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Define and Optimize the Competitive Advantage Value

Using DMADV Approach: A Case Study at PT Telkom


Muhtia Luchfi
Sri Susilawati Islam
Department Industrial Engineering
Department Industrial Engineering Sampoerna University
Sampoerna University Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia or

Abstract - The competition among companies in every adjusting to the existing technological advancements.
sector industry has increased rapidly. It makes the Like PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. Witel (Wilayah
company should make any improvement to compete Telekomunikasi) South Sumatra must always know and
with other competitors, even win the competition. follow the flow of technological movements. Making
Companies should make the improvement for their many innovations, knowing fundamental strategy, and
stability in industries field\. One important thing that improving systems are several examples of efforts so that
company should pay attention is dealing with the the company can compete with each other Fujimoto T.,
Competitive Advantage Values (CAV). To compete with & Shiozawa [1]
others, PT Telkom Indonesia should take one step
earlier to maximize their CAV. CAV is one of the big For now, PT Telkom Indonesia Witel South Sumatera
deals in the company to make the customer know about does not have a prominent value as a form of
the superior value that Indihome (name/brand of differentiation between Indihome and other internet
communication service provider) has. In the simple service providers. This is the factor why some people are
words, by defining CAV, either the customers or not sure about using Indihome products. Additionally,
company will know in which category their products sometimes bad news about the quality of the Indihome
excel when compared to the similar brands. This issue spreads to social media. Therefore, it will make
has guided researcher to implement the DMADV customers tend to uninstall the use of Indihome. The
process in order to find the CAV in one of the biggest decreasing amount of customers will affect the share of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Telkom Indonesia (TLKM) in the future. The following
company in Indonesia. There are several CAVs of is data regarding the uninstallation and installation of
Indihome, the robust one is the expansion of fiber optic Indihome in the South Sumatra area:
through Indonesia. However, several CAVs need to be
integrated to increase customer satisfaction and
enhance the company's performances. To integrate it,
the best process is by using Scrum Process in their
development process.

