed with him all the details. He responded that it was extremely difficult to change an official draft-lottery notice, but nevertheless, ‘with Gea’ help, and in the merit of our illustrious Rebbe, every- thing would work out for the best" He then drank a glass of tea, davened Kriyat hema and Shemona Este and headed off to the government complex, to mili- tary headquarters, continued on page 3 Shabbat Times Candle tighting Motel shabbat Jerusalem 703 820 Tel Aviv yas. 822 Haifa za 823 Beersheva 718 820 NewYork 8.00 9.08 Chabad of Issel Rabbi Joseph L Aronow Published by MLS. Kfar Chabad (03) 3731777 alitor: Aharon Schmidt Plane guard the sanctity of this publication /aaaaaadéa da é Shabbos Table A Domestic Lighthouse ‘This week's Torah portion, Beha'alotcha, ‘opens with the words "When you light the lamps." ‘Aaron the Kohen Gadol (Hight Priest) was ‘commanded to kindle the menora in the ‘Sanctuary every day. The menora was e- quired to burn at all times, as the Torah states, "To cause a light to bum perpetual- ly." Just as Aaron lit the menora in the Sanctuary, so is every Jew required to illuminate his home and surroundings with the Torah’s holy light. A Kingdom of Priests Aaron was a kohen, but $0 100, in a sense, is every member of the Jewish people, as itis written, "You shall be to ‘Me a kingdom of priests." The giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai transformed covery Jew into a "kohen.” ‘The menora stood in the Sanctuary (and later in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem). Similarly, every Jewish home is a "Sanctuary" to G-d. The verse "I shall dwell in their midst® means that G-d dwells within each and every Jew; hence, every Jewish home is an abode for the Divine Presence. ‘The light that Aaron kindled was "perpetual"; so too must the light in every Jewish home be always shining. The Torah's light of holiness must burn night and day, and pervade all corners of a Tewish residence, Illuminating our Homes All Jews, and especially Jewish children, have the power to imbue their homes with holiness. How is this accomplished? By expressing an awareness of G-d every moment of the day, As soam as a Jew opens his eyes in the ‘morning he says "Modeh Ani ("I give thanks to You"); whenever he eats he recites the proper blessings both before and after. ‘Throughout the day he conducts himself according to the Torah’s laws, and at night he says the "Shema” ("Hear O Israel”) before going to sleep. ‘The Torah and its mitzvot are likened to light: "A mitzva isa candle, and the Torah is light." Indeed, the Torah and its ccommancments are the medium through which the Jew is able to illuminate the ‘Sanetuary" in his home. ‘The Menorah and Redemption Lighting the menora is also associated with the Final Redemption with Moshiach, ‘The menora that stood in the Sanctuary and the Holy Temple was composed of Peer eg Then set forward the standard of the ‘camp of the children of Dan, the rear ‘guard ofall the camps (Num. 10:25) Rabbi Michel of Zhlotzov used to begin hhis prayers very late in the day. He of- fered an explanation: When the Jewish people traveled through the desert the tribe of Dan was last, behind all the oth- ers, Their job was to pick up and return all the losi items that their brethren had dropped along the way. On the spiritual level, their function was to elevate all the prayers that had been uttered without the proper intentions. [am just following their example. .. Then shall the princes assemble them- selves to you (Num. 10:4) If genuine Jewish unity is the goal, "then shall the princes assemble themselves there must first be true unity among our leaders, who must cease infighting and provide a proper example for others. Only then can they demand unity from the rest of the people, (Ta'amei HaMinhagim - Torat Chaim) For behold, L will bring My servant Tzemach (Branch) (haftorah, Zech. 3:8) Why is Moshiach referred to by this ‘name? To emphasize that even though it may seem as ifthe branches of the royal House of David have been cut off, the "root" still exists, and when the proper time arrives, Moshiach, a descendent of King David, will be revealed. In the same way that @ root can lie dormant and con- cealed for many years, yet germinate and develop into an entire tree under the right conditions, s0 too will Moshiach arise to redeem the Jewish people when G-d de- termines the right time has come. (Matbim) For G-d has spoken good upon Israel (Num, 10:29) ‘The words "spoken