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Elizabeth Darkdraft is a 62 year old female human monk.

She has extremely long, wavy, dyed orange hair shaved on the left side and blue
She has soft brown skin.
She stands 144cm (4'8") tall and has an athletic build.
She has a sharp, attractive face.

She has slightly webbed fingers.

Personality Traits
She discretely worships Kossuth, God of fire, purification through fire. (True
She will always prioritize her needs.
She is very quick to trust other people. She spends every morning training. She
believes in soulmates.

Ability Scores
Strength - 11 [0]
Dexterity - 19 [+4]
Constitution - 14 [+2]
Intellect - 10 [0]
Wisdom - 19 [+4]
Charisma - 11 [0]

Sexual Orientation - Straight
Relationship Status - Seeing someone who is married

Alignment Tendencies
Good: 4 Lawful: 5
Neutral: 4 Neutral: 3
Evil: 4 Chaotic: 2

Plot Hook
She is raising an Otyugh in the town's sewer system. It's always hungry.

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