Keywords - Competitive Advantage Value (CAV),

DMADV, Scrum Process, Telkom Indonesia, Kano

1.1. Background of the Study
IoT is the era when technology increase Fig 1. Installation and uninstallation data
sophisticatedly. The internet is a necessity for everyone
nowadays. Not surprisingly, many companies that are Figure 1 shows the statistical comparison between the
engaging as either Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or installation (blue) and uninstallation (orange) Indihome
NAP (Network Access Provider) are competing to keep in South Sumatera Area from 2017 until 2020. Noted that
this statistic is only the approximation or estimation. The
scale of the data is in percentage. Based on figure 1.1 in 2.3. DMADV Approach
the range of 1st – 3rd trimester in 2020, the amount of
installation toward Indihome product tends to decline DMADV is one of six sigma approaches that has aimed
compared to a couple of previous years. Besides, starting to increase the quality of the performance. According to
from the 4th trimester in 2018, which is October, the Byun [5]
uninstallation of Indihome products tends to be The DMADV process and tools are used primarily during
increased. It implies that there is something wrong with the development and qualification process of designing a
the performance of PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk. Witel product.
South Sumatera for the last three trimesters, both
installation and uninstallation data. A company needs to 3. METHODOLOGIES
analyze the problem that occurs earlier. Many ways to 3.1. Sampling Design
find the root problems and solve them. To calculate the sample size, the first thing to do is
categorize the data either it is finite or infinite number.
1.1 The objective of the Study Since the data related to the number of customers in the
a)The objective of this research is to find the process South Sumatera Area, therefore the category of the data
by which can be used in defining the Competitive is a finite number. For this research, the writer used a
Advantage Value (CAV) that distinguishes confidence interval of 95% or 0.05, the proportion value
Indihome from other brands. of 0.5, the margin of error is 14%, and the population is
b) Solve and/or integrate the Competitive Advantage 10,000.
Value that can suit the customer needs and exist in
the market. 𝑧 2 . 𝑝(1 − 𝑝)
𝑛= 𝑒2 (Equation 1)
𝑧 . 𝑝(1 − 𝑝)
1+( )
2.1. Competitive Advantage Value (CAV)
𝑒2. 𝑁
Competitive advantage is the ability obtained through
and the resources of a company to achieve higher
(1.96)2 . 0.5(1 − 0.5)
performance than other companies in the same industry (0.14)2
or marketplace. A company needs to know the ability, 𝑛= (Equation 2)
(1.96)2 . 0.5(1 − 0.5)
strength, and Competitive Advantage Value (CAV) to get 1+( )
(0.14)2 . 10000
the first position on the market. After Porter developed
this concept, the issue of competition among the
𝑛 = 48.76
companies in the same industry began to increase and
Based on equation above, the result of the sample size is
took a position for this. Competitive advantage comes
48.76≈ 49. It means the number of respondents of the
from the company's ability to utilize its internal strengths
to respond the external environmental opportunities questionnaire should be around or at least 49
while avoiding external threats and internal weaknesses, respondents.
Mooney [2] 3.2. Data Analysis
2.2. Strategic Initiatives Define Phase
According to Lmac [3] the strategy is the creation of a This phase contains the explanation in defining the
unique business model that harnesses the positive project and making the case why this problem needs to
advantage, allowing the internal stakeholder to fulfill solve by using the DMADV approach. Therefore, the
their purpose. In other words, a strategy is a tool used by researcher will explain the methods/tools that support in
a company to achieve its predetermined goals. To the Define Phase:
achieving success, a company must have careful
a) Problem Identification
planning. This planning is usually called a strategy.
Problem definition is the first step that the
Based on Nahmias and Olsen [4], the survey of 217
researcher will be doing; it has aimed to define the
industry participants, the following factors were deemed
problem that needs to solve by the researcher.
the most important for gaining a competitive edge in the
b) Voice of Customer
coming years. They are listed in the order of importance:
Voice of Customer is one of the data needed by the
conformance quality, on-time delivery performance,
researcher to gather the information based on the
quality, product flexibility, after-sale service, price,
customer’s point of view.
broad-line (features), distribution, volume flexibility,
c) Data Grouping
and promotion.
The collected data will be group into several aspects the DMADV project. This phase is the last phase which
or features. Therefore, the researcher easier to means, the step that will conclude whether the design
elaborate on the data in the next phase. process or product can satisfy all the requirements and
success to give better performance or not.

Measure Phase
This phase consists of the measured data. The aim is to 4.1. Define
understand the customer requirement based on priority To define the aspects that need improvement by the
and urgency. The method or tools for this phase are: company, there are several steps to define the needed
a) Pareto Chart aspect. Based on the methodology, the define step will
Pareto Chart is useful to determine the priority in be divide into several tools used by the researcher in
which the categories of the problems need to solve order:
first. It will show the highest percentages of the
problem to the lowest in order. Identify the Critical to Quality (CTQ)
b) Kano Model Diagram CTQ is a key measurable characteristic of a product or
The researcher sees the relation of each feature by process that must reach the standard or limit of
seeing the performances of the company and specifications to satisfy the needs of customers. approach
customer satisfaction uses the Kano Model. The is a structural and disciplined methodology driven by
features also will be categorized become attractive, critical to quality characteristics (CTQs), Yihai He, [8]
must-be, reverse, one-dimensional, questionable, CTQ is a translation of measuring the quality of a
and indifferent. product from the Voice of Customer. With this CTQ, the
improvements made will be in line with the requirements
Analyze Phase of the customer (obtained from the Voice of Customer).
This phase consists of how the researcher analyzes the
collected data to find the solution to problem Statistical Package for the Social Science Process
identification. This phase will be into several steps: The researcher used SPSS version 22.0 in determining
a) Brainstorming and developing the solutions the data whether is valid to be used or not, then the SPSS
This method is used to determine the possible tests that should be taken are Validity Test, Reliability
outcomes for the problem. It tends to more about the Test, and Normality Test.
solution on how to improve the CAV.
Validity Test
b) Failure Model Effect Analysis (FMEA)
To test the data from the questionnaire that the researcher
This tool determines the possible risk that can
got is either valid or invalid, the researcher used SPSS
appear in the new process. FMEA is the method
tool. Customer Service will confirm the validity of the
designed to identify the cause and effect of possible
features based on the complaint and suggestion that they
failure on the system for a given product or process,
received. For SPSS analysis, the item is valid if the R-
Islam [6].
calculation is greater than R-table with the significance
It is useful for Indihome stakeholders to take
is not greater than 0.05 or 95%. Since the researcher uses
awareness of these kinds of risks in the future.
the second questionnaire, it means that the total of
Design Phase respondents is 50. From this information, it can conclude
This phase has aims to make the design of the new that the r-table is 0.27. Since all the the values of the
process or product. Here are the steps: feature are greater that the r – table, therefore the data is
a) Detailed of solution valid and able to use.
A detailed solution is about explaining the details of
the solution itself. Reliability Test
b) Process Mapping The reliability of the item is determined by comparing
Process mapping is a process that tends to more in Cronbach’s Alpha of each variable with 0.6. The variable
explaining the flow of how the solution will work. is reliable if its Cronbach’s Alpha is greater than 0.6.
This method consists of a Sequence Diagram and Here, the researcher chooses features from F1 until F26
Activity diagram. as X or independent variable and Customer Satisfaction
as Y or dependent variable.
Verify Phase
According to Johnson [7], the intent of the Verify Phase Reliability Statistics
includes facilitating the buy-in of process owners, Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
designing a control and transition plan, and concluding .756 27
In the Pareto Chart above refer to figure 5, the researcher
For the overall Cronbach’s Alpha, it is mention 0.756, applied the 80/20 rule. The meaning of this rule is that
which is greater than the standard Cronbach’s Alpha. 80% of all suggestions and complaints from customers
The conclusion for this analysis is all the features are are caused by conformance quality, quality, service and
reliable. after-sale service, and on-time delivery performance. If
those four strategic initiatives will be sum up, therefore
Normality Test the amount of percentage is 76.1 %. That percentage will
Normality Test has the aim to know either the residual be round up become 80%. It means that those four
value in the regression model is normally distributed or categories should be managed first than other
not. The normality test for regression done by using a complain/suggestions. In order, the first problems that
normal Predicted Probability (P-P) plot. If the data is should be managed are Conformance Quality and
normally distributed, therefore the plots will place followed by Quality, Service & After-sales Service, and
around the diagonal line. On the other hand, if the plots On-time delivery performance.
spread far from the diagonal line, it means that the data
is not normally distributed. The researcher concludes Kano Model Diagram
that the data is normally distributed. Then the researcher must process the answers from each
customer. Because the data obtained is qualitative, the
researcher uses the Tabulation of Survey method that
refers to the Kano Evaluation table to categorize
customer requirements. There are several features
already in One – Dimensional category, which means
that those features have a linear relationship with the
performances that the company gives to the customers.
The more performances or improvements they give, the
more customers will satisfy. Only one feature that
includes as Must Be category means that this category
should have on the customer requirement. If this feature
does not exist, it will make the customers will be
unsatisfied. This table also shows the nominal of Better
and Worst Scores in each feature. The (-) sign in the
Worst column means the unsatisfied score if the feature
Fig 2. Normality Test Result does not occur for the customers.
After analyzing the customer satisfaction with the Better
Figure 3 shows that all the plots are located around the
and Worst formula by Timiko, another method is the
line. There is no any plots located far from the line. It
Kano Model Analysis. Dul Muchels found this model.
means that the data is normally distributed.
This method is used to convert customer satisfaction in
form of 5 options (already explain in five option
4.2. Measure Phase variables) include like, must be, neutral, live with, and
Pareto Chart dislike to score. The score has variation from -2, -1, 0, 2,
To be able to rank the priorities regarding aspects that 4. These scores are based on functional and
need to address, internally must first know the proportion dysfunctional questions.
of each aspect/features/functionality of the Strategy
Initiatives. For that, the following is the proportion of
By knowing the average positive (functional) questions
aspects of strategic initiatives.
and negative (dysfunctional) questions for each feature.
Furthermore, the researcher can enter these values into
the Kano Diagram. The results will show as follows:

Fig 3. Pareto Chart for Strategic Initiatives

Kano Diagram CAV. While features F1, F2, F6, F9, F15, F20, and F22
are the Competitive Advantage Values and should be
2,4 integrated to make the customers satisfied.
2 F17
F16 4.3. Analyze

F15 F20
1,8 F9
F26 F5F2F10F6 F11
F23 feature For the analysis phase, the researcher will divide it into
1,6 F12 F1
F7 F19
F18 Degree of Achievement several steps in order. These steps will be used as the
1,2 F4 F3 Customer Satisfaction information for the next phase, which is the design
1 phase. Here are the steps in analyze phase:
0,8 1,3 1,8 2,3
Disfunctional Group Brainstorming
After knowing the important functionality and a priority
for the company during the Measure phase, then the
Fig 4. Kano Model Diagram functionality/features must be developed to find a
solution. To find out how a company can process data
functionality so that a solution can be found to improve
The first diagram and the second diagram are the same customer satisfaction, the first thing to do is to do a
diagrams. Where the first diagram shows an image of the brainstorm. Group brainstorming has the aims to find out
same axis proportion, namely the center point is at point the possible solutions to the process for integrating the
(2,2). Meanwhile, the second diagram is the result of an CAVs. For this reason, the researcher has summarized
enlarged diagram so that the reader will see the points several possible techniques used to overcome the
that represent each feature. features required by customers. In this group-
brainstorming step, the researcher will give a brief
From the diagram, it concludes that there is only one explanation for each of the possible solutions. Some of
feature that has received a high level of satisfaction from the possible solutions will be explained as follows:
the customer satisfaction. This feature is F21 or a feature
that provides the additional network infrastructure that is Scrum Process
sufficient for places that have high demand or company Scrum is an agile process that allows us to focus on
expansion. Because F21 is classified as One-dimensional delivering the highest business value in the shortest time.
or Performances, the more networks that are covered by It allows the employees to inspect actual working
PT Telkom Witel Sumsel, the higher the level of software (every two weeks to one month) rapidly and
customer satisfaction. The F7 or Anti-lighting feature repeatedly. Scrum is part of agile in project management.
has entered the attractive quadrant even though the Scrum is a method used to deal with changes that occur
tabulation of the Survey still categorizes it as indifferent. rapidly within a company. This method is used for
So if the company has the F7 feature, it can be said that companies that experience rapid changes according to
the customer will be satisfied, but if F7 is not there, the customer needs. This method allows the company to act
customer will not be unsatisfied. The other features are and take quick steps in dealing with change so that the
still in quadrant 3, namely Indifferent, although several company will always be able to meet customer needs.
features belong to groups that have other categories such The Daily Scrum is a quick daily meeting that gathers all
as O and M in the tabulation of the survey. This is team members to define which will be the daily tasks and
because the performance features of F1, F2, F6, F9, F15, to know the results of the previous day’s tasks, Carvalho
F20, and F22 are still lacking and need improvement. [9]

