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Leaño, Vench Benedict R.



1. How would you describe Mademoiselle?

• Mademoiselle as a word describes as an unmarried woman in France, meanwhile in the story he was a
boy with a gender forced to him since his childhood by his family member giving him a nickname
mademoiselle, which he really likes and accepted.

2. What do you think made Mademoiselle decide to “not be a girl any longer” and be a man?

• Curiousity about sexuality

3. Get into the mind of Mademoiselle. Identify the motive of Mademoiselle regarding the incident with

• He was probably just curious about what the other males was doing and since he's a male he tries it
not knowing anything.

4. What do you think is the message that the author wants to relay to the readers?

• Be the you who you really want, don't let others dictates who you really are.

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