good" occur only twice in our Scriptures, here and in Me- agilat Esther, where we find the phrase "spoken goad for the king.” According to ‘our commentators this isan allusion to G- dd: When a person speaks well of his fel- low Jew, it is considered as ifhe spoke well of the Master of the world (The Rebbe Reshab) seven lights, as shall give light When Moshiach comes, the Jews who are dispersed around the world will return to Israel in seven paths, as is written in the Book of Isaiah, "And [G-<] shall wave His hhand upon the tiver..nd smite it into ‘Thus, disseminating the light of Torah and mitzvot in our own homes serves to hasten Moshiach’s coming with the Final Redemption, may it happen at once. Adapted from the teachings of the Rebbe. Shabbos Table, From our Sages & ‘Moshiach Now! reprinted from - LYO/ NYC states, "The seven lamps The Value of Stories Sent by the Tzemach Tzedek to Ruzhin {o take care of a public matter, the chas- sid and gaon (genius) Reb Aizik Homiler used the opportunity to observe the ways ‘of the Ruzhiner chassidim and of their Rebbe, the tzaddik Reb Yisroel At that time, two chassidim came to Ru- Zzhin to receive the Rebbe's endorsement for books they had written. One was filled with chiddushei Torah (novel To- rah insights) and the other recounted slories of tzaddikim and notable chassi- ddim, The Rebbe instructed that part of ‘each book be read aloud. ‘After siting in devekut (spiritual attach- ment) for some time, the Rebbe proceed- ‘ed to praise the telling of stories of twaddikim, an activity in this world that arouses echoes in the chambers of ‘tzaddikim in the World to Come, and then delivered a pilpul (complex dis- course) on some of the chiddushei Torah ‘that appeared in the first book. Having done that, he instructed his gabbai to vwrite endorsements for the books, first for the stories and then for the chid- dushim. Reb Aizik was impressed with the tzaddik’s pilpul on the second book, but was puzzled by the precedence he had given to the stories of tzaddikim, A few days later, at a Rosh Chodesh ‘meal, the taaddik suddenly said, "This ‘ga0m is surprised atthe priority I gave to the stories. Infact, this was addressed Jong ayo by Rashi, who asks why the ‘Torah begins with the story ofthe Fore- fathers, before listing the mitzvot. This is ‘because the stories tell us about the ‘greatness of HaShem’s involvement in the world." Turing to Reb Aizik, he concluded, "I followed the same order the Torah used.” reprinted from The Weekly Farbrengen ‘by Merkaz Anash, on-line at TheWeekl Love of Eretz Yisrael At the expense of great travail and even life itself, many chassidie scholars and tzadikkim sought to support Eretz Yisra- cel. Some made aliyah during even the ‘country's most tumultuous periods, while those who lived abroad dedicated their lives to raising funds for Jewish settle- ‘ments within the Holy Land, Overall, the Land of Israel has always captured the beart of Chassidism with an enduring love and enthusiasm, Chassidie giants offer up quite a number ‘of amazing stories highlighting the holi- ness inherent in Bretz Yisrael, One time a ‘chassid came from Jerusalem to visit Lub- avitch (a small town now in Smolensk ‘Oblast, Russia which served as the Cha- bad movement's headquarters for over a century). The third Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek, came to greet him ‘wearing his Shabbat clothes out of respect for the holiness of Eretz Yisrael. A wealthy Jew from Ruzhin once trav- celled to Eretz Yisrael fora visit. Upon his return, he sought an audience with the Rebbe of Ruziiin and complained that he didn't find Eretz Yisrael to be an especial- ly attractive place, ‘The Rebbe told him: "There was once a ‘wealthy Jew who married offal his {daughters to Torah seholars. However, he ‘couldn't find a suitable groom for his old- ‘stone and married her off toa simple tailor. Before her wedding, he told her to adorn herself to look pleasing for her soon sto-be husband. She said 'For the tailor, I am attractive enough as lam.’ So it ‘with Eretz Yisrael, sid the Rebbe. For those capable of appreciating her lofty degree of holiness, she is sufficiently’ adorned. However, for those immersed in materiality, she appears to them like any other land." A similar story revolved around a Polish chassid who traveled to Eretz Yisrael and ‘made his home in Jerusalem. After a peri- cod of time, he found he couldn't adjust to the conditions life in that city require, ‘and he decided to make his way back to Poland. Before his departure, he wanted to first take leave from the tzadik Rebbe Simeha-Bunim of Varki, who lived in Jerusalem. Upon hearing his reasons for wanting o leave, the tzadik groaned from the depths of his heart and said: "take a ‘great deal of pity on you. Apparently, you were not pleasing to Jerusalem, For haad this been the ease, you would have found Jerusalem pleasing as well.” The Rebbe's words penetrated deeply on the Polish chasid and he decided to remain. Upon the founding of Kfar Chabad, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersobn (the Rebbe Rayat2), sent a special episte to the chas- sidim there. Among the ideas he men tioned was the following: "Divine Provi- dence has brought you to a land upon which the eyes ofthe L-rd thy Ged are avays upon it, from the beginning of the ‘year even unto the end of the year. You fare residing in the King's palace at every moment.” “Love of Eretz Yisrael” & “Unwarranted Hatred” translated & adapted from Sichat HaShevuah, Darchei HaChassidut Ve ree ig And the men said to him, "We are defited...Why should we be kept back?* (Num, 9:7) ‘We do not find in the Torah any other instance where a mitzva that must be done at a specific time can be completed at a later date. Only for the bringing of the Passover sacrifice are we permitted to fulfill the mitzva one month later. Why is case special? There were many Jews who wanted to bring the sacrifice in the correct time but for various reasons could not. They pleaded not to be exclude the merit of their requests, a later date was given to them. ‘The future Redemption will also come about in the same manner. If we will stubbornly do all in our means to end our own exile and beg and plead with G-d with all our heart and soul, the Redemption will come. (Rabbi Shlomo Cohen of Radomsk) Unwarranted Hatred Rabbi Yehoshua from Kotna traveled to Eretz Yisrael, and took in all the holiest sites amidst their destruction and desola- tion. When he returned, they asked him to describe his impressions, "As you are all well aware," Rabbi Yehoshua sighed, "the country lies in desolation, Howev- er, there is one thing which is as fresh and vibrant as it was in the times of the Second Temple.” All those present strained to catch what the Rabbi would say next, "And that is unwarranted ha- tred. Alas, itis still im existence in full force.” In this regard, the Alter Rebbe issued a strict waming to be especially wary of ‘unwarranted hatred in the Holy Land as fever since the Second Temple's destruc- tion, a spiritual impression had been left con the land - leaving behind a tendency toward this destructive force. A Dream Come True continued from page one: "He was there nearly the whole work- day. When he returned in the late after- noon, he was full of joy. ‘No razor shall touch his head,’ he quoted, smiling. Foun toate eel et est lotiey will not be for another few years, by then the current pressures will have subsided. ‘The Cheznicker uttered these final lines of his story to me with difficulty. He was in tears, having become so emotionally ‘worked up while relating his personal miracle. Translated and retold by Yerachmiel Tiles (and first published in Kfar Cha- bad Magazine) from Siporim Nor- ‘aim by Rabbi Yaakov Kaidener, who hheard it direcily from the chassid from Sklov and insists he was a reliable per- son, not at all prone to exaggeration. Rabbi Tilles of Tsfat, isa co-founder of ASCENT. His email list for stories is in its 24th year. To join the list a/o his WhatsApp group for Saturday night Audio, Video and Zoom stories, go to ‘ or WhatsApp +972- 526-770-137. Human Interest a Question: My marriage has been very difficult almost since the beginning, Recently 1 heard about verbal and emotional abuse and I suspect that I may be in such a relationship. But, how do T know that my husband is verbally abusive? Maybe he is just challenging or maybe it’s my fault. Idon’t know, buta lot of what 1 read seemed to really describe my situation. Chabad Early Childhood Afer a successfl first year with preschools across the country, Cha- ‘bad Early Childhood of the Shluchim Office releases its Jewish preschool curriculum, “No Ques- tions Left Behind”, to the publi “No Questions Left Behind’ is de- Answer: Verbal abuse can be difficult identify since itis not as obvious as other types special fo sec how they were rally a ee onehaps have eae signed to spark curiosity in young ¥ of abuse and bullying. Relationships have argu- icamets and help tembroaden tier UI raup the concer oF ngx8- ents anda es people ty hing theyre skills, The curriculum gives educa- "8 0 fret, In marrigge, normal arguments are usually Mae cumiculum gives educt- and saw that by asking questions, Shout a speife Bou. he finances, responsibil {ors the tools to enable thet students he child really tps int ther ercat tis, family dynamics, etc. However, emotional Tena ible onewers imagination to expand on what abuse is not just about an issue. Emotional \hs:many possible, sneer they're doing.” abusers generally want to control and/or hurt the ‘ther person. They will make the person feel “This year, our school used the inferior so as to increase theit dominanee. This ‘ The role ofthe educator isto foster {heme of Wonder Based reaming their children’s love of learning ier ilar yates and relly saw a Benutfiljoint art; rough encouraging and eelebatig thugs, bt eommon and cu be 1 a shared Mrs, Rivka Wineberg, direc ee Moa Ee puish between normal conflict and abuse toro the City Gan Preschool ina eomerete activites for wond Long Istand City, NY. “We invited yased learning, The curriculum i the parents to lear tis concept and ltuicttheniniowtrincapons | Mi 2 cnet” bath it in their lives at home. It was so ir theme of how developing interest and wonder creates a space where learning can come from within, Emotional abuse is real and ean havea lasting effect on the vit. Indcaion of emotion abuse ean below selLeseer, emotional instablity, withdrawal, undeechievement, ack of trust, subetance abuse, depression anxiety and other onteomes. A person may fee ancous tn fearful when itracing withthe ober person, A spouse may fel drained in ying to Cooking Tip of the Week Additionally, it contains a directors keep their partner happy. 5 guide, teachers training module, When the abuser acknowledges that they have a Tan overs: Toomanyaples#N) arcs evening presentation, cn of yoblem wh emotional hase nd ae pepe Btheminaserockpotypesled Gr) year presentation and student wit. fo deal with ic therapy ean be sucessful ith unpecled, 28 you prefer. No water the abuser. Unfortunately abusers often portray MehurgencedelfTietoaddeine | Fomre information on the cuse- bis. Unferumtly huss fen po Ramon andabitoforaeejaice, |) lm, visi i.y"Wonde-bsed- tan onetime hemslv lhe When sof jisimash Meili || levine. For questions on their pin ne ates themselves) that Nepysvectandyoudon'havei@) —resthoo resources, eral Se {Sceadmingshluchimorg. Chabad Theisen! gene fess on Early Chidheod sa poset of empoweriagike vein tomave far I Aah Hochsea, the Shui Otic Stenger ecco and sonience and -ath@ teaches what is a healthy relationship, what is Source: acceptable and what are healthy expectations. It teaches how to ge boundaries, ocify behavior, eee le eee Halacha Corner - Slicing the Challah person wo suspects they may bein an abusive Tolsiouhip sacl bok oultice guidance ad When slicing the challah on Shabbos, after slicing a piece of challah for supper They are eet himself, a man should cut another piece of challah, an even larger piece, While we are taught that Hashem gives each for his wife. In fact halachic authorities say that according to Kabbalah,a person the capabilities to overcome theit husband should give his wife her piece of challah before he gives a piece challenges, we are also taught (Berachot 5B), to.anyone else at the table, even very choshuve, honored, guests, There “a prisoner cannot free themselves.” It is are ai least two reasons why the wife's slice is Supposed to be bizger: 1) important to speak witha professional who according to Kabbalah, and 2) as required in Shulchan Aruch to honor can help you understand your situation and ‘one’s wife yoter migufo, more than himself. In general on Shabbos, one guide you to uncover your inner strengths, is supposed to give a large slice to each person atthe table so that it enabling you to move forward and live a should be enough forthe entire meal. healthy, successful and normal life. Rav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D asra member of the Badatz of Aharon Schmidt: marriage, family & individual Crown Heights; One Minute Halacha, # 82, crownheightsconnect-com coaching; coachingandcounselingI@igmail com fee ees (erie BY len cold nel Poa Ces PY UNA UR ie cL CRN kent Ree rer reat ee] vernon Terie Visit: CHAYENU.ORG/ISRAEL BAER ERERERE REDE DE

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