The researcher focuses more on the aspect of adjusting Value Stream Mapping
the internet speed according to the amount purchased by Value stream mapping (VSM) is an important tool of the
the customer. They need to provide the quality to all lean approach and is used to identify value-adding
customers both in the city center and in the suburbs. The activities and those considered wasteful of materials and
service from sales will be more friendly and cooperative the flow of information and people, Forno et al [10].
to customers, provide promos or discounts at first VSM will show which parts need to be targeted and
installation, increase fiber optic infrastructure in improved with improvement projects.By using this, the
sequestered areas, adding fiber-optic infrastructure in an company will be able to focus on the part of the
area with a large amount of demand, and inform the production process, which is the root of the feature
customer if there is any changes or news. These features problems specified in the measure phase. By using Value
are included in the One-Dimensional or Performances Stream Mapping, the company will minimize the
category. This means that the greater the company's improvement budget to solve the features based on
performance on this feature, the higher the level of customer needs. It is because the company will only be
customer satisfaction. F21 already robust becoming the
focusing on the process that has a problem and need • Making the project planner tools such as using
improvement. Gantt chart to make the employee easier to see
the progress later.
4.4. Design
The researcher chooses the scrum process as the c) Daily Scrum Meeting
proposed solution because it is more relatable with the This step is for doing the daily activities, which must
condition of the company. There are three requirements be done every day routinely. The purpose of this
if the company wants to implement the scrum process, step is as a means of communication between
they are development team, training programs, and employees regarding progress, problems faced, and
facing unstable conditions in the future. The company bonding among employees. The things for this step
should make a special team, called the development are:
team. The development team has focused on managing • Everyday meeting for inspecting. It also has
the company changes as their problem, which should be aimed for bonding process among the team
solved. This team consists of several people with
different expertise. For example, is from financial,
• Answer three questions; what I did yesterday?
research and development, engineers, etc. This team has
What I will do today? What is in my way?
authority and access to elaborate the ideas as creatively
as possible. The second requirement is holding several
d) Sprint Review
classes or training related to using the scrum process.
In the fourth stage, employees will evaluate the
The third is about the unstable changes. Yes, PT Telkom
solutions they use in integrating their competitive
is one of information and telecommunication that should
advantage value. This stage is also said as the stage
face with changes in technologies. They should be
of measuring the performance of the solution to
adapted to the new technologies as soon as possible for
improve features, which consider as the competitive
fulfilling the customer needs. Here is an explanation of
advantage value of Indihome products. The
each phase in the Scrum process:
activities carried out at this stage are:
a) Introduction phase • Demo the solutions and show the solution
This stage is the earliest stage in the Scrum process. process to the product owner. In this case, the
Before employees do this stage, employees should product owner is the general manager since
conduct the training first. The purpose of training is he has the highest position in this company.
for employees to have basic knowledge about the • Ask the feedback from the product owner.
Scrum process. At this first stage, they must
determine: e) Sprint Retrospectives
• gathering requirements as short user stories. The last process is the sprint retrospectives. This
• Identify all the releases the software product process is used for the finishing process of the
should have, along with a probable products. Therefore, there are several activities
delivery schedule. during this step:
• Determine the features as their objectives or • Process improvement. The team will
goals that need to be reached within improve the General Manager's
a certain amount of time. The features that feedbacks.
have been determined in the measure • Update to the product owner or general
phase called the product backlogs. manager. The improved solution will be
shown to the General Manager.
b) Sprint Planning Meeting • Success and Failures. The solution
The sprint planning stage is an advanced stage of success to be implemented
holding introduction. At this stage, employees will • Adapt and adjust. The company can adapt
focus on the plan in the process of integrating and adjust to the new improvement,
competitive advantage value. The things that will be which is the integration of the
determined at this stage are: competitive advantage values.
• First, the meeting is mainly to answer the
"What" question By using the scrum process, the company can integrate
the features as their competitive advantage values. This
• Second, focuses on the “How,” the
scrum process will be useful if they facing any kind of
development team will try to identify tasks
changes in the future. The scrum process is designed for
from the previously chosen stories and deduce
future changes. The Scrum process is agile because it is
how much time
easy to adapt to any changes in the future. Thus, the
researcher concludes that the scrum process can be used However, several possible CAVs need to integrate by
again to integrate new CAVs in the future. using Scrum Process